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// daemon.go
package srnd
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
// the state of a feed that we are persisting
type feedState struct {
Config *FeedConfig
Paused bool
Exiting bool
// the status of a feed that we are persisting
type feedStatus struct {
// does this feed exist?
Exists bool
// the active connections this feed has open if it exists
Conns []*nntpConnection
// the state of this feed if it exists
State *feedState
// an event for querying if a feed's status
type feedStatusQuery struct {
// name of feed
name string
// channel to send result down
resultChnl chan *feedStatus
// the result of modifying a feed
type modifyFeedPolicyResult struct {
// error if one occured
// set to nil if no error occured
err error
// name of the feed that was changed
// XXX: is this needed?
name string
// describes how we want to change a feed's policy
type modifyFeedPolicyEvent struct {
// name of feed
name string
// new policy
policy FeedPolicy
// channel to send result down
// if nil don't send result
resultChnl chan *modifyFeedPolicyResult
type NNTPDaemon struct {
instance_name string
bind_addr string
conf *SRNdConfig
store ArticleStore
database Database
mod ModEngine
expire ExpirationCore
listener net.Listener
debug bool
sync_on_start bool
// anon settings
allow_anon bool
allow_anon_attachments bool
// do we allow attachments from remote?
allow_attachments bool
running bool
// http frontend
frontend Frontend
//cache driver
cache CacheInterface
// current feeds loaded from config
loadedFeeds map[string]*feedState
// for obtaining a list of loaded feeds from the daemon
get_feeds chan chan []*feedStatus
// for obtaining the status of a loaded feed
get_feed chan *feedStatusQuery
// for modifying feed's policies
modify_feed_policy chan *modifyFeedPolicyEvent
// for registering a new feed to persist
register_feed chan FeedConfig
// for degregistering an existing feed from persistance given name
deregister_feed chan string
// map of name -> NNTPConnection
activeConnections map[string]*nntpConnection
// for registering and deregistering outbound feed connections
register_connection chan *nntpConnection
deregister_connection chan *nntpConnection
// channel to load messages to infeed given their message id
infeed_load chan string
// channel for broadcasting a message to all feeds given their newsgroup, message_id
send_all_feeds chan ArticleEntry
// channel for broadcasting an ARTICLE command to all feeds in reader mode
ask_for_article chan ArticleEntry
// operation of daemon done after sending bool down this channel
done chan bool
tls_config *tls.Config
send_articles_mtx sync.RWMutex
send_articles []ArticleEntry
ask_articles_mtx sync.RWMutex
ask_articles []ArticleEntry
pump_ticker *time.Ticker
expiration_ticker *time.Ticker
article_lifetime time.Duration
func (self NNTPDaemon) End() {
if self.listener != nil {
if self.database != nil {
if self.cache != nil {
self.done <- true
func (self *NNTPDaemon) GetDatabase() Database {
return self.database
// sign an article as coming from our daemon
func (self *NNTPDaemon) WrapSign(nntp NNTPMessage) {
sk, ok := self.conf.daemon["secretkey"]
if ok {
seed := parseTripcodeSecret(sk)
if seed == nil {
log.Println("invalid secretkey will not sign")
} else {
kp := nacl.LoadSignKey(seed)
defer kp.Free()
sec := kp.Secret()
sig := msgidFrontendSign(sec, nntp.MessageID())
pk := hexify(kp.Public())
nntp.Headers().Add("X-Frontend-Signature", sig)
nntp.Headers().Add("X-Frontend-Pubkey", pk)
log.Println("signed", nntp.MessageID(), "as from", pk)
} else {
log.Println("sending", nntp.MessageID(), "unsigned")
// for srnd tool
func (self *NNTPDaemon) DelNNTPLogin(username string) {
exists, err := self.database.CheckNNTPUserExists(username)
if !exists {
log.Println("user", username, "does not exist")
} else if err == nil {
err = self.database.RemoveNNTPLogin(username)
if err == nil {
log.Println("removed user", username)
} else {
log.Fatalf("error removing nntp login: %s", err.Error())
// for srnd tool
func (self *NNTPDaemon) AddNNTPLogin(username, password string) {
exists, err := self.database.CheckNNTPUserExists(username)
if exists {
log.Println("user", username, "exists")
} else if err == nil {
err = self.database.AddNNTPLogin(username, password)
if err == nil {
log.Println("added user", username)
} else {
log.Fatalf("error adding nntp login: %s", err.Error())
func (self *NNTPDaemon) dialOut(proxy_type, proxy_addr, remote_addr string) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
if proxy_type == "" || proxy_type == "none" {
// connect out without proxy
log.Println("dial out to ", remote_addr)
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", remote_addr)
if err != nil {
log.Println("cannot connect to outfeed", remote_addr, err)
} else if proxy_type == "socks4a" || proxy_type == "socks" {
// connect via socks4a
log.Println("dial out via proxy", proxy_addr)
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", proxy_addr)
if err != nil {
log.Println("cannot connect to proxy", proxy_addr)
// generate request
idx := strings.LastIndex(remote_addr, ":")
if idx == -1 {
err = errors.New("invalid address: " + remote_addr)
var port uint64
addr := remote_addr[:idx]
port, err = strconv.ParseUint(remote_addr[idx+1:], 10, 16)
if port >= 25536 {
err = errors.New("bad proxy port")
} else if err != nil {
var proxy_port uint16
proxy_port = uint16(port)
proxy_ident := "srndv2"
req_len := len(addr) + 1 + len(proxy_ident) + 1 + 8
req := make([]byte, req_len)
// pack request
req[0] = '\x04'
req[1] = '\x01'
req[2] = byte(proxy_port & 0xff00 >> 8)
req[3] = byte(proxy_port & 0x00ff)
req[7] = '\x01'
idx = 8
proxy_ident_b := []byte(proxy_ident)
addr_b := []byte(addr)
var bi int
for bi = range proxy_ident_b {
req[idx] = proxy_ident_b[bi]
idx += 1
idx += 1
for bi = range addr_b {
req[idx] = addr_b[bi]
idx += 1
log.Println("dial out via proxy", proxy_addr)
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", proxy_addr)
// send request
_, err = conn.Write(req)
resp := make([]byte, 8)
// receive response
_, err = conn.Read(resp)
if resp[1] == '\x5a' {
// success
log.Println("connected to", addr)
} else {
log.Println("failed to connect to", addr)
conn = nil
err = errors.New("failed to connect via proxy")
} else {
err = errors.New("invalid proxy type: " + proxy_type)
// save current feeds to feeds.ini, overwrites feeds.ini
// returns error if one occurs while writing to feeds.ini
func (self *NNTPDaemon) storeFeedsConfig() (err error) {
feeds := self.activeFeeds()
var feedconfigs []FeedConfig
for _, status := range feeds {
feedconfigs = append(feedconfigs, *status.State.Config)
err = SaveFeeds(feedconfigs, self.conf.inboundPolicy)
// change a feed's policy given the feed's name
// return error if one occurs while modifying feed's policy
func (self *NNTPDaemon) modifyFeedPolicy(feedname string, policy FeedPolicy) (err error) {
// make event
chnl := make(chan *modifyFeedPolicyResult)
ev := &modifyFeedPolicyEvent{
resultChnl: chnl,
name: feedname,
policy: policy,
// fire event
self.modify_feed_policy <- ev
// recv result
result := <-chnl
if result == nil {
// XXX: why would this ever happen?
err = errors.New("no result from daemon after modifying feed")
} else {
err = result.err
// done with the event result channel
// remove a persisted feed from the daemon
// does not modify feeds.ini
func (self *NNTPDaemon) removeFeed(feedname string) (err error) {
// deregister feed first so it doesn't reconnect immediately
self.deregister_feed <- feedname
func (self *NNTPDaemon) getFeedStatus(feedname string) (status *feedStatus) {
chnl := make(chan *feedStatus)
self.get_feed <- &feedStatusQuery{
name: feedname,
resultChnl: chnl,
status = <-chnl
// add a feed to be persisted by the daemon
// does not modify feeds.ini
func (self *NNTPDaemon) addFeed(conf FeedConfig) (err error) {
self.register_feed <- conf
// get an immutable list of all active feeds
func (self *NNTPDaemon) activeFeeds() (feeds []*feedStatus) {
chnl := make(chan []*feedStatus)
// query feeds
self.get_feeds <- chnl
// get reply
feeds = <-chnl
// got reply, close channel
2017-04-04 10:31:41 -04:00
func (self *NNTPDaemon) messageSizeLimitFor(newsgroup string) int64 {
// TODO: per newsgroup
return mapGetInt64(, "max_message_size", DefaultMaxMessageSize)
func (self *NNTPDaemon) persistFeed(conf *FeedConfig, mode string, n int) {
log.Println(conf.Name, "persisting in", mode, "mode")
backoff := time.Second
for {
if self.running {
// get the status of this feed
status := self.getFeedStatus(conf.Name)
if !status.Exists {
// our feed was removed
// let's die
log.Println(conf.Name, "ended", mode, "mode")
if status.State.Paused {
// we are paused
// sleep for a bit
// check status again
// do we want to do a pull based sync?
if mode == "sync" {
// yeh, do it
self.syncPull(conf.proxy_type, conf.proxy_addr, conf.Addr)
// sleep for the sleep interval and continue
log.Println(conf.Name, "waiting for", conf.sync_interval, "before next sync")
conn, err := self.dialOut(conf.proxy_type, conf.proxy_addr, conf.Addr)
if err != nil {
log.Println(conf.Name, "failed to dial out", err.Error())
log.Println(conf.Name, "back off for", backoff, "seconds")
// exponential backoff
if backoff < (10 * time.Minute) {
backoff *= 2
nntp := createNNTPConnection(conf.Addr)
nntp.policy = &conf.policy
nntp.feedname = conf.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%s", conf.Name, n, mode)
stream, reader, use_tls, err := nntp.outboundHandshake(textproto.NewConn(conn), conf)
if err == nil {
if mode == "reader" && !reader {
log.Println(, "we don't support reader on this feed, dropping")
} else {
self.register_connection <- nntp
// success connecting, reset backoff
backoff = time.Second
// run connection
nntp.runConnection(self, false, stream, reader, use_tls, mode, conn, conf)
// deregister connection
self.deregister_connection <- nntp
} else {
log.Println("error doing outbound hanshake", err)
log.Println(conf.Name, "back off for", backoff, "seconds")
// exponential backoff
if backoff < (10 * time.Minute) {
backoff *= 2
// do a oneshot pull based sync with another server
func (self *NNTPDaemon) syncPull(proxy_type, proxy_addr, remote_addr string) {
c, err := self.dialOut(proxy_type, proxy_addr, remote_addr)
if err == nil {
conn := textproto.NewConn(c)
// we connected
nntp := createNNTPConnection(remote_addr) = remote_addr + "-sync"
// do handshake
_, reader, _, err := nntp.outboundHandshake(conn, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to scrape server", err)
if reader {
// we can do it
err = nntp.scrapeServer(self, conn)
if err == nil {
// we succeeded
log.Println(, "Scrape successful")
} else {
// we failed
log.Println(, "scrape failed", err)
} else if err == nil {
// we can't do it
log.Println(, "does not support reader mode, cancel scrape")
} else {
// error happened
log.Println(, "error occurred when scraping", err)
// run daemon
func (self *NNTPDaemon) Run() {
self.bind_addr = self.conf.daemon["bind"]
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", self.bind_addr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to bind to", self.bind_addr, err)
self.listener = listener
log.Printf("SRNd NNTPD bound at %s", listener.Addr())
if self.conf.pprof != nil && self.conf.pprof.enable {
addr := self.conf.pprof.bind
log.Println("pprof enabled, binding to", addr)
go func() {
err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error from pprof, RIP srndv2: %s", err.Error())
// write pid file
pidfile := self.conf.daemon["pidfile"]
if pidfile != "" {
f, err := os.OpenFile(pidfile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err == nil {
pid := os.Getpid()
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d", pid)
} else {
log.Fatalf("failed to open pidfile %s: %s", pidfile, err)
self.register_connection = make(chan *nntpConnection)
self.deregister_connection = make(chan *nntpConnection)
self.infeed_load = make(chan string, 128)
self.send_all_feeds = make(chan ArticleEntry)
self.activeConnections = make(map[string]*nntpConnection)
self.loadedFeeds = make(map[string]*feedState)
self.register_feed = make(chan FeedConfig)
self.deregister_feed = make(chan string)
self.get_feeds = make(chan chan []*feedStatus)
self.get_feed = make(chan *feedStatusQuery)
self.modify_feed_policy = make(chan *modifyFeedPolicyEvent)
self.ask_for_article = make(chan ArticleEntry)
self.pump_ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100)
if self.conf.daemon["archive"] == "1" {
log.Println("running in archive mode")
self.expire = nil
} else {
self.expire = createExpirationCore(self.database,, self.informHooks)
self.sync_on_start = self.conf.daemon["sync_on_start"] == "1"
self.instance_name = self.conf.daemon["instance_name"]
self.allow_anon = self.conf.daemon["allow_anon"] == "1"
self.allow_anon_attachments = self.conf.daemon["allow_anon_attachments"] == "1"
self.allow_attachments = self.conf.daemon["allow_attachments"] == "1"
// set up admin user if it's specified in the config
pubkey, ok := self.conf.frontend["admin_key"]
if ok {
// TODO: check for valid format
var isadmin bool
isadmin, err := self.database.CheckAdminPubkey(pubkey)
if !isadmin {
log.Println("add admin key", pubkey)
err = self.database.MarkPubkeyAdmin(pubkey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to add admin mod key, %s", err)
2017-04-04 07:48:45 -04:00
// start frontend
go self.frontend.Mainloop()
log.Println("we have", len(self.conf.feeds), "feeds")
defer self.listener.Close()
// run expiration mainloop
if self.expire == nil {
log.Println("we are an archive, not expiring posts")
} else {
lifetime := mapGetInt(self.conf.daemon, "article_lifetime", 0)
if lifetime > 0 {
self.article_lifetime = time.Duration(lifetime) * time.Hour
since := 0 - (self.article_lifetime)
self.expiration_ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
go func() {
for {
_, ok := <-self.expiration_ticker.C
if ok {
t := time.Now()
} else {
// we are now running
self.running = true
// start polling feeds
go self.pollfeeds()
threads := 8
go func() {
// if we have no initial posts create one
if self.database.ArticleCount() == 0 {
nntp := newPlaintextArticle("welcome to nntpchan, this post was inserted on startup automatically", "system@"+self.instance_name, "Welcome to NNTPChan", "system", self.instance_name, genMessageID(self.instance_name), "overchan.test")
file :=
if file != nil {
2017-04-04 11:01:02 -04:00
err = nntp.WriteTo(file, MaxMessageSize)
if err == nil {
} else {
log.Println("failed to create startup messge?", err)
// get all pending articles from infeed and load them
go func() {
f, err := os.Open(
if err == nil {
names, err := f.Readdirnames(0)
if err == nil {
for _, name := range names {
// register feeds from config
log.Println("registering feeds")
for _, f := range self.conf.feeds {
self.register_feed <- f
for threads > 0 {
// fork off N go routines for handling messages
go self.poll(threads)
log.Println("started worker", threads)
// start accepting incoming connections
// clean up pidfile if it was specified
if pidfile != "" {
func (self *NNTPDaemon) syncAllMessages() {
log.Println("syncing all messages to all feeds")
for _, article := range self.database.GetAllArticles() {
if {
log.Println("sync all messages queue flushed")
// load a message from the infeed directory
func (self *NNTPDaemon) loadFromInfeed(msgid string) {
log.Println("load from infeed", msgid)
self.infeed_load <- msgid
// reload all configs etc
func (self *NNTPDaemon) Reload() {
log.Println("reload daemon")
conf := ReadConfig()
if conf == nil {
log.Println("failed to reload config")
script, ok := conf.frontend["markup_script"]
if ok {
err := SetMarkupScriptFile(script)
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to reload script file", err)
log.Println("reload daemon okay")
func (self *NNTPDaemon) pollfeeds() {
for {
select {
case q := <-self.get_feed:
// someone asked for the status of a certain feed
name :=
// find feed
feedstate, ok := self.loadedFeeds[name]
if ok {
// it exists
if q.resultChnl != nil {
// caller wants to be informed
// create the reply
status := &feedStatus{
Exists: true,
State: feedstate,
// get the connections for this feed
for _, conn := range self.activeConnections {
if conn.feedname == name {
status.Conns = append(status.Conns, conn)
// tell caller
q.resultChnl <- status
} else {
// does not exist
if q.resultChnl != nil {
// tell caller
q.resultChnl <- &feedStatus{
Exists: false,
case ev := <-self.modify_feed_policy:
// we want to modify a feed policy
name :=
// does this feed exist?
feedstate, ok := self.loadedFeeds[name]
if ok {
// yeh
// replace the policy
feedstate.Config.policy = ev.policy
if ev.resultChnl != nil {
// we need to inform the caller about the feed being changed successfully
ev.resultChnl <- &modifyFeedPolicyResult{
err: nil,
name: name,
} else {
// nah
if ev.resultChnl != nil {
// we need to inform the caller about the feed not existing
ev.resultChnl <- &modifyFeedPolicyResult{
err: errors.New("no such feed"),
name: name,
case chnl := <-self.get_feeds:
// we got a request for viewing the status of the feeds
var feeds []*feedStatus
for feedname, feedstate := range self.loadedFeeds {
var conns []*nntpConnection
// get connections for this feed
for _, conn := range self.activeConnections {
if conn.feedname == feedname {
conns = append(conns, conn)
// add feedStatus
feeds = append(feeds, &feedStatus{
Exists: true,
Conns: conns,
State: feedstate,
// send response
chnl <- feeds
case feedconfig := <-self.register_feed:
self.loadedFeeds[feedconfig.Name] = &feedState{
Config: &feedconfig,
log.Println("daemon registered feed", feedconfig.Name)
// persist feeds
if feedconfig.sync {
go self.persistFeed(&feedconfig, "sync", 0)
n := feedconfig.connections
for n > 0 {
go self.persistFeed(&feedconfig, "stream", n)
go self.persistFeed(&feedconfig, "reader", n)
case feedname := <-self.deregister_feed:
_, ok := self.loadedFeeds[feedname]
if ok {
delete(self.loadedFeeds, feedname)
log.Println("daemon deregistered feed", feedname)
} else {
log.Println("daemon does not have registered feed", feedname)
case outfeed := <-self.register_connection:
self.activeConnections[] = outfeed
case outfeed := <-self.deregister_connection:
case <-self.pump_ticker.C:
go self.pump_article_requests()
func (self *NNTPDaemon) informHooks(group, msgid, ref string) {
if ValidMessageID(msgid) && ValidMessageID(ref) && ValidNewsgroup(group) {
for _, conf := range self.conf.hooks {
if conf.enable {
ExecHook(conf, group, msgid, ref)
func (self *NNTPDaemon) pump_article_requests() {
var articles []ArticleEntry
articles = append(articles, self.send_articles...)
self.send_articles = nil
for _, entry := range articles {
self.send_all_feeds <- entry
articles = nil
articles = append(articles, self.ask_articles...)
self.ask_articles = nil
for _, entry := range articles {
self.ask_for_article <- entry
articles = nil
func (self *NNTPDaemon) poll(worker int) {
for {
select {
case msgid := <-self.infeed_load:
log.Println("load", msgid)
hdr :=
if hdr == nil {
log.Println("worker", worker, "failed to load", msgid)
} else {
msgid := getMessageIDFromArticleHeaders(hdr)
log.Println("worker", worker, "got", msgid)
rollover := 100
group := hdr.Get("Newsgroups", "")
ref := hdr.Get("References", "")
tpp, err := self.database.GetThreadsPerPage(group)
ppb, err := self.database.GetPagesPerBoard(group)
if err == nil {
rollover = tpp * ppb
if self.expire != nil {
// expire posts
self.expire.ExpireGroup(group, rollover)
// send to mod panel
if group == "ctl" {
2017-04-04 07:48:45 -04:00
// inform callback hooks
self.informHooks(group, msgid, ref)
// federate
self.sendAllFeeds(ArticleEntry{msgid, group})
// send to frontend
if self.frontend != nil {
if self.frontend.AllowNewsgroup(group) {
self.frontend.PostsChan() <- frontendPost{msgid, ref, group}
case nntp := <-self.send_all_feeds:
group := nntp.Newsgroup()
if self.Federate() {
sz, _ :=
feeds := self.activeFeeds()
if feeds != nil {
for _, f := range feeds {
var send []*nntpConnection
for _, feed := range f.Conns {
if feed.policy.AllowsNewsgroup(group) {
if strings.HasSuffix(, "-stream") {
send = append(send, feed)
minconn := lowestBacklogConnection(send)
if minconn != nil {
2017-04-14 06:24:53 -04:00
go minconn.offerStream(nntp.MessageID(), sz)
case nntp := <-self.ask_for_article:
feeds := self.activeFeeds()
if feeds != nil {
for _, f := range feeds {
var send []*nntpConnection
for _, feed := range f.Conns {
if feed.policy.AllowsNewsgroup(nntp.Newsgroup()) {
if strings.HasSuffix(, "-reader") {
send = append(send, feed)
minconn := lowestBacklogConnection(send)
if minconn != nil {
log.Println("worker", worker, "done")
// get connection with smallest backlog
func lowestBacklogConnection(conns []*nntpConnection) (minconn *nntpConnection) {
min := int64(0)
for _, c := range conns {
b := c.GetBacklog()
if min == 0 || b < min {
minconn = c
min = b
func (self *NNTPDaemon) askForArticle(e ArticleEntry) {
self.ask_articles = append(self.ask_articles, e)
func (self *NNTPDaemon) sendAllFeeds(e ArticleEntry) {
self.send_articles = append(self.send_articles, e)
func (self *NNTPDaemon) acceptloop() {
for {
// accept
conn, err := self.listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
// make a new inbound nntp connection handler
hostname := ""
if self.conf.crypto != nil {
hostname = self.conf.crypto.hostname
nntp := createNNTPConnection(hostname)
if self.conf.daemon["anon_nntp"] == "1" {
nntp.authenticated = true
addr := conn.RemoteAddr() = fmt.Sprintf("%s-inbound-feed", addr.String())
nntp.policy = self.conf.inboundPolicy
c := textproto.NewConn(conn)
// send banners and shit
err = nntp.inboundHandshake(c)
if err == nil {
// run, we support stream and reader
go nntp.runConnection(self, true, true, true, false, "stream", conn, nil)
} else {
log.Println("failed to send banners", err)
func (self *NNTPDaemon) Federate() (federate bool) {
federate = len(self.conf.feeds) > 0
func (self *NNTPDaemon) GetOurTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
return self.GetTLSConfig(self.conf.crypto.hostname)
func (self *NNTPDaemon) GetTLSConfig(hostname string) *tls.Config {
cfg := self.tls_config
return &tls.Config{
ServerName: hostname,
CipherSuites: cfg.CipherSuites,
RootCAs: cfg.RootCAs,
ClientCAs: cfg.ClientCAs,
Certificates: cfg.Certificates,
ClientAuth: cfg.ClientAuth,
func (self *NNTPDaemon) RequireTLS() (require bool) {
v, ok := self.conf.daemon["require_tls"]
if ok {
require = v == "1"
// return true if we can do tls
func (self *NNTPDaemon) CanTLS() (can bool) {
can = self.tls_config != nil
func (self *NNTPDaemon) Setup() {
log.Println("checking for configs...")
// check that are configs exist
log.Println("loading config...")
// read the config
self.conf = ReadConfig()
if self.conf == nil {
log.Fatal("failed to load config")
// validate the config
log.Println("validating configs...")
log.Println("configs are valid")
var err error
log.Println("Reading translation files")
translation_dir := self.conf.frontend["translations"]
if translation_dir == "" {
translation_dir = filepath.Join("contrib", "translations")
locale := self.conf.frontend["locale"]
InitI18n(locale, translation_dir)
db_host := self.conf.database["host"]
db_port := self.conf.database["port"]
db_user := self.conf.database["user"]
db_passwd := self.conf.database["password"]
var ok bool
var val string
// set up database stuff
log.Println("connecting to database...")
self.database = NewDatabase(self.conf.database["type"], self.conf.database["schema"], db_host, db_port, db_user, db_passwd)
if val, ok = self.conf.database["connidle"]; ok {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(val)
if i > 0 {
if val, ok = self.conf.database["maxconns"]; ok {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(val)
if i > 0 {
if val, ok = self.conf.database["connlife"]; ok {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(val)
if i > 0 {
log.Println("ensure that the database is created...")
// ensure tls stuff
if self.conf.crypto != nil {
self.tls_config, err = GenTLS(self.conf.crypto)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to initialize tls: ", err)
// set up store
log.Println("set up article store...") = createArticleStore(, self.database)
2017-04-04 07:48:45 -04:00
// do we enable the frontend?
if self.conf.frontend["enable"] == "1" {
log.Printf("frontend %s enabled", self.conf.frontend["name"])
cache_host := self.conf.cache["host"]
cache_port := self.conf.cache["port"]
cache_user := self.conf.cache["user"]
cache_passwd := self.conf.cache["password"]
self.cache = NewCache(self.conf.cache["type"], cache_host, cache_port, cache_user, cache_passwd, self.conf.cache, self.conf.frontend, self.database,
script, ok := self.conf.frontend["markup_script"]
if ok {
err = SetMarkupScriptFile(script)
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to load markup script", err)
self.frontend = NewHTTPFrontend(self, self.cache, self.conf.frontend, self.conf.worker["url"])
self.mod = &modEngine{
database: self.database,
2017-04-04 07:48:45 -04:00
regen: self.frontend.RegenOnModEvent,
// inject DB into template engine
template.DB = self.database
2017-04-04 07:48:45 -04:00
func (daemon *NNTPDaemon) ModEngine() ModEngine {
return daemon.mod