Revert "send posts the other side doesn't have on stream start"
This reverts commit f80acbecc2f9e38cdf8c6e0ea7a98d2f6bd209bc.
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,8 +256,6 @@ type Database interface {
// ordered from oldest to newest
GetPostsInGroup(group string) ([]PostModel, error)
GetMessagesInGroup(group string) ([]string, error)
// get the numerical id of the last , first article for a given group
GetLastAndFirstForGroup(group string) (int64, int64, error)
@ -1536,73 +1536,6 @@ func (self *nntpConnection) startReader(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn
func (self *nntpConnection) listNewsgroups(conn *textproto.Conn) (groups []string, err error) {
err = conn.PrintfLine("LIST NEWSGROUPS")
if err == nil {
var code int
code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(0)
if code == 231 || code == 215 {
dr := conn.DotReader()
// read lines
sc := bufio.NewScanner(dr)
for sc.Scan() {
line := sc.Text()
idx := strings.Index(line, " ")
if idx > 0 {
group := line[:idx]
if ValidNewsgroup(group) {
groups = append(groups, group)
func (self *nntpConnection) getNewsgroupArticles(group string, conn *textproto.Conn) (msgids []string, err error) {
err = conn.PrintfLine("GROUP %s", group)
if err == nil {
// read reply to GROUP command
code := 0
code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(211)
// check code
if code == 211 {
// success
// send XOVER command, dummy parameter for now
err = conn.PrintfLine("XOVER 0")
if err == nil {
// no error sending command, read first line
code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(224)
if code == 224 {
// maps message-id -> references
articles := make(map[string]string)
// successful response, read multiline
dr := conn.DotReader()
sc := bufio.NewScanner(dr)
for sc.Scan() {
line := sc.Text()
parts := strings.Split(line, "\t")
if len(parts) > 5 {
// probably valid line
msgid := parts[4]
// msgid -> reference
articles[msgid] = parts[5]
} else {
// probably not valid line
// ignore
for msgid := range articles {
msgids = append(msgids, msgid)
// run the mainloop for this connection
// stream if true means they support streaming mode
// reader if true means they support reader mode
@ -1628,50 +1561,13 @@ func (self *nntpConnection) runConnection(daemon *NNTPDaemon, inbound, stream, r
if !inbound {
if preferMode == "stream" {
// try outbound streaming
if stream {
// get list of everything
msgids := make(map[string]bool)
success, err = self.modeSwitch("READER", conn)
if err == nil && success {
var groups []string
groups, err = self.listNewsgroups(conn)
if err == nil {
// get all posts in each newsgroup
for _, group := range groups {
if conf.policy.AllowsNewsgroup(group) {
var msgsLocal, msgsRemote []string
msgsLocal, err = daemon.database.GetMessagesInGroup(group)
if err == nil {
msgsRemote, err = self.getNewsgroupArticles(group, conn)
if err == nil {
for _, mLocal := range msgsLocal {
msgids[mLocal] = true
for _, mRemote := range msgsRemote {
msgids[mRemote] = false
// try outbound streaming
success, err = self.modeSwitch("STREAM", conn)
if success {
self.mode = "STREAM"
// start outbound streaming in background
go self.startStreaming(daemon, reader, conn)
// for ever missing message they don't have
for msgid, wants := range msgids {
// queue for send
if wants {
sz, e :=
if e == nil {
self.offerStream(msgid, sz)
} else if reader {
@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ const GetNNTPPostsInGroup = "GetNNTPPostsInGroup"
const GetCitesByPostHashLike = "GetCitesByPostHashLike"
const GetYearlyPostHistory = "GetYearlyPostHistory"
const GetNewsgroupList = "GetNewsgroupList"
const GetMessagesInGroup = "GetMessagesInGroup"
func (self *PostgresDatabase) prepareStatements() {
self.stmt = map[string]string{
@ -215,7 +214,6 @@ func (self *PostgresDatabase) prepareStatements() {
GetNNTPPostsInGroup: "SELECT message_no, ArticlePosts.message_id, subject, time_posted, ref_id, name, path FROM ArticleNumbers INNER JOIN ArticlePosts ON ArticleNumbers.message_id = ArticlePosts.message_id WHERE ArticlePosts.newsgroup = $1 ORDER BY message_no",
GetCitesByPostHashLike: "SELECT message_id, message_ref_id FROM Articles WHERE message_id_hash LIKE $1",
GetYearlyPostHistory: "WITH times(endtime, begintime) AS ( SELECT CAST(EXTRACT(epoch from i) AS BIGINT) AS endtime, CAST(EXTRACT(epoch from i - interval '1 month') AS BIGINT) AS begintime FROM generate_series(now() - interval '10 year', now(), '1 month'::interval) i ) SELECT begintime, endtime, ( SELECT count(*) FROM ArticlePosts WHERE time_posted > begintime AND time_posted < endtime) FROM times",
GetMessagesInGroup: "SELECT message_id FROM ArticlePosts WHERE newsgroup = $1",
@ -1930,21 +1928,6 @@ func (self *PostgresDatabase) GetNewsgroupList() (list NewsgroupList, err error)
func (self *PostgresDatabase) GetMessagesInGroup(group string) (msgids []string, err error) {
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = self.conn.Query(self.stmt[GetMessagesInGroup], group)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
} else if err == nil {
for rows.Next() {
var msgid string
msgids = append(msgids, msgid)
func (self *PostgresDatabase) FindCitesInText(text string) (msgids []string, err error) {
hashes := findBacklinks(text)
if len(hashes) > 0 {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user