REPO=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) REPO_GOPATH=$(REPO)/go MINIFY=$(REPO_GOPATH)/bin/minify JS=$(REPO)/contrib/static/nntpchan.js CONTRIB_JS=$(REPO)/contrib/js/contrib LOCAL_JS=$(REPO)/contrib/js/nntpchan VENDOR_JS=$(REPO)/contrib/js/vendor SRND_DIR=$(REPO)/contrib/backends/srndv2 NNTPCHAND_DIR=$(REPO)/contrib/backends/nntpchand NNTPCHAN_DAEMON_DIR=$(REPO)/contrib/backends/nntpchan-daemon SRND=$(REPO)/srndv2 NNTPCHAND=$(REPO)/nntpchand NNTPD=$(REPO)/nntpd GOROOT=$(shell go env GOROOT) GO=$(GOROOT)/bin/go <<<<<<< HEAD GOPHERJS_GOROOT ?= $(GOROOT) GOPHERJS_GO = $(GOPHERJS_GOROOT)/bin/go GOPHERJS_GOPATH=$(REPO)/gopherjs_go GOPHERJS=$(GOPHERJS_GOPATH)/bin/gopherjs ======= >>>>>>> parent of c342687... re add pow captcha (initial) all: clean build build: js srnd full: clean full-build full-build: srnd beta native js: $(JS) srnd: $(SRND) $(MINIFY): <<<<<<< HEAD GOPATH=$(REPO_GOPATH) $(GO) get -v $(GOPHERJS): GOROOT=$(GOPHERJS_GOROOT) GOPATH=$(GOPHERJS_GOPATH) $(GOPHERJS_GO) get -v js-deps: $(MINIFY) $(MINER_JS) $(MINER_JS): $(GOPHERJS) $(MINIFY) cp -rf $(SRND_DIR)/src/ $(GOPHERJS_GOPATH)/src/ GOROOT=$(GOPHERJS_GOROOT) GOPATH=$(GOPHERJS_GOPATH) $(GOPHERJS) -m -v build $(MINIFY) --mime=text/javascript > $(STATIC_DIR)/miner-js.js < miner_js.js rm -f miner_js.js ======= GOPATH=$(REPO_GOPATH) go get -v js-deps: $(MINIFY) >>>>>>> parent of c342687... re add pow captcha (initial) $(JS): js-deps rm -f $(JS) for f in $(CONTRIB_JS)/*.js ; do $(MINIFY) --mime=text/javascript >> $(JS) < $$f ; done $(MINIFY) --mime=text/javascript >> $(JS) < $(REPO)/contrib/js/entry.js for f in $(LOCAL_JS)/*.js ; do $(MINIFY) --mime=text/javascript >> $(JS) < $$f ; done for f in $(VENDOR_JS)/*.js ; do $(MINIFY) --mime=text/javascript >> $(JS) < $$f ; done $(SRND): GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(SRND_DIR) cp $(SRND_DIR)/srndv2 $(SRND) beta: $(NNTPCHAND) $(NNTPCHAND): GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(NNTPCHAND_DIR) cp $(NNTPCHAND_DIR)/nntpchand $(NNTPCHAND) native: $(NNTPD) $(NNTPD): $(MAKE) -C $(NNTPCHAN_DAEMON_DIR) cp $(NNTPCHAN_DAEMON_DIR)/nntpd $(NNTPD) test: test-srnd test-full: test-srnd test-beta test-native test-srnd: GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(SRND_DIR) test test-beta: GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(NNTPCHAND_DIR) test test-native: GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(NNTPCHAN_DAEMON_DIR) test clean: clean-js clean-srnd clean-full: clean clean-beta clean-native clean-srnd: rm -f $(SRND) GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(SRND_DIR) clean clean-js: rm -f $(JS) clean-beta: rm -f $(NNTPCHAND) GOROOT=$(GOROOT) $(MAKE) -C $(NNTPCHAND_DIR) clean clean-native: rm -f $(NNTPD) $(MAKE) -C $(NNTPCHAN_DAEMON_DIR) clean distclean: clean rm -rf $(REPO_GOPATH)