Stanislav N. aka pztrn c926a58276 Private pastes, systemd unit file, design updates.
It is now possible to create private pastes, just check approriate

Added systemd unit file. Don't forget to fix it for your needs!

Updated design for pastes viewing, now paste information shows in
table. Improves mobile experience at least :).
2018-05-01 22:56:45 +05:00

76 lines
2.4 KiB

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# Fast Pastebin
Easy-to-use-and-install pastebin software written in Go. No bells or
whistles, no websockets and even NO JAVASCRIPT!(*)
(*) Except fontawesome, because it's awesome :).
# Current functionality.
* Paste text.
* View pastes.
* Syntax highlighting.
# Caveats.
* No links at lines numbers. See
# Installation and updating
Just issue:
go get -u -v
This command can be used to update Fast Paste Bin.
# Configuration.
Take a look at [example configuration file](examples/fastpastebin.yaml.dist)
which contains all supported options and their descriptions.
Configuration file position is irrelevant, there is no hardcoded paths where
Fast Paste Bin looking for it's configuration. Use ``-config`` CLI parameter
or ``FASTPASTEBIN_CONFIG`` environment variable to specify path.
# Developing
Developers should install which is used
as replacement to go-bindata for embedding assets into binary. After changing
assets they should be recompiled into Go code. At repository root execute
this command and you'll be fine:
fileb0x fileb0x.yml
Also if you're changed list of assets (by creating or deleting them) be sure
to fix files list in ``fileb0x.yml`` file!
The rest is default - use linters, formatters, etc. VSCode with Go plugin is
recommended for developing as it will perform most of linting-formatting
actions automagically. Try to follow
with few exceptions:
* Imports should be organized in 3 groups: stdlib, local, other. See for
* We're not forcing any limits on line length for code, only for comments,
they should be 72-76 chars long.
# ToDo
This is a ToDo list which isn't sorted by any parameter at all. Just a list
of tasks you can help with.
* Pastes expiration. It saves time to database but isn't blocking access.
* User CP.
* Files uploading.
* Passwords for pastes and files.
* Pastes forking and revisioning (like git or github gists).
* Possibility to copy-paste-edit WISYWIG content.
* CLI client for pastes and files uploading.