# server config with nginx in front of varnish for srndv2 as backend daemon

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;

        # srndv2 backend address
        set $srnd "";
        # varnish backend address
        set $varnish "";

        # nntpchan repo path
        set $nntpchan "/opt/nntpchan"

        set $allowed "yes";

        # example blacklist rules, uncomment as needed

        # allow only torbrowser
        #if ( $http_user_agent != "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" ) {
        #   set $allowed "no";

        if ($allowed != "yes") {
                 return 403;

        location /live {
                # livechan websocket is passed into backend directly bypassing varnish
                client_max_body_size 10M;
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
                proxy_pass http://$srnd/live;

        location / {
                # have varnish by default
                proxy_pass http://$varnish/;

        location ~ /post/(.+) {
                # pass post right into backend bypassing varnish
                client_max_body_size 80M;
                proxy_pass http://$srnd/post/$1;

        location /static/ {
                 # serve static files
                 alias $nntpchan/contrib/static/;
        location ~ /img/(.+)\.(jpeg|jpg|png|webp|gif|mp3|ogg|opus|mp4|flac|txt|zip|rar|mp2|flv)$ {
                # serve files
                alias $nntpchan/webroot/img/$1.$2;

        location ~ /img/(.+)\.(.+)$ {
                # changes mime type for unknown files
                types        { }
                default_type text/plain;
                alias $nntpchan/webroot/img/$1.$2;

        location  ~ /thm/(.+)$ {
                # http subdomain rewrite for sfw 
                if ( $http_host ~ fbi ) {
                        rewrite ^/(.+).jpg /static/placeholder.jpg break;
                if ( $http_host ~ sfw ) {
                        rewrite ^/(.+).jpg /static/placeholder.jpg break;
                alias $nntpchan/webroot/thm/$1;