Stanislav Nikitin pztrn
  • Joined on 2022-06-26
pztrn pushed tag 1.16.0-1 to containers/rainloop 2022-06-29 18:13:59 +05:00
pztrn pushed to master at containers/rainloop 2022-06-29 18:13:23 +05:00
2b5cf83204 Switch to mirrorred images for Drone and Docker.
pztrn pushed tag v2.12.1 to containers/drone-nolimit 2022-06-29 17:47:14 +05:00
pztrn pushed to master at containers/drone-nolimit 2022-06-29 17:45:48 +05:00
2fcbf929b0 Update to Drone 2.12.1.
pztrn pushed to master at containers/drone-nolimit 2022-06-29 17:42:52 +05:00
9e8b70ddab Switch to mirrorred images for Drone and Dockerfile.
pztrn pushed to master at libraries/flagger 2022-06-29 16:35:38 +05:00
afcd13f1ef Switch to mirrorred images for Drone and make linters happy.
pztrn pushed to master at libraries/sec 2022-06-29 16:18:04 +05:00
d11add902d -mod=vendor should not be used in CI.
pztrn pushed to master at libraries/sec 2022-06-29 16:17:00 +05:00
090756ada8 Switch to mirrorred images for Drone, make linters happy.
pztrn pushed to master at libraries/valiwork 2022-06-29 15:33:13 +05:00
d26b8f4262 Switch to mirrorred images for Drone and Docker, make linters happy.
pztrn pushed to main at containers/mirror 2022-06-29 15:21:59 +05:00
4c057ad204 Add bullseye image for golang and return proper exitcode in mirror script.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/giredore 2022-06-29 15:06:39 +05:00
52758c6e1f Use proper image for tests.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/giredore 2022-06-29 15:05:13 +05:00
9e5f98a413 Move to mirrorred images for Drone and Dockerfile, linting fixes.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/periodicator 2022-06-29 13:19:30 +05:00
7fa3553da6 Make linters happy.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/opensaps 2022-06-29 13:16:52 +05:00
bff1050eab Make linters happy.
pztrn opened issue apps/metricator#5 2022-06-29 13:11:26 +05:00
Improve documentation
pztrn pushed to master at apps/metricator 2022-06-29 13:00:59 +05:00
dc1287dae8 Make linters happy and disable deprecated exhaustivestruct.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/metricator 2022-06-29 00:42:22 +05:00
9d5d5c262e Update Drone configuration and Dockerfile to use mirrorred images.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/opensaps 2022-06-29 00:37:25 +05:00
24644dba93 Update Drone configuration and Dockerfile to use mirrorred images.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/periodicator 2022-06-29 00:32:52 +05:00
14581dbe83 Update Drone configuration and Dockerfile to use mirrorred images.
pztrn pushed to master at apps/glp 2022-06-29 00:18:39 +05:00
b1c765ed4c Add Drone CI configuration.