Yggdrasil monitoring things

This directory contains everything you need to monitor status of your Yggdrasil node.

Helper scripts

There are two helper scripts that should be placed somewhere. Don't forget about +x!

  • yggdrasil_peers.sh - returns number of connected peers.
  • yggdrasil_traffic.sh - returns traffic calculation. Accepts incoming or outgoing as first parameter.

Both scripts use yggdrasilctl binary and parse it's output.

Configure nxagent

Add this to /etc/nxagentd.conf:

ExternalParameterShellExec=Yggdrasil.GetBytesReceived():/usr/local/bin/yggdrasil_traffic.sh incoming
ExternalParameterShellExec=Yggdrasil.GetBytesSent():usr/local/bin/yggdrasil_traffic.sh outgoing

Don't forget to restart NetXMS agent!