#!/usr/bin/env nodejs var memegod = require("mongodb"); var memegodClient = memegod.MongoClient; var assert = require("assert"); var http = require("http"); // memegod daemon url var url = "mongodb://"; // nntp frontend name for article import var frontendName = "memegod.import"; // srndv2 http frontend server to do api requests against var srndApiServ = "localhost"; var srndApiPort = 18000; // username password combo for using api var srndApiLogin = "user:pass"; // some memegod thing var idPrefix="v1-"; // create a newsgroup name given board name var makeGroupName = function(board) { return "overchan.test.endchan." + board; } // call function for each op on a board var foreachOpsOnBoard = function(db, board, callback) { var cur = db.collection("threads").find({boardUri: board}); cur.each(function(err, doc) { if (doc) { callback(doc); } else { console.log("error fetching op on "+board+" "+err); } }); } // call a callback for each reply to op // pass in the memegod post var foreachReplyForOP = function(db, op, callback) { getMessageIDForMemegodID(idPrefix+op._id, function(msgid) { var cur = db.collection("posts").find({ threadId: op.threadId}); cur.each(function (err, doc) { callback(doc); }); }, function() { // not found? console.log("op not in database!? "+op._id); }); } // find all boards in memegod // call callback for each board var foreachBoard = function(db, callback) { var cursor = db.collection('boards').find(); cursor.each(function(err, doc) { if (doc) { callback(doc) } }); }; // convert a memegod post from board into an overchan article // call a callback with the created post var createArticle = function(post, board, callback) { var article = { ip: post.ip.join("."), message: post.message || " ", frontend: frontendName, newsgroup: makeGroupName(board), headers: { } }; article.headers["X-Memegod-Post-Id"] = post.postId; article.headers["X-Memegod-Thread-Id"] = post.threadId; article.headers["X-Memegod-Id"] = idPrefix+post._id; article.headers["X-Migrated-From"] = "MemeGod"; article.name = post.name || "Stephen Lynx"; article.subject = post.subject || "MongoDB is Web Scale"; callback(article); } // get message id given a memegod id // must have already been inserted // call callback pass in message id var getMessageIDForMemegodID = function(id, callback) { checkViaHeader("X-Memegod-Id", id, function(msgid) { callback(msgid); }, function() { console.log("message is not there?! "+id); }); } // post an overchan article via the api // call callback passing in the message-id of the new post var postArticle = function(article, callback) { var req = http.request({ port: srndApiPort, method: "POST", path: "/api/post", auth: srndApiLogin, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/json", } }, function(res) { var data = ""; res.on("data", function (chunk) { data += chunk; }); res.on("end", function() { var j = JSON.parse(data) if (j) { var msgid = j[0]; callback(msgid); } }) }); req.write(JSON.stringify(article)); req.end(); } // check if an article exists given header name and header value var checkViaHeader = function(name, value, yesCb, noCb) { var req = http.request({ port: srndApiPort, method: "GET", path: "/api/header?name="+name+"&value="+value, }, function (res) { var data = ""; res.on("data", function(chnk) { data += chnk; }); res.on("end", function() { var j = JSON.parse(data); if ( j.length > 0 ) { // it exists yesCb(j[0]); } else { // does not exist noCb(); } }); }); } // check if a post exists var checkPostExists = function(post, yescb, nocb) { checkViaHeader("X-Memegod-Id", idPrefix + post._id, function(msgid) { yescb(post, msgid); }, function() { nocb(post); }); } var putBoard = function(db, board) { // for each op foreachOpsOnBoard(db, board.boardUri, function(op) { // create OP createArticle(op, board.boardUrl, function(opArticle) { // post OP postArticle(opArticle, function (opMsgId) { console.log("posted op "+ opMsgId); // for each reply for OP foreachReplyForOP(db, op, function(post) { // put create reply createArticle(post, board.boardUri, function(article) { // set references header article.headers["References"] = opMsgId; postArticle(article, function(replyMsgId) { console.log("posted reply to "+opMsgId+" as "+replyMsgId); }); }); }); }); }); }); } memegodClient.connect(url, function(err, db) { console.log("connected to the meme god"); foreachBoard(db, function(board) { console.log("put board: "+board.boardUri); putBoard(db, board); }); });