Configuring NNTPChan server =========================== This document provides a step-by-step guide to configurin your NNTPChan node. ##Configuring via web-interface (WIP) You can configure NNTPChan via the web-interface by navigating your browser to ###Selecting your data-storage system ![Image 1]( First your will be asked what data-storage system you would like to use. We support Redis and PostgreSQL.
####Redis configuration ![Image 2]( **First** [Install and Configure Redis database]( **Then** fill in the fields below: * **Hostname or IP Address** - This is the hostname or IP address of your Redis server (I would run it locally on to be safe). * **Port number** - The port that your Redis server is running on. * **Password** - Optional authentication password for Redis ([Setting up a Redis password](
####PostgreSQL configuration ![Image 3]( **First** [Install and Configure Postgres database]( **Then** fill in the fields below: * **Hostname or IP Address** - This is the hostname or IP address of your PostreSQL server (I would run it locally on to be safe). * **Port number** - This is the port that your PostgreSQL server is running on. * **Username** - The username for PostgreSQL. * **Password** - The password for PostgreSQL.
###Configuring the NNTP server ![Image 4]( Fill in the fields required for the NNTP server. * **Name of NNTP instance** - What is the significamce of this name. * **Allow attachements** - Check the box if you want people to be able to add attachements to posts. * **Allow anonymous posters** - Check the box if you want to allow anonymous posters. * **Allow attachments from anonymous posters** - Check the box if you want to allow anonymous posters to add attachments to their posts. * **Require TLS for incoming connections** - Check the box if NNTP connections must be encrypted and authenticated with TLS (highly recommended). ###Configuring TLS ![Image 5]( Fill in the fields required for the TLS security system. * **Hostname or IP address** - FIXME. * **TLS keyname** - FIXME. ###Set paths to external programs ![Image 6]( NNTPChan needs to know the paths to the listed programs on your system. * **convert path** - Path to the `convert` program. * **ffmpeg path** - Path to the `ffmpeg` program. * **sox path** - Path to the `sox` program. ##Manual configuration (WIP) FIXME