# MacOS installation For proper application bundle building you have to: * Install Homebrew (http://brew.sh) * Install Golang: ``` brew install go ``` * Install GTK+2: ``` brew install gtk+ --with-quartz-relocation ``` *Note: default GTK+2 build from Brew might not work for you!* * Reinstall gdk-pixbuf with additional option: ``` brew install --with-relocations ``` *Note: default build might not work for you!* * Install dylibbundler: ``` brew install dylibbundler ``` * Execute ``make-app.sh`` script from current directory. If everything went fine - you will see URTrator.app right in this directory. # Some descriptions ## Resources This directory will be copied inside bundle. It contains resources needed for proper working or/and launching. Of course, it *might* be able to work without this directory, but it will be superugly.