redis_db_install_title=Please enter the connection details for Redis
postgres_db_install_title=Please enter the connection details for PostgreSQL
crypto_install_title=TLS settings
host_name=Hostname or IP address
key_name=TLS keyname
port_name=Port number
nntp_install_title=Configure the NNTP settings
nntp_name=Name of the NNTP instance
allow_attachments_prompt=Allow attachments
allow_anon_prompt=Allow anonymous posters
allow_anon_attachments_prompt=Allow attachments from anonymous posters
require_tls_prompt=Require TLS for incoming connections
binary_install_title=Configure the path of the external programs
convert_prompt=convert path
ffmpeg_prompt=ffmpeg path
sox_prompt=sox path
cache_install_title=Please choose the mechanism by which the HTML pages are cached
file_cache_name=Static files
frontend_install_title=Frontend settings
allow_files_prompt=Allow file uploads
enable_json_prompt=Enable the JSON API
api_install_title=API settings
api_username=API username
api_password_name=API password
api_secret_name=API secret
pubkey_name=Public key
secretkey_name=Secret key
key_install_title=A new keypair has been generated for you. Please keep it safe and don't share it with anyone, as this is used to login to the mod panel