var http = require('http'); var makeIpBans = function(cidrs, privkey, cb) { cb({ message: cidrs.join("\noverchan-inet-ban "), name: "mod#"+privkey, frontend: "memegod.censor", newsgroup: "ctl" }) } var makeDeletePosts = function(msgids, privkey, cb) { cb({ message: msgids.join("\ndelete "), name: "mod#"+privkey, frontend: "memegod.censor", newsgroup: "ctl", }) } var moderate = function(req) { j = JSON.stringify(req); var r = http.request({ port: 8800, method: "POST", path: "/api/post", auth: "user:pass", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/json", "Content-Length": j.length } }, function (res) { res.on('data', function (chunk) { var r = chunk.toString(); var rj = JSON.parse(r); console.log(; }); }); r.write(j); r.end(); } var privateKey = "longhexgoestripcodegoeshere"; // ban and sign with private key makeIpBans([""], privateKey, moderate); // delete <msg1@place.tld> and <msg2@otherplace.tld> and sign with private key makeDeletPosts(["<msg1@place.tld>", "<msg2@otherplace.tld>"], privateKey, moderate);