package ui import ( // stdlib "errors" "fmt" "strings" // Local "" // other "" "" ) func (m *MainWindow) launchGame() error { fmt.Println("Launching Urban Terror...") if len(m.qc_server_address.GetText()) != 0 { m.launchWithQuickConnect() } else { m.launchAsUsual() } return nil } // Triggers if we clicked "Launch" button without any text in quick connect // widget. func (m *MainWindow) launchAsUsual() error { fmt.Println("Connecting to selected server...") var srv_address string = "" // Getting server's name from list. current_tab := m.tab_widget.GetTabLabelText(m.tab_widget.GetNthPage(m.tab_widget.GetCurrentPage())) sel := m.all_servers.GetSelection() model := m.all_servers.GetModel() if strings.Contains(current_tab, "Favorites") { sel = m.fav_servers.GetSelection() model = m.fav_servers.GetModel() } iter := new(gtk.TreeIter) _ = sel.GetSelected(iter) // Getting server address. var srv_addr string srv_address_gval := glib.ValueFromNative(srv_addr) if strings.Contains(current_tab, "Servers") { model.GetValue(iter, m.column_pos["Servers"]["IP"], srv_address_gval) } else if strings.Contains(current_tab, "Favorites") { model.GetValue(iter, m.column_pos["Favorites"]["IP"], srv_address_gval) } srv_address = srv_address_gval.GetString() server_profile := ctx.Cache.Servers[srv_address].Server // Check for proper server name. If length == 0: server is offline, // we should show notification to user. if len(server_profile.Name) == 0 { var will_continue bool = false mbox_string := "Selected server is offline.\n\nWould you still want to launch Urban Terror?\nIt will just launch a game, without connecting to\nany server." m := gtk.NewMessageDialog(m.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, mbox_string) m.Connect("response", func(resp *glib.CallbackContext) { if resp.Args(0) == 4294967287 { will_continue = false } else { will_continue = true } }) m.Response(func() { m.Destroy() }) m.Run() if !will_continue { return errors.New("User declined to connect to offline server") } } // Getting selected profile's name. profile_name := m.profiles.GetActiveText() user_profile := &datamodels.Profile{} if strings.Contains(current_tab, "Servers") { // Checking profile name length. If 0 - then stop executing :) // This check only relevant to "Servers" tab, favorite servers // have profiles defined (see next). if len(profile_name) == 0 { mbox_string := "Invalid game profile selected.\n\nPlease, select profile and retry." m := gtk.NewMessageDialog(m.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, mbox_string) m.Response(func() { m.Destroy() }) m.Run() return errors.New("User didn't select valid profile.") } user_profile = ctx.Cache.Profiles[profile_name].Profile } else if strings.Contains(current_tab, "Favorites") { // For favorite servers profile specified in favorite server // information have higher priority, so we just override it :) user_profile = ctx.Cache.Profiles[server_profile.ProfileToUse].Profile } m.launchActually(server_profile, user_profile, "", "") return nil } // Triggers when Launch button was clicked with some text in quick connect // widget. func (m *MainWindow) launchWithQuickConnect() error { fmt.Println("Launching game with data from quick connect...") srv_address := m.qc_server_address.GetText() srv_password := m.qc_password.GetText() srv_nickname := m.qc_nickname.GetText() current_profile_name := m.profiles.GetActiveText() // As we're launching without any profile defined - we should // check server version and globally selected profile. // Checking if we have server defined in cache. var ip string = "" var port string = "" if strings.Contains(srv_address, ":") { ip = strings.Split(srv_address, ":")[0] port = strings.Split(srv_address, ":")[1] } else { ip = strings.Split(srv_address, ":")[0] port = "27960" } key := ip + ":" + port _, ok := ctx.Cache.Servers[key] if !ok { ctx.Cache.CreateServer(key) fmt.Println("Server not found in cache, requesting information...") ctx.Requester.UpdateOneServer(key) } server_profile := ctx.Cache.Servers[key] user_profile := ctx.Cache.Profiles[current_profile_name] m.launchActually(server_profile.Server, user_profile.Profile, srv_password, srv_nickname) return nil } func (m *MainWindow) launchActually(server_profile *datamodels.Server, user_profile *datamodels.Profile, password string, nickname_to_use string) error { if server_profile.Name == "" { var will_continue bool = false mbox_string := "Selected server is offline.\n\nWould you still want to launch Urban Terror?\nIt will just launch a game, without connecting to\nany server." m := gtk.NewMessageDialog(m.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, mbox_string) m.Connect("response", func(resp *glib.CallbackContext) { if resp.Args(0) == 4294967287 { will_continue = false } else { will_continue = true } }) m.Response(func() { m.Destroy() }) m.Run() if !will_continue { return errors.New("User declined to connect to offline server") } } // Check if server is applicable for selected profile. if server_profile.Version != user_profile.Version { mbox_string := "Invalid game profile selected.\n\nSelected profile have different game version than server.\nPlease, select valid profile and retry." m := gtk.NewMessageDialog(m.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, mbox_string) m.Response(func() { m.Destroy() }) m.Run() return errors.New("User didn't select valid profile, mismatch with server's version.") } server_password := password if len(server_password) == 0 { server_password = server_profile.Password } // Hey, we're ok here! :) Launch Urban Terror! // Crear server name from "" things. srv_name_for_label := string([]byte(server_profile.Name)[8:len(server_profile.Name)-9]) fmt.Println(srv_name_for_label) // Show great coloured label. ctx.Eventer.LaunchEvent("setToolbarLabelText", map[string]string{"text": "Urban Terror is launched with profile " + user_profile.Name + " and connected to " + srv_name_for_label + ""}) m.launch_button.SetSensitive(false) // ToDo: handling server passwords. ctx.Launcher.Launch(server_profile, user_profile, server_password, []string{"+name", nickname_to_use}, m.unlockInterface) return nil }