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// nntp.go -- nntp interface for peering
package srnd
import (
const nntpDummyArticle = "<keepalive@dummy.tld>"
type nntpStreamEvent string
func (ev nntpStreamEvent) MessageID() string {
return strings.Split(string(ev), " ")[1]
func (ev nntpStreamEvent) Command() string {
return strings.Split(string(ev), " ")[0]
func nntpTAKETHIS(msgid string) nntpStreamEvent {
return nntpStreamEvent(fmt.Sprintf("TAKETHIS %s", msgid))
func nntpCHECK(msgid string) nntpStreamEvent {
return nntpStreamEvent(fmt.Sprintf("CHECK %s", msgid))
type syncEvent struct {
msgid string
sz int64
state string
// nntp connection state
type nntpConnection struct {
// the name of the feed this connection belongs to
feedname string
// the name of this connection
name string
// hostname used for tls
hostname string
// the mode we are in now
mode string
// what newsgroup is currently selected or empty string if none is selected
group string
// what article is currently selected
selected_article string
// the policy for federation
policy *FeedPolicy
// lock help when expecting non pipelined activity
access sync.Mutex
2017-12-29 19:31:56 +05:00
// pending articles to request
articles []string
// lock for accessing articles to request
articles_access sync.Mutex
// map of message-id -> stream state
2017-09-20 21:45:24 +05:00
pending map[string]*syncEvent
// lock for accessing self.pending map
pending_access sync.Mutex
tls_state tls.ConnectionState
// have we authenticated with a login?
authenticated bool
// the username that is authenticated
username string
// send a channel down this channel to be informed when streaming/reader dies when commanded by QuitAndWait()
die chan chan bool
// remote address of this connections
addr net.Addr
// pending backlog of bytes to transfer
backlog int64
// function used to close connection abruptly
abort func()
// streaming keepalive timer
keepalive *time.Ticker
// get message backlog in bytes
func (self *nntpConnection) GetBacklog() int64 {
return self.backlog
func (self *nntpConnection) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error) {
jmap := make(map[string]interface{})
pending := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range self.pending {
pending[k] = v.state
jmap["pending"] = pending
jmap["mode"] = self.mode
jmap["name"] =
jmap["authed"] = self.authenticated
jmap["group"] =
jmap["backlog"] = self.backlog
data, err = json.Marshal(jmap)
func createNNTPConnection(addr string) *nntpConnection {
var host string
if len(addr) > 0 {
host, _, _ = net.SplitHostPort(addr)
return &nntpConnection{
hostname: host,
2017-09-20 21:45:24 +05:00
pending: make(map[string]*syncEvent),
// gracefully exit nntpconnection when all active transfers are done
// returns when that is done
func (self *nntpConnection) QuitAndWait() {
chnl := make(chan bool)
// tell feed to die
self.die <- chnl
// we are ded
// ded now
// switch modes
func (self *nntpConnection) modeSwitch(mode string, conn *textproto.Conn) (success bool, err error) {
mode = strings.ToUpper(mode)
err = conn.PrintfLine("MODE %s", mode)
if err != nil {
log.Println(, "cannot switch mode", err)
var code int
code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
if code >= 200 && code < 300 {
// accepted mode change
if len(self.mode) > 0 {
log.Printf(, "mode switch %s -> %s", self.mode, mode)
} else {
log.Println(, "switched to mode", mode)
self.mode = mode
success = len(self.mode) > 0
func (self *nntpConnection) Quit(conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
_, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(0)
// send a banner for inbound connections
func (self *nntpConnection) inboundHandshake(conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
err = conn.PrintfLine("200 Posting Allowed")
return err
// outbound setup, check capabilities and set mode
// returns (supports stream, supports reader, supports tls) + error
func (self *nntpConnection) outboundHandshake(conn *textproto.Conn, conf *FeedConfig) (stream, reader, tls bool, err error) {
log.Println(, "outbound handshake")
var line string
var code int
for err == nil {
code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
log.Println(, line)
if err == nil {
if code == 200 {
// send capabilities
log.Println(, "ask for capabilities")
err = conn.PrintfLine("CAPABILITIES")
if err == nil {
// read response
dr := conn.DotReader()
r := bufio.NewReader(dr)
for {
line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
// we are at the end of the dotreader
// set err back to nil and break out
err = nil
} else if err == nil {
if line == "STARTTLS\n" {
log.Println(, "supports STARTTLS")
tls = true
} else if line == "MODE-READER\n" || line == "READER\n" {
log.Println(, "supports READER")
reader = true
} else if line == "STREAMING\n" {
stream = true
log.Println(, "supports STREAMING")
} else if line == "POSTIHAVESTREAMING\n" {
stream = true
reader = false
log.Println(, "is SRNd")
} else {
// we got an error
log.Println("error reading capabilities", err)
// return after reading
} else if code == 201 {
log.Println("feed",, "does not allow posting")
// we don't do auth yet
} else {
if conf != nil && len(conf.username) > 0 && len(conf.passwd) > 0 {
log.Println(, "authenticating...")
err = conn.PrintfLine("AUTHINFO USER %s", conf.username)
if err == nil {
var code int
code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(381)
if code == 381 {
err = conn.PrintfLine("AUTHINFO PASS %s", conf.passwd)
if err == nil {
code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(281)
if code == 281 {
log.Println(, "Auth Successful")
self.authenticated = true
} else {
log.Println(, "Auth incorrect", line)
return false, false, false, io.EOF
// offer up a article to sync via this connection
func (self *nntpConnection) offerStream(msgid string, sz int64) {
if self.messageIsQueued(msgid) {
// already queued for send
} else {
self.backlog += sz
2017-09-20 21:38:17 +05:00
self.messageSetPendingState(msgid, "CHECK", sz)
// handle sending 1 stream event
func (self *nntpConnection) handleStreamEvent(ev nntpStreamEvent, daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
if ValidMessageID(ev.MessageID()) {
cmd, msgid := ev.Command(), ev.MessageID()
if cmd == "TAKETHIS" {
// open message for reading
var rc io.ReadCloser
rc, err =
if err == nil {
err = conn.PrintfLine("%s", ev)
// time to send
dw := conn.DotWriter()
_, err = io.Copy(dw, rc)
err = dw.Close()
2017-09-20 21:38:17 +05:00
self.backlog -= self.pending[msgid].sz
delete(self.pending, msgid)
} else {
2017-09-20 21:38:17 +05:00
self.backlog -= self.pending[msgid].sz
delete(self.pending, msgid)
// ignore this error
err = nil
} else if cmd == "CHECK" {
conn.PrintfLine("%s", ev)
2017-09-20 21:45:24 +05:00
self.pending[msgid].state = "pending"
} else {
log.Println("invalid stream command", ev)
// get all articles give their streaming state
func (self *nntpConnection) getArticlesInState(state string) (articles []string) {
for _, ev := range self.pending {
if ev.state == state {
articles = append(articles, ev.msgid)
func (self *nntpConnection) messageIsQueued(msgid string) (queued bool) {
_, queued = self.pending[msgid]
func (self *nntpConnection) messageSetPendingState(msgid, state string, sz int64) {
s, has := self.pending[msgid]
if has {
s.state = state
self.pending[msgid] = s
} else {
2017-09-20 21:45:24 +05:00
self.pending[msgid] = &syncEvent{msgid: msgid, sz: sz, state: state}
func (self *nntpConnection) messageSetProcessed(msgid string) {
ev, ok := self.pending[msgid]
if ok {
self.backlog -=
delete(self.pending, msgid)
// handle streaming events
// this function should send only
func (self *nntpConnection) handleStreaming(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
for err == nil {
select {
case chnl := <-self.die:
// someone asked us to die
chnl <- true
case <-self.keepalive.C:
err = conn.PrintfLine("CHECK %s", nntpDummyArticle)
2017-09-20 21:38:17 +05:00
if len(self.pending) > 0 {
for msgid, ev := range self.pending {
if ev.state == "CHECK" {
err = self.handleStreamEvent(nntpCHECK(msgid), daemon, conn)
} else if ev.state == "TAKETHIS" {
err = self.handleStreamEvent(nntpTAKETHIS(msgid), daemon, conn)
2017-09-20 21:49:30 +05:00
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
// check if we want the article given its auth status and mime header
// returns empty string if it's okay otherwise an error message
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
func (self *nntpConnection) checkMIMEHeader(daemon *NNTPDaemon, hdr textproto.MIMEHeader) (reason string, allow bool, err error) {
if !self.authenticated {
reason = "not authenticated"
reason, allow, err = self.checkMIMEHeaderNoAuth(daemon, hdr)
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
// check if we want the article given its mime header without checking auth status
// returns empty string if it's okay otherwise an error message
func (self *nntpConnection) checkMIMEHeaderNoAuth(daemon *NNTPDaemon, hdr textproto.MIMEHeader) (reason string, ban bool, err error) {
newsgroup := hdr.Get("Newsgroups")
reference := hdr.Get("References")
msgid := getMessageID(hdr)
encaddr := hdr.Get("X-Encrypted-Ip")
torposter := hdr.Get("X-Tor-Poster")
i2paddr := hdr.Get("X-I2p-Desthash")
content_type := hdr.Get("Content-Type")
has_attachment := strings.HasPrefix(content_type, "multipart/mixed")
pubkey := hdr.Get("X-Pubkey-Ed25519")
// TODO: allow certain pubkeys?
is_signed := pubkey != ""
is_ctl := newsgroup == "ctl" && is_signed
anon_poster := torposter != "" || i2paddr != "" || encaddr == ""
server_pubkey := hdr.Get("X-Frontend-Pubkey")
server_sig := hdr.Get("X-Frontend-Signature")
2017-11-07 04:12:18 +05:00
is_spam := strings.HasPrefix(hdr.Get("X-Spam-Status"), "Yes,")
if is_spam {
reason = "message marked as spam by SpamAssassin"
ban = true
if serverPubkeyIsValid(server_pubkey) {
b, _ := daemon.database.PubkeyRejected(server_pubkey)
if b {
reason = "server's pubkey is banned"
ban = true
if !verifyFrontendSig(server_pubkey, server_sig, msgid) {
reason = "invalid frontend signature"
ban = true
} else if server_pubkey != "" {
reason = fmt.Sprintf("invalid server public key: %s", server_pubkey)
ban = true
if !newsgroupValidFormat(newsgroup) {
// invalid newsgroup format
reason = fmt.Sprintf("invalid newsgroup: %s", newsgroup)
ban = true
} else if banned, _ := daemon.database.NewsgroupBanned(newsgroup); banned {
reason = "newsgroup banned"
ban = true
} else if banned, _ = daemon.database.PubkeyRejected(pubkey); banned {
// check for banned pubkey
reason = "poster's pubkey is banned"
ban = true
} else if self.policy != nil && !self.policy.AllowsNewsgroup(newsgroup) {
2017-04-23 17:00:29 +05:00
reason = "newsgroup not allowed by feed policy"
2017-04-23 16:57:50 +05:00
ban = true
2017-04-23 17:00:01 +05:00
} else if !(ValidMessageID(msgid) || (reference != "" && !ValidMessageID(reference))) {
// invalid message id or reference
reason = "invalid reference or message id is '" + msgid + "' reference is '" + reference + "'"
ban = true
} else if {
// we have already obtain this article locally
reason = "we have this article locally"
// don't ban
} else if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(msgid) {
reason = "article banned"
ban = true
} else if reference != "" && daemon.database.ArticleBanned(reference) {
reason = "thread banned"
ban = true
} else if daemon.database.HasArticle(msgid) {
// this article is too old
2017-12-29 19:31:56 +05:00
reason = "article already seen"
// don't ban
} else if is_ctl {
// we always allow control messages
} else if anon_poster {
// this was posted anonymously
if daemon.allow_anon {
if has_attachment {
// this has attachment
if daemon.allow_anon_attachments {
if daemon.allow_attachments {
// we'll allow anon attachments
} else {
// no attachments permitted
reason = "no attachments allowed"
ban = true
} else {
// we don't take signed messages or attachments posted anonymously
reason = "no anon attachments"
ban = true
} else {
// we allow anon posts that are plain
} else {
// we don't allow anon posts of any kind
reason = "no anon posts allowed"
ban = true
} else {
// check for banned address
if encaddr != "" {
ban, err = daemon.database.CheckEncIPBanned(encaddr)
if err == nil {
if ban {
// this address is banned
reason = "poster remote address is banned"
} else {
// not banned
} else {
// idk wtf
log.Println(, "wtf? invalid article")
if !daemon.allow_attachments {
// we don't want attachments
if is_ctl {
// ctl is fine
} else if is_signed {
// may have an attachment, reject
reason = "disallow signed posts because no attachments allowed"
ban = true
} else if has_attachment {
// we have an attachment, reject
reason = "attachments of any kind not allowed"
ban = true
func (self *nntpConnection) handleLine(daemon *NNTPDaemon, code int, line string, conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
parts := strings.Split(line, " ")
var msgid string
if code == 0 && len(parts) > 1 {
msgid = parts[1]
} else {
msgid = parts[0]
if code == 238 {
if msgid == nntpDummyArticle {
2017-09-20 21:38:17 +05:00
sz, _ :=
2017-09-20 21:38:17 +05:00
self.messageSetPendingState(msgid, "TAKETHIS", sz)
} else if code == 239 {
// successful TAKETHIS
log.Println(msgid, "sent via",
// TODO: remember success
} else if code == 431 {
if msgid == nntpDummyArticle {
// CHECK said we would like this article later
} else if code == 439 {
if msgid == nntpDummyArticle {
// TAKETHIS failed
log.Println(msgid, "was not sent to",, "denied:", line)
// TODO: remember denial
} else if code == 438 {
if msgid == nntpDummyArticle {
// they don't want the article
// TODO: remeber rejection
} else {
// handle command
parts := strings.Split(line, " ")
if len(parts) > 1 {
cmd := strings.ToUpper(parts[0])
if cmd == "MODE" {
mode := strings.ToUpper(parts[1])
if mode == "READER" {
// reader mode
self.mode = "READER"
log.Println(, "switched to reader mode")
if self.authenticated {
conn.PrintfLine("200 Posting Permitted")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("201 No posting Permitted")
} else if mode == "STREAM" && self.authenticated {
// wut? we're already in streaming mode
log.Println(, "already in streaming mode")
conn.PrintfLine("203 Streaming enabled brah")
} else {
// invalid
log.Println(, "got invalid mode request", parts[1])
conn.PrintfLine("501 invalid mode variant:", parts[1])
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "QUIT") {
// quit command
conn.PrintfLine("205 bai")
// close our connection and return
} else if cmd == "AUTHINFO" {
if len(parts) > 1 {
auth_cmd := strings.ToUpper(parts[1])
if auth_cmd == "USER" {
// first part
self.username = parts[2]
// next phase is PASS
conn.PrintfLine("381 Password required")
} else if auth_cmd == "PASS" {
if len(self.username) == 0 {
conn.PrintfLine("482 Authentication commands issued out of sequence")
} else {
// try login
var valid bool
valid, err = daemon.database.CheckNNTPUserExists(self.username)
if valid {
valid, err = daemon.database.CheckNNTPLogin(self.username, line[14:])
if valid {
// valid login
self.authenticated = true
conn.PrintfLine("281 Authentication accepted")
} else if err == nil {
// invalid login
conn.PrintfLine("481 Authentication rejected")
} else {
// there was an error
// logit
log.Println(, "error while logging in as", self.username, err)
conn.PrintfLine("501 error while logging in")
} else {
// wut ?
// wrong legnth of parametrs
} else if cmd == "CHECK" {
// handle check command
msgid := parts[1]
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
if !self.authenticated {
// if client cannot TAKETHIS it shouldn't be able to CHECK either
conn.PrintfLine("480 You have not authenticated")
// have we seen this article?
if {
// yeh don't want it
conn.PrintfLine("438 %s", msgid)
} else if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(msgid) {
// it's banned we don't want it
conn.PrintfLine("438 %s", msgid)
} else {
// yes we do want it and we don't have it
conn.PrintfLine("238 %s", msgid)
} else if cmd == "TAKETHIS" {
// handle takethis command
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
r := bufio.NewReader(conn.DotReader())
if !self.authenticated {
// early reject without parsing incase client not allowed to post
// send response first to allow client to stop sending
// XXX what happens if our send queue is full and this blocks?
// other side will probably fill up sending article to us
// async receive processing would help there
// but this situation has low likehood to happen
// operating system/transport buffering will compensate
// so leave it this way
conn.PrintfLine("480 You have not authenticated")
// discard whole article without looking at insides
// it should be dot-terminated either way
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r)
// client is allowed to post
var msg *mail.Message
var reason string
var ban bool
// read the article header
msg, err = readMIMEHeader(r)
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
if err != nil {
log.Println(, "error reading mime header:", err)
conn.PrintfLine("439 %s error reading mime header", msgid)
// if reading header error'd, msg.Body wont be set
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r)
hdr := textproto.MIMEHeader(msg.Header)
// check the header
reason, ban, err = self.checkMIMEHeaderNoAuth(daemon, hdr)
if len(reason) > 0 {
// discard, we do not want
log.Println(, "rejected", msgid, reason)
2019-04-04 16:25:38 +05:00
conn.PrintfLine("439 %s %s", msgid, reason)
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, msg.Body)
if ban {
err = daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, reason)
} else if err == nil {
// looks good to accept
// check if we don't have the rootpost
reference := hdr.Get("References")
if reference != "" && ValidMessageID(reference) && ! && !daemon.database.IsExpired(reference) {
log.Println(, "got reply to", reference, "but we don't have it")
go daemon.askForArticle(reference)
err = storeMessage(daemon, hdr, msg.Body)
if err == nil {
code = 239
reason = "gotten"
} else {
code = 439
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
reason = err.Error()
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
conn.PrintfLine("%d %s %s", code, msgid, reason)
} else {
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
// error?
// discard, we do not want
log.Println(, "rejected", msgid, "unexpected error", err)
conn.PrintfLine("439 %s unexpected error", msgid)
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, msg.Body)
if ban {
err = daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, reason)
} else if cmd == "ARTICLE" {
if !ValidMessageID(msgid) {
if len( > 0 {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(msgid)
if err == nil {
msgid, err = daemon.database.GetMessageIDForNNTPID(, int64(n))
if ValidMessageID(msgid) {
2018-10-27 16:00:58 +05:00
if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(msgid) {
// article banned
conn.PrintfLine("439 %s article banned from server", msgid)
} else if {
// we have it yeh
f, err :=
if err == nil {
conn.PrintfLine("220 %s", msgid)
dw := conn.DotWriter()
_, err = io.Copy(dw, f)
} else {
// wtf?!
conn.PrintfLine("503 idkwtf happened: %s", err.Error())
} else {
// we dont got it (by msgid)
conn.PrintfLine("430 %s", msgid)
} else {
// we dont got it (by num)
conn.PrintfLine("423 %s", msgid)
} else if cmd == "IHAVE" {
if !self.authenticated {
2018-01-24 03:32:14 +05:00
conn.PrintfLine("480 You have not authenticated")
} else {
// handle IHAVE command
msgid := parts[1]
if daemon.database.HasArticleLocal(msgid) || daemon.database.HasArticle(msgid) || daemon.database.ArticleBanned(msgid) {
// we don't want it
conn.PrintfLine("435 Article Not Wanted")
} else {
// gib we want
conn.PrintfLine("335 Send it plz")
r := bufio.NewReader(conn.DotReader())
msg, err := readMIMEHeader(r)
if err == nil {
// check the header
hdr := textproto.MIMEHeader(msg.Header)
var reason string
var ban bool
reason, ban, err = self.checkMIMEHeader(daemon, hdr)
if len(reason) > 0 {
// discard, we do not want
log.Println(, "rejected", msgid, reason)
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r)
if ban {
_ = daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, reason)
conn.PrintfLine("437 Rejected do not send again bro")
} else {
// check if we don't have the rootpost
reference := hdr.Get("References")
newsgroup := hdr.Get("Newsgroups")
if reference != "" && ValidMessageID(reference) && ! && !daemon.database.IsExpired(reference) {
log.Println(, "got reply to", reference, "but we don't have it")
go daemon.askForArticle(reference)
2017-04-04 19:31:41 +05:00
body := &io.LimitedReader{
R: r,
N: daemon.messageSizeLimitFor(newsgroup),
2017-11-07 04:12:18 +05:00
err = storeMessage(daemon, hdr, body)
if err == nil {
conn.PrintfLine("235 We got it")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("437 Transfer Failed %s", err.Error())
} else {
// error here
conn.PrintfLine("436 Transfer failed: " + err.Error())
} else if cmd == "LISTGROUP" {
// handle LISTGROUP
var group string
if len(parts) > 1 {
// parameters
group = parts[1]
} else {
group =
if len(group) > 0 && newsgroupValidFormat(group) {
if daemon.database.HasNewsgroup(group) {
// we has newsgroup
var hi, lo int64
2017-09-12 01:37:04 +05:00
// THIS is heavy as shit
//count, err := daemon.database.CountAllArticlesInGroup(group)
var err error
count := 0
if err == nil {
hi, lo, err = daemon.database.GetLastAndFirstForGroup(group)
if err == nil {
conn.PrintfLine("211 %d %d %d %s list follows", count, lo, hi, group)
dw := conn.DotWriter()
idx := lo
for idx <= hi {
fmt.Fprintf(dw, "%d\r\n", idx)
if err != nil {
log.Println("LISTGROUP fail", err)
conn.PrintfLine("500 error in LISTGROUP: %s", err.Error())
} else {
// don't has newsgroup
conn.PrintfLine("411 no such newsgroup")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("412 no newsgroup selected")
} else if cmd == "NEWSGROUPS" {
// handle NEWSGROUPS
conn.PrintfLine("231 List of newsgroups follow")
dw := conn.DotWriter()
// get a list of every newsgroup
groups := daemon.database.GetAllNewsgroups()
// for each group
for _, group := range groups {
// get low/high water mark
2017-09-12 01:37:04 +05:00
// XXX: heavy as shit
//lo, hi, err := daemon.database.GetLastAndFirstForGroup(group)
//if err == nil {
2018-01-05 01:45:26 +05:00
if ValidNewsgroup(group) {
2018-01-05 01:51:26 +05:00
fmt.Fprintf(dw, "%s 0 0 y\n", group)
2018-01-05 01:43:55 +05:00
2017-09-12 01:37:04 +05:00
//} else {
// log.Println(, "could not get low/high water mark for", group, err)
// flush dotwriter
} else if cmd == "XOVER" {
// handle XOVER
if == "" {
conn.PrintfLine("412 No newsgroup selected")
} else {
// handle xover command
// right now it's every article in group
models, err := daemon.database.GetNNTPPostsInGroup(
if err == nil {
conn.PrintfLine("224 Overview information follows")
dw := conn.DotWriter()
for _, model := range models {
if model != nil {
if err == nil {
2018-12-10 00:50:27 +05:00
The first 8 fields MUST be the following, in order:
"0" or article number (see below)
Subject header content
From header content
Date header content
Message-ID header content
References header content
:bytes metadata item
:lines metadata item
2018-12-10 00:50:27 +05:00
"%.6d\t%s\t\"%s\" <%s@%s>\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n",
safeHeader(model.Name()), safeHeader(model.Name()), safeHeader(model.Frontend()),
} else {
log.Println(, "error when getting posts in",, err)
conn.PrintfLine("500 error, %s", err.Error())
} else if cmd == "HEAD" {
if len( == 0 {
// no group selected
conn.PrintfLine("412 No newsgroup slected")
} else {
// newsgroup is selected
// handle HEAD command
if len(parts) == 0 {
// we have no parameters
if len(self.selected_article) > 0 {
// we have a selected article
} else {
// no selected article
conn.PrintfLine("420 current article number is invalid")
} else {
// head command has 1 or more paramters
var n int64
var msgid string
var has bool
var code int
n, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64)
if err == nil {
// is a number
msgid, err = daemon.database.GetMessageIDForNNTPID(, n)
if err == nil && len(msgid) > 0 {
has =
if !has {
code = 423
} else if ValidMessageID(parts[1]) {
msgid = parts[1]
has =
if has {
n, err = daemon.database.GetNNTPIDForMessageID(, parts[1])
} else {
code = 430
if err == nil {
if has {
// we has
hdrs :=
if hdrs == nil {
// wtf can't load?
conn.PrintfLine("500 cannot load headers")
} else {
// headers loaded, send them
conn.PrintfLine("221 %d %s", n, msgid)
dw := conn.DotWriter()
err = writeMIMEHeader(dw, hdrs)
hdrs = nil
} else if code > 0 {
// don't has
conn.PrintfLine("%d don't have article", code)
} else {
// invalid state
conn.PrintfLine("500 invalid state in HEAD, should have article but we don't")
} else {
// error occured
conn.PrintfLine("500 error in HEAD: %s", err.Error())
} else if cmd == "GROUP" {
// handle GROUP command
group := parts[1]
// check for newsgroup
if daemon.database.HasNewsgroup(group) {
// we have the group = group
// count posts
number := daemon.database.CountPostsInGroup(group, 0)
// get hi/low water marks
hi, low, err := daemon.database.GetLastAndFirstForGroup(group)
if err == nil {
// we gud
conn.PrintfLine("211 %d %d %d %s", number, low, hi, group)
} else {
// wtf error
log.Println(, "error in GROUP command", err)
// still have to reply, send it bogus low/hi
conn.PrintfLine("211 %d 0 1 %s", number, group)
} else {
// no such group
conn.PrintfLine("411 No Such Newsgroup")
} else if cmd == "LIST" && parts[1] == "NEWSGROUPS" {
// handle list command
2017-09-12 18:27:48 +05:00
list, err := daemon.database.GetNewsgroupList()
if err == nil {
conn.PrintfLine("215 list of newsgroups follows")
dw := conn.DotWriter()
for _, entry := range list {
2018-01-05 01:51:26 +05:00
if ValidNewsgroup(entry[0]) {
io.WriteString(dw, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s y\r\n", entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]))
2017-09-12 18:27:48 +05:00
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("500 failed to get list: %s", err.Error())
} else if cmd == "STAT" {
if len( == 0 {
if len(parts) == 2 {
// parameter given
msgid := parts[1]
// check for article
if ValidMessageID(msgid) && {
// valid message id
var n int64
n, err = daemon.database.GetNNTPIDForMessageID(, msgid)
// exists
conn.PrintfLine("223 %d %s", n, msgid)
err = nil
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("430 No article with that message-id")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("412 No newsgroup selected")
} else if daemon.database.HasNewsgroup( {
// group specified
if len(parts) == 2 {
// parameter specified
var msgid string
var n int64
n, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64)
if err == nil {
msgid, err = daemon.database.GetMessageIDForNNTPID(, n)
if err != nil {
// error getting id
conn.PrintfLine("500 error getting nntp article id: %s", err.Error())
} else {
// message id
msgid = parts[1]
if ValidMessageID(msgid) && {
conn.PrintfLine("223 %d %s", n, msgid)
} else if n == 0 {
// was a message id
conn.PrintfLine("430 no such article")
} else {
// was an article number
conn.PrintfLine("423 no article with that number")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("420 Current article number is invalid")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("500 invalid daemon state, got STAT with group set but we don't have that group now?")
2017-10-24 17:51:21 +05:00
} else if cmd == "XPAT" {
var hdr string
var msgid string
var lo, hi int64
var pats []string
if len(parts) >= 3 {
hdr = parts[1]
if ValidMessageID(parts[2]) {
msgid = parts[2]
} else {
lo, hi = parseRange(parts[2])
if !ValidNewsgroup( {
conn.PrintfLine("430 no such article")
pats = parts[3:]
var hdrs ArticleHeaders
if len(msgid) > 0 {
hdrs, err = daemon.database.GetHeadersForMessage(msgid)
} else {
hdrs, err = daemon.database.FindHeaders(, hdr, lo, hi)
if err == nil {
hdrs = headerFindPats(hdr, hdrs, pats)
if hdrs.Len() > 0 {
conn.PrintfLine("221 Header follows")
for _, vals := range hdrs {
for idx := range vals {
conn.PrintfLine("%s: %s", hdr, vals[idx])
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("430 no such article")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("502 %s", err.Error())
conn.PrintfLine("430 no such article")
} else if cmd == "XHDR" {
if len( > 0 {
var msgid string
var hdr string
if len(parts) == 2 {
// XHDR headername
2017-09-26 19:15:52 +05:00
hdr = parts[1]
if self.selected_article == "" {
conn.PrintfLine("420 No Current Article selected")
msgid = self.selected_article
} else if len(parts) == 3 {
// message id
msgid = parts[2]
hdr = parts[1]
} else {
// wtf?
conn.PrintfLine("502 no permission")
if ValidMessageID(msgid) {
hdrs :=
if hdrs != nil {
v := hdrs.Get(hdr, "")
conn.PrintfLine("221 header follows")
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("500 could not fetch headers for %s", msgid)
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("430 no such article")
} else {
// no newsgroup
conn.PrintfLine("412 no newsgroup selected")
} else {
log.Println(, "invalid command recv'd", cmd)
conn.PrintfLine("500 Invalid command: %s", cmd)
} else {
if line == "LIST" {
2017-09-12 18:27:48 +05:00
list, err := daemon.database.GetNewsgroupList()
if err == nil {
conn.PrintfLine("215 list of newsgroups follows")
dw := conn.DotWriter()
for _, entry := range list {
2018-01-05 01:51:26 +05:00
if ValidNewsgroup(entry[0]) {
2018-11-25 03:48:30 +05:00
io.WriteString(dw, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s y\r\n", entry[0], entry[2], entry[1]))
2018-01-05 01:51:26 +05:00
2017-09-12 18:27:48 +05:00
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("500 failed to get list: %s", err.Error())
} else if line == "POST" {
if !self.authenticated {
// needs tls to work if not logged in
conn.PrintfLine("440 Posting Not Allowed")
} else {
// handle POST command
conn.PrintfLine("340 Yeeeh postit yo; end with <CR-LF>.<CR-LF>")
var msg *mail.Message
msg, err = readMIMEHeader(bufio.NewReader(conn.DotReader()))
var success bool
var reason string
if err == nil {
hdr := textproto.MIMEHeader(msg.Header)
if getMessageID(hdr) == "" {
hdr.Set("Message-ID", genMessageID(daemon.instance_name))
msgid = getMessageID(hdr)
hdr.Set("Date", timeNowStr())
ipaddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(self.addr.String())
if len(ipaddr) > 0 {
// inject encrypted ip for poster
encaddr, err := daemon.database.GetEncAddress(ipaddr)
if err == nil {
hdr.Set("X-Encrypted-Ip", encaddr)
reason, _, err = self.checkMIMEHeader(daemon, hdr)
success = reason == "" && err == nil
if success {
refs := strings.Split(hdr.Get("References"), " ")
newsgroup := hdr.Get("Newsgroups")
for _, reference := range refs {
if reference != "" && ValidMessageID(reference) {
if ! && !daemon.database.IsExpired(reference) {
log.Println(, "got reply to", reference, "but we don't have it")
go daemon.askForArticle(reference)
} else {
2020-03-07 18:27:45 +05:00
// get rootiest post
ref := reference
var h textproto.MIMEHeader
for ref != "" {
h =
ref = strings.Trim(h.Get("References"), " ")
2020-03-07 18:27:45 +05:00
hdr.Set("References", getMessageID(h))
} else if reference != "" {
// bad message id
reason = "cannot reply with invalid reference, maybe you are replying to a reply?"
success = false
if success && daemon.database.HasNewsgroup(newsgroup) {
2017-04-04 19:31:41 +05:00
body := &io.LimitedReader{
R: msg.Body,
N: daemon.messageSizeLimitFor(newsgroup),
2017-11-07 04:12:18 +05:00
err = storeMessage(daemon, hdr, body)
if success {
// all gud
conn.PrintfLine("240 We got it, thnkxbai")
} else {
// failed posting
if err != nil {
log.Println(, "failed nntp POST", err)
2017-04-04 19:31:41 +05:00
reason = err.Error()
conn.PrintfLine("441 Posting Failed %s", reason)
} else {
conn.PrintfLine("500 wut?")
func (self *nntpConnection) startStreaming(daemon *NNTPDaemon, reader bool, conn *textproto.Conn) {
self.keepalive = time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
defer self.keepalive.Stop()
err := self.handleStreaming(daemon, conn)
if err == nil {
log.Println(, "done with streaming")
} else {
log.Println(, "error while streaming:", err)
// interprets result string from response code 211 of GROUP message
// for parts it fails, returns zeros
func interpretGroupResult(line string) (es, lo, hi uint64, group string) {
// this code is braindead but I was lazy to search stdlib
startes := 0
for startes < len(line) && (line[startes] == ' ' || line[startes] == '\t') {
endes := startes
for endes < len(line) && line[endes] != ' ' && line[endes] != '\t' {
startlo := endes
for startlo < len(line) && (line[startlo] == ' ' || line[startlo] == '\t') {
endlo := startlo
for endlo < len(line) && line[endlo] != ' ' && line[endlo] != '\t' {
starthi := endlo
for starthi < len(line) && (line[starthi] == ' ' || line[starthi] == '\t') {
endhi := starthi
for endhi < len(line) && line[endhi] != ' ' && line[endhi] != '\t' {
startgroup := endhi
for startgroup < len(line) && (line[startgroup] == ' ' || line[startgroup] == '\t') {
// will return 0 if failed to parse. which is OK for us
es, _ = strconv.ParseUint(line[startes:endes], 10, 64)
lo, _ = strconv.ParseUint(line[startlo:endlo], 10, 64)
hi, _ = strconv.ParseUint(line[starthi:endhi], 10, 64)
group = line[startgroup:]
const maxXOVERRange = 800
// scrape all posts in a newsgroup
// download ones we do not have
func (self *nntpConnection) scrapeGroup(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn, group string) (err error) {
log.Println(, "scrape newsgroup", group)
// send GROUP command
err = conn.PrintfLine("GROUP %s", group)
if err == nil {
// read reply to GROUP command
var code int
var ret string
code, ret, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(211)
// check code
if code == 211 {
// success
es, lo, hi, _ := interpretGroupResult(ret)
for {
2018-01-24 20:39:37 +05:00
if lo > hi {
// server indicated empty group
// or
// we finished pulling stuff
2018-01-24 20:57:13 +05:00
if hi-lo+1 <= maxXOVERRange {
// not too much for us to pull
if es == 0 && lo == 0 && hi == 0 {
// empty group
if lo != hi {
// usual normal case
err = conn.PrintfLine("XOVER %d-%d", lo, hi)
} else if lo == 0 {
// probably something went wrong. try pulling more
err = conn.PrintfLine("XOVER 0-")
} else {
// normal case with one article
err = conn.PrintfLine("XOVER %d", lo)
lo = hi + 1
} else {
// too much to pull in one shot
err = conn.PrintfLine("XOVER %d-%d", lo, lo+maxXOVERRange-1)
lo += maxXOVERRange
if err != nil {
// something went very wrong
// no error sending command, read first line
code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(224)
if code == 224 {
// maps message-id -> references
articles := make(map[string]string)
// successful response, read multiline
dr := conn.DotReader()
sc := bufio.NewScanner(dr)
for sc.Scan() {
line := sc.Text()
parts := strings.Split(line, "\t")
if len(parts) > 5 {
// probably valid line
msgid := parts[4]
// msgid -> reference
articles[msgid] = parts[5]
2018-01-26 19:46:59 +05:00
// incase server returned more articles than we requested
if num, nerr := strconv.ParseUint(parts[0], 10, 64); nerr == nil && num >= lo {
// fix lo so that we wont request them again
lo = num + 1
} else {
// probably not valid line
// ignore
err = sc.Err()
if err == nil {
// everything went okay when reading multiline
// for each article
for msgid, refid := range articles {
// check the reference
if len(refid) > 0 && ValidMessageID(refid) {
// do we have it?
if daemon.database.HasArticle(refid) {
// we have it don't do anything
} else if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(refid) {
// thread banned
} else {
// we don't got root post and it's not banned, try getting it
err = self.requestArticle(daemon, conn, refid)
if err != nil {
// something bad happened
log.Println(, "failed to obtain root post", refid, err)
2018-01-24 21:21:51 +05:00
// it fails only when REALLY bad stuff happens
// check the actual message-id
if len(msgid) > 0 && ValidMessageID(msgid) {
// do we have it?
if daemon.database.HasArticle(msgid) {
// we have it, don't do shit
} else if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(msgid) {
// this article is banned, don't do shit yo
} else {
// we don't have it but we want it
err = self.requestArticle(daemon, conn, msgid)
if err != nil {
// something bad happened
log.Println(, "failed to obtain article", msgid, err)
2018-01-24 21:21:51 +05:00
// it fails only when REALLY bad stuff happens
} else {
// something bad went down when reading multiline
log.Println(, "failed to read multiline for", group, "XOVER command")
2018-01-22 22:15:25 +05:00
} else if code >= 420 || code <= 429 {
// group doesn't have articles in one way or another. not really error
err = nil
} else if err == nil {
// invalid response code no error
log.Println(, "says they don't have", group, "but they should")
} else {
// error recving response
log.Println(, "error recving response from GROUP command", err)
// ask for an article from the remote server
func (self *nntpConnection) askForArticle(msgid string) {
if self.messageIsQueued(msgid) {
// already queued
} else {
2017-12-29 19:31:56 +05:00
log.Println(, "asking for", msgid)
self.messageSetPendingState(msgid, "queued", 0)
2017-12-29 19:31:56 +05:00
self.articles = append(self.articles, msgid)
// grab every post from the remote server, assumes outbound connection
func (self *nntpConnection) scrapeServer(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
self.abort = func() {
defer func() {
self.abort = nil
log.Println(, "scrape remote server")
success := true
if success {
// send newsgroups command
2017-09-24 19:16:08 +05:00
err = conn.PrintfLine("LIST NEWSGROUPS")
if err == nil {
// read response line
2017-09-24 19:21:56 +05:00
code, line, err := conn.ReadCodeLine(0)
2017-09-24 19:18:31 +05:00
if code == 231 || code == 215 {
var groups []string
// valid response, we expect a multiline
dr := conn.DotReader()
// read lines
sc := bufio.NewScanner(dr)
for sc.Scan() {
line := sc.Text()
2018-01-22 22:15:25 +05:00
idx := strings.IndexAny(line, " \t")
if idx > 0 {
2018-08-05 04:35:47 +05:00
log.Println(, "got newsgroup", line[:idx])
groups = append(groups, line[:idx])
2018-01-22 22:15:25 +05:00
} else if idx < 0 {
2018-08-05 04:35:47 +05:00
log.Println(, "got newsgroup", line)
2018-01-22 22:15:25 +05:00
groups = append(groups, line)
} else {
2018-01-22 22:15:25 +05:00
// can't have it starting with WS
log.Printf("%s invalid line in newsgroups multiline response [%s]\n",, line)
err = sc.Err()
if err == nil {
log.Println(, "got list of newsgroups")
// for each group
for _, group := range groups {
var banned bool
// check if the newsgroup is banned
banned, err = daemon.database.NewsgroupBanned(group)
if banned {
// we don't want it
} else if err == nil {
if daemon.AllowsNewsgroup(group) {
// scrape the group
err = self.scrapeGroup(daemon, conn, group)
if err != nil {
2018-01-22 22:15:25 +05:00
log.Println(, "failure scraping group", group, "error:", err)
// do not break here, continue with other groups
} else {
// error while checking for ban
log.Println(, "checking for newsgroup ban failed", err)
} else {
// we got a bad multiline block?
log.Println(, "bad multiline response from newsgroups command", err)
} else if err == nil {
// invalid response no error
2017-09-24 19:21:56 +05:00
log.Println(, "gave us invalid response to newsgroups command", line)
} else {
// invalid response with error
log.Println(, "error while reading response from newsgroups command", err)
} else {
log.Println(, "failed to send newsgroups command", err)
} else if err == nil {
// failed to switch mode to reader
log.Println(, "does not do reader mode, bailing scrape")
} else {
// failt to switch mode because of error
log.Println(, "failed to switch to reader mode when scraping", err)
// ask for an article from the remote server
// feed it to the daemon if we get it
func (self *nntpConnection) requestArticle(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn, msgid string) (err error) {
if {
// send command
err = conn.PrintfLine("ARTICLE %s", msgid)
// read response
var code int
var line string
code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
if code == 220 {
// awwww yeh we got it
var msg *mail.Message
// read header
msg, err = readMIMEHeader(bufio.NewReader(conn.DotReader()))
if err == nil {
hdr := textproto.MIMEHeader(msg.Header)
// prepare to read body
// check header and decide if we want this
reason, ban, err := self.checkMIMEHeaderNoAuth(daemon, hdr)
if err == nil {
if len(reason) > 0 {
log.Println(, "discarding", msgid, reason)
// we don't want it, discard
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, msg.Body)
if ban {
daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, reason)
} else {
// yeh we want it open up a file to store it in
2017-04-04 19:31:41 +05:00
body := &io.LimitedReader{
R: msg.Body,
N: daemon.messageSizeLimitFor(hdr.Get("Newsgroups")),
2017-11-07 04:12:18 +05:00
err = storeMessage(daemon, hdr, body)
if err != nil {
log.Println(, "failed to obtain article", err)
daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, err.Error())
} else {
// error happened while processing
log.Println(, "error happend while processing MIME header", err)
} else {
// error happened while reading header
log.Println(, "error happened while reading MIME header", err)
} else if code == 430 {
// they don't know it D:
} else {
// invalid response
log.Println(, "invald response to ARTICLE:", code, line)
2017-10-31 20:52:59 +05:00
if err != nil {
log.Println(, err.Error())
func (self *nntpConnection) startReader(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn) {
log.Println(, "run reader mode")
2017-10-31 21:03:15 +05:00
var err error
for err == nil {
select {
case chnl := <-self.die:
// we were asked to die
// send quit
chnl <- true
2017-12-29 19:31:56 +05:00
var msgid string
if len(self.articles) > 0 {
msgid = self.articles[0]
self.articles = self.articles[1:]
if len(msgid) > 0 {
// next article to ask for
log.Println(, "obtaining", msgid)
self.messageSetPendingState(msgid, "article", 0)
err = self.requestArticle(daemon, conn, msgid)
if err != nil {
log.Println(, "error while in reader mode:", err)
2017-12-29 19:37:09 +05:00
} else {
// close connection
// run the mainloop for this connection
// stream if true means they support streaming mode
// reader if true means they support reader mode
func (self *nntpConnection) runConnection(daemon *NNTPDaemon, inbound, stream, reader, use_tls bool, preferMode string, nconn net.Conn, conf *FeedConfig) {
defer nconn.Close()
self.addr = nconn.RemoteAddr()
var err error
var line string
var success bool
var conn *textproto.Conn
if (conf != nil && !conf.tls_off) && use_tls && daemon.CanTLS() && !inbound {
log.Println(, "STARTTLS with", self.hostname)
conn, _, err = SendStartTLS(nconn, daemon.GetTLSConfig(self.hostname))
if err != nil {
log.Println(, err)
} else {
// we are authenticated if we are don't need tls
conn = textproto.NewConn(nconn)
if !inbound {
if preferMode == "stream" {
// try outbound streaming
if stream {
success, err = self.modeSwitch("STREAM", conn)
if success {
self.mode = "STREAM"
// start outbound streaming in background
go self.startStreaming(daemon, reader, conn)
} else if reader {
// try reader mode
success, err = self.modeSwitch("READER", conn)
if success {
self.mode = "READER"
self.startReader(daemon, conn)
if success {
log.Println(, "mode set to", self.mode)
} else {
// bullshit
// we can't do anything so we quit
log.Println(, "can't stream or read, wtf?", err)
for err == nil {
line, err = conn.ReadLine()
if inbound && strings.HasPrefix(line, "QUIT") {
conn.PrintfLine("205 bai")
if self.mode == "" {
if inbound {
if len(line) == 0 {
parts := strings.Split(line, " ")
cmd := parts[0]
if cmd == "STARTTLS" {
_conn, state, err := HandleStartTLS(nconn, daemon.GetOurTLSConfig())
if err == nil {
// we are now tls
conn = _conn
self.tls_state = state
self.authenticated = true
log.Println(, "TLS initiated", self.authenticated)
} else {
log.Println("STARTTLS failed:", err)
2017-10-24 17:51:21 +05:00
} else if cmd == "CAPABILITIES" {
// write capabilities
conn.PrintfLine("101 i support to the following:")
dw := conn.DotWriter()
caps := []string{"VERSION 2", "READER", "STREAMING", "IMPLEMENTATION srndv2", "POST", "IHAVE", "AUTHINFO"}
if daemon.CanTLS() {
caps = append(caps, "STARTTLS")
for _, cap := range caps {
io.WriteString(dw, cap)
io.WriteString(dw, "\n")
log.Println(, "sent Capabilities")
} else if cmd == "MODE" {
if len(parts) == 2 {
mode := strings.ToUpper(parts[1])
if mode == "READER" {
// set reader mode
self.mode = "READER"
// we'll allow posting for reader
conn.PrintfLine("200 Posting is Permitted awee yeh")
} else if mode == "STREAM" {
if !self.authenticated {
conn.PrintfLine("483 Streaming Denied")
} else {
// set streaming mode
conn.PrintfLine("203 Stream it brah")
self.mode = "STREAM"
log.Println(, "streaming enabled")
} else {
// handle a it as a command, we don't have a mode set
parts := strings.Split(line, " ")
cmd := parts[0]
if cmd == "STARTTLS" {
_conn, state, err := HandleStartTLS(nconn, daemon.GetOurTLSConfig())
if err == nil {
// we are now tls
conn = _conn
self.tls_state = state
self.authenticated = state.HandshakeComplete
log.Println("TLS initiated")
} else {
log.Println("STARTTLS failed:", err)
var code64 int64
code64, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 32)
if err == nil {
err = self.handleLine(daemon, int(code64), line[4:], conn)
} else {
err = self.handleLine(daemon, 0, line, conn)
} else {
if err == nil {
parts := strings.Split(line, " ")
var code64 int64
code64, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 32)
if err == nil {
err = self.handleLine(daemon, int(code64), line[4:], conn)
} else {
err = self.handleLine(daemon, 0, line, conn)
if err != io.EOF {
log.Println(, "got error", err)
if !inbound && conn != nil {
// send quit on outbound