// URTator - Urban Terror server browser and game launcher, written in // Go. // // Copyright (c) 2016, Stanslav N. a.k.a pztrn (or p0z1tr0n) // All rights reserved. // // Licensed under Terms and Conditions of GNU General Public License // version 3 or any higher. // ToDo: put full text of license here. package ui import ( // stdlib "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "strings" // Local "github.com/pztrn/urtrator/common" "github.com/pztrn/urtrator/datamodels" // Other "github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gdkpixbuf" "github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gtk" ) type FavoriteDialog struct { // Widgets. // Dialog's window. window *gtk.Window // Main vertical box. vbox *gtk.VBox // Server name. server_name *gtk.Entry // Server address. server_address *gtk.Entry // Server password server_password *gtk.Entry // Profile. profile *gtk.ComboBoxText // Flags. // Is known server update performed? update bool // Data. // If known server is used - here server's datamodel is. server *datamodels.Server } func (f *FavoriteDialog) Close() {} func (f *FavoriteDialog) closeByCancel() { f.window.Destroy() } func (f *FavoriteDialog) fill() { f.server_name.SetText(f.server.Name) f.server_address.SetText(f.server.Ip + ":" + f.server.Port) f.server_password.SetText(f.server.Password) // Profiles. profiles := []datamodels.Profile{} err := ctx.Database.Db.Select(&profiles, "SELECT * FROM urt_profiles") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } var idx_in_combobox int = 0 var idx_should_be_active int = 0 for p := range profiles { if profiles[p].Version == f.server.Version { f.profile.AppendText(profiles[p].Name) idx_should_be_active = idx_in_combobox idx_in_combobox += 1 } } f.profile.SetActive(idx_should_be_active) } func (f *FavoriteDialog) InitializeNew() { f.update = false f.initializeWindow() } func (f *FavoriteDialog) InitializeUpdate(server *datamodels.Server) { fmt.Println("Favorites updating...") f.update = true f.server = server f.initializeWindow() f.fill() } func (f *FavoriteDialog) initializeWindow() { f.window = gtk.NewWindow(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) if f.update { f.window.SetTitle("URTrator - Updating favorite server") } else { f.window.SetTitle("URTrator - New favorite server") } f.window.Connect("destroy", f.Close) f.window.SetPosition(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) f.window.SetModal(true) f.window.SetSizeRequest(400, 200) f.window.SetResizable(false) f.vbox = gtk.NewVBox(false, 0) // Load program icon from base64. icon_bytes, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(common.Logo) icon_pixbuf := gdkpixbuf.NewLoader() icon_pixbuf.Write(icon_bytes) logo = icon_pixbuf.GetPixbuf() f.window.SetIcon(logo) // Server name. srv_name_hbox := gtk.NewHBox(false, 0) f.vbox.PackStart(srv_name_hbox, false, true, 5) srv_name_label := gtk.NewLabel("Server name:") srv_name_hbox.PackStart(srv_name_label, false, true, 5) srv_name_sep := gtk.NewHSeparator() srv_name_hbox.PackStart(srv_name_sep, true, true, 5) f.server_name = gtk.NewEntry() srv_name_hbox.PackStart(f.server_name, true, true, 5) // Server address. srv_addr_hbox := gtk.NewHBox(false, 0) f.vbox.PackStart(srv_addr_hbox, false, true, 5) srv_addr_label := gtk.NewLabel("Server address:") srv_addr_hbox.PackStart(srv_addr_label, false, true, 5) srv_addr_sep := gtk.NewHSeparator() srv_addr_hbox.PackStart(srv_addr_sep, true, true, 5) f.server_address = gtk.NewEntry() srv_addr_hbox.PackStart(f.server_address, true, true, 5) if f.update { f.server_address.SetSensitive(false) } // Server password. srv_pass_hbox := gtk.NewHBox(false, 0) f.vbox.PackStart(srv_pass_hbox, false, true, 5) srv_pass_label := gtk.NewLabel("Password:") srv_pass_hbox.PackStart(srv_pass_label, false, true, 5) srv_pass_sep := gtk.NewHSeparator() srv_pass_hbox.PackStart(srv_pass_sep, true, true, 5) f.server_password = gtk.NewEntry() srv_pass_hbox.PackStart(f.server_password, true, true, 5) // Profile to use. profile_hbox := gtk.NewHBox(false, 0) f.vbox.PackStart(profile_hbox, false, true, 5) profile_label := gtk.NewLabel("Profile:") profile_hbox.PackStart(profile_label, false, true, 5) profile_sep := gtk.NewHSeparator() profile_hbox.PackStart(profile_sep, true, true, 5) f.profile = gtk.NewComboBoxText() profile_hbox.PackStart(f.profile, false, true, 5) // Buttons hbox. buttons_hbox := gtk.NewHBox(false, 0) sep := gtk.NewHSeparator() buttons_hbox.PackStart(sep, true, true, 5) // OK-Cancel buttons. cancel_button := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Cancel") cancel_button.Clicked(f.closeByCancel) buttons_hbox.PackStart(cancel_button, false, true, 5) ok_button := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("OK") ok_button.Clicked(f.saveFavorite) buttons_hbox.PackStart(ok_button, false, true, 5) f.vbox.PackStart(buttons_hbox, false, true, 5) f.window.Add(f.vbox) f.window.ShowAll() } func (f *FavoriteDialog) saveFavorite() error { if len(f.server_address.GetText()) == 0 { mbox_string := "Server address is empty.\n\nServers without address cannot be added." m := gtk.NewMessageDialog(f.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, mbox_string) m.Response(func() { m.Destroy() }) m.Run() return errors.New("No server address specified") } if len(f.profile.GetActiveText()) == 0 { mbox_string := "Profile wasn't selected.\n\nPlease, select valid profile for this server.\nIf you haven't add profiles yet - you can do it\nin options on \"Urban Terror\" tab." m := gtk.NewMessageDialog(f.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, mbox_string) m.Response(func() { m.Destroy() }) m.Run() return errors.New("No game profile specified") } var port string = "" if strings.Contains(f.server_address.GetText(), ":") { port = strings.Split(f.server_address.GetText(), ":")[1] } else { port = "27960" } fmt.Println("Saving favorite server...") key := strings.Split(f.server_address.GetText(), ":")[0] + ":" + port ctx.Cache.Servers[key].Server.Ip = strings.Split(f.server_address.GetText(), ":")[0] ctx.Cache.Servers[key].Server.Port = port ctx.Cache.Servers[key].Server.Name = f.server_name.GetText() ctx.Cache.Servers[key].Server.Password = f.server_password.GetText() ctx.Cache.Servers[key].Server.ProfileToUse = f.profile.GetActiveText() ctx.Cache.Servers[key].Server.Favorite = "1" ctx.Eventer.LaunchEvent("loadFavoriteServers") f.window.Destroy() return nil }