# SnappyMail webmail Docker container This repository contains Snappymail webmail Docker container build scripts and neccessary configuration files. ## Persistent things There are some things that should be preserved between container's restarts. Please, add new volume for ``/var/www/snappymail/data`` directory. If you're binding directory except of creating volume please do proper ``chown``: ```shell chown -R 100:101 /dir/with/data ``` ## Use with docker-compose You may use this image with docker-compose like that *(do not forget to replace version with needed one!)*: ```yaml version: "2.4" services: rainloop: restart: always image: "code.pztrn.name/containers/snappymail:2.17.0" volumes: - "/root/snappymail/data:/var/www/snappymail/data" ports: - "5480:80" cpus: 2 mem_limit: 1G memswap_limit: 0 ```