`srnd.ini` ========== `srnd.ini` is the configuration file for your NNTPChan node. Some configuration can be done initially through the web-interface (for now hopefully) but there is more that can be done by tweaking your `srnd.ini` file. Below is the default state of the file. We will explain each section below. ```` [nntp] instance_name=test.srndv2.tld bind= sync_on_start=1 allow_anon=0 allow_anon_attachments=0 allow_attachments=1 require_tls=1 anon_nntp=0 [pprof] enable=0 bind= [crypto] tls-keyname=overchan tls-hostname=!!put-hostname-or-ip-of-server-here tls-trust-dir=certs [articles] store_dir=articles incoming_dir=/tmp/articles attachments_dir=webroot/img thumbs_dir=webroot/thm convert_bin=/usr/bin/convert ffmpegthumbnailer_bin=/usr/bin/ffmpeg sox_bin=/usr/bin/sox compression=0 [database] type=redis schema=single host=localhost port=6379 user password [cache] type=file [frontend] enable=1 allow_files=1 regen_on_start=0 regen_threads=1 bind=[::]:18000 name=web.srndv2.test webroot=webroot prefix=/ static_files=contrib templates=contrib/templates/default translations=contrib/translations locale=en domain=localhost json-api=0 json-api-username=fucking-change-this-value json-api-password=seriously-fucking-change-this-value api-secret=RTZP5JZ2XGYCY=== ```` ##`[nntp]` All NNTP server-related settings. ####instance_name This is the name for your NNTP server. I don't really know what the point of it is, but hey its there (FIXME). ####bind This is where you put the address and port that you would like the NNTP server to run on where `x` is the address and `y` is the port in `bind=x:y`. ####sync_on_start * When this is set to `1` your NNTP server will sync articles with its peers on startup. * When this is set to `0` then no syncing will take place on statup. ####allow_anon * When this is set to `1` bluh. * When this is set to `0` bluh. ####allow_anon_attachments * When this is set to `1` bluh. * When this is set to `0` bluh. ####allow_attachments * When this is set to `1` posters my attach images to their posts. * When this is set to `0` posters may not attach images to their posts. ####require_tls * When this is set to `1` then any NNTP connection to this server will need to use TLS. * When this is set to `0` then any NNTP connection to this server will not need to use TLS (but it could? - FIXME) ####anon_nntp * When this is set to `1` bluh. * When this is set to `0` bluh. ##`[pprof]` All pprof-related settings. ####enable * When this is set to `1` bluh. * When this is set to `0` bluh. ####bind FIXME