#include "base64.hpp" // taken from i2pd namespace i2p { namespace data { static void iT64Build(void); /* * * BASE64 Substitution Table * ------------------------- * * Direct Substitution Table */ static const char T64[64] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/' }; /* * Reverse Substitution Table (built in run time) */ static char iT64[256]; static int isFirstTime = 1; /* * Padding */ static char P64 = '='; /* * * ByteStreamToBase64 * ------------------ * * Converts binary encoded data to BASE64 format. * */ static size_t /* Number of bytes in the encoded buffer */ ByteStreamToBase64 ( const uint8_t * InBuffer, /* Input buffer, binary data */ size_t InCount, /* Number of bytes in the input buffer */ char * OutBuffer, /* output buffer */ size_t len /* length of output buffer */ ) { unsigned char * ps; unsigned char * pd; unsigned char acc_1; unsigned char acc_2; int i; int n; int m; size_t outCount; ps = (unsigned char *)InBuffer; n = InCount/3; m = InCount%3; if (!m) outCount = 4*n; else outCount = 4*(n+1); if (outCount > len) return 0; pd = (unsigned char *)OutBuffer; for ( i = 0; i>= 2; /* base64 digit #1 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_1]; acc_1 = *ps++; acc_2 |= acc_1 >> 4; /* base64 digit #2 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_2]; acc_1 &= 0x0f; acc_1 <<=2; acc_2 = *ps++; acc_1 |= acc_2>>6; /* base64 digit #3 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_1]; acc_2 &= 0x3f; /* base64 digit #4 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_2]; } if ( m == 1 ){ acc_1 = *ps++; acc_2 = (acc_1<<4)&0x3f; /* base64 digit #2 */ acc_1 >>= 2; /* base64 digit #1 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_1]; *pd++ = T64[acc_2]; *pd++ = P64; *pd++ = P64; } else if ( m == 2 ){ acc_1 = *ps++; acc_2 = (acc_1<<4)&0x3f; acc_1 >>= 2; /* base64 digit #1 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_1]; acc_1 = *ps++; acc_2 |= acc_1 >> 4; /* base64 digit #2 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_2]; acc_1 &= 0x0f; acc_1 <<=2; /* base64 digit #3 */ *pd++ = T64[acc_1]; *pd++ = P64; } return outCount; } /* * * Base64ToByteStream * ------------------ * * Converts BASE64 encoded data to binary format. If input buffer is * not properly padded, buffer of negative length is returned * */ static ssize_t /* Number of output bytes */ Base64ToByteStream ( const char * InBuffer, /* BASE64 encoded buffer */ size_t InCount, /* Number of input bytes */ uint8_t * OutBuffer, /* output buffer length */ size_t len /* length of output buffer */ ) { unsigned char * ps; unsigned char * pd; unsigned char acc_1; unsigned char acc_2; int i; int n; int m; size_t outCount; if (isFirstTime) iT64Build(); n = InCount/4; m = InCount%4; if (InCount && !m) outCount = 3*n; else { outCount = 0; return 0; } ps = (unsigned char *)(InBuffer + InCount - 1); while ( *ps-- == P64 ) outCount--; ps = (unsigned char *)InBuffer; if (outCount > len) return -1; pd = OutBuffer; auto endOfOutBuffer = OutBuffer + outCount; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){ acc_1 = iT64[*ps++]; acc_2 = iT64[*ps++]; acc_1 <<= 2; acc_1 |= acc_2>>4; *pd++ = acc_1; if (pd >= endOfOutBuffer) break; acc_2 <<= 4; acc_1 = iT64[*ps++]; acc_2 |= acc_1 >> 2; *pd++ = acc_2; if (pd >= endOfOutBuffer) break; acc_2 = iT64[*ps++]; acc_2 |= acc_1 << 6; *pd++ = acc_2; } return outCount; } static size_t Base64EncodingBufferSize (const size_t input_size) { auto d = div (input_size, 3); if (d.rem) d.quot++; return 4*d.quot; } /* * * iT64 * ---- * Reverse table builder. P64 character is replaced with 0 * * */ static void iT64Build() { int i; isFirstTime = 0; for ( i=0; i<256; i++ ) iT64[i] = -1; for ( i=0; i<64; i++ ) iT64[(int)T64[i]] = i; iT64[(int)P64] = 0; } } } namespace nntpchan { std::string B64Encode(const uint8_t * data, const std::size_t l) { std::string out; out.resize(i2p::data::Base64EncodingBufferSize(l)); i2p::data::ByteStreamToBase64(data, l, &out[0], out.size()); return out; } bool B64Decode(const std::string & data, std::vector & out) { out.resize(data.size()); if(i2p::data::Base64ToByteStream(data.c_str(), data.size(), &out[0], out.size()) == -1) return false; out.shrink_to_fit(); return true; } }