{{! board.mustache, displays the contents of page N of the board template parameters: - board ( the model of the current page ) - page ( the page number of the current page ) board has the properties: - Prefix ( absolute path like //site.tld/ or /path/ ) - Board ( the name of the board ) - Navbar ( a function that renders the navbar, should not be escaped ) - Threads ( a list of Thread Models with the last few replies ) }} <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{board.Prefix}}static/site.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{board.Prefix}}static/user.css" /> <link id="current_theme" rel="stylesheet" href="{{board.Prefix}}static/user.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{board.Prefix}}static/nntpchan.js"></script> <title>{{board.Board}}</title> </head> <body> <!-- begin navbar --> {{{board.Navbar}}} <!-- end navbar --> <center> <div id="nntpchan_banner"> </div> </center> <div class="board_header">{{board.Board}}</div> <!-- <div class="board_header_catalog"><a href="{{board.Prefix}}catalog-{{board.Name}}.html"> {{#i18n.Translations}}{{catalog_label}}{{/i18n.Translations}} </a></div> --> <!-- postform --> <div id="postform_container"> {{{form}}} </div> <hr /> <div id="threads_container"> {{#board.Threads}} <div class="thread" id="thread_{{OP.PostHash}}"> <div class="truncated_post"> <div class="thread_header"> <span class="thread_posts"> {{PostCount}} posts </span> <span class="thread_images"> {{ImageCount}} images </span> </div> {{{OP.RenderTruncatedPost}}} {{#Truncate}} <div class="thread_exclude_info"> <span class="thread_exclude_posts">{{MissingPostCount}} posts excluded</span> <span class="thread_exclude_images">{{MissingImageCount}} images excluded</span> </div> </div> {{#Replies}} <div class="truncated_post"> {{{RenderTruncatedPost}}} </div> {{/Replies}} {{/Truncate}} <hr /> </div> {{/board.Threads}} </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var prefix = "{{board.Prefix}}"; var e = document.getElementById("nntpchan_banner"); nntpchan_inject_banners(e, prefix); if(init) init(prefix); ready(prefix); </script> <hr/> <div class="pagelist">{{# board.PageList }}[<a href="{{LinkURL}}"> {{Text}} </a>] {{/ board.PageList }} <span class="navbar-sep"> | </span> <a href="{{board.Prefix}}catalog-{{board.Name}}.html"> {{#i18n.Translations}}{{catalog_label}}{{/i18n.Translations}} </a> </div> <footer> <p class="legal">All posts on this site are the responsibility of the individual poster and not the administration, pursuant to 47 U.S.C. ยง 230.</p> <p class="legal">To make a DMCA request or report illegal content, please contact the administration</p> </footer> </body> </html>