// URTator - Urban Terror server browser and game launcher, written in // Go. // // Copyright (c) 2016, Stanslav N. a.k.a pztrn (or p0z1tr0n) // All rights reserved. // // Licensed under Terms and Conditions of GNU General Public License // version 3 or any higher. // ToDo: put full text of license here. package clipboardwatcher import ( // stdlib "errors" "fmt" "strings" // other "github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gdk" "github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gtk" ) type ClipboardWatcher struct { // Clipboard. clipboard *gtk.Clipboard // PRIMARY clipboard. prim_clipboard *gtk.Clipboard // Flags. // We have just copy connect string to clipboard. // Used to ignore clipboard data in check*Input() just_set bool } func (cw *ClipboardWatcher) checkInput() { if !cw.just_set { text := cw.clipboard.WaitForText() cw.parseData(text) } } func (cw *ClipboardWatcher) checkPrimaryInput() { if !cw.just_set { text := cw.prim_clipboard.WaitForText() cw.parseData(text) } } func (cw *ClipboardWatcher) CopyServerData(server_address string) error { server, ok := Cache.Servers[server_address] if !ok { // ToDo: show message box? return errors.New("Server wasn't selected") } // Composing connection string. var connect_string string = "" connect_string += "/connect " + server.Server.Ip + ":" + server.Server.Port if len(server.Server.Password) >= 1 { connect_string += ";password " + server.Server.Password } fmt.Println("Connect string: ", connect_string) cw.just_set = true cw.clipboard.SetText(connect_string) return nil } func (cw *ClipboardWatcher) Initialize() { fmt.Println("Initializing clipboard watcher...") cw.just_set = false cw.clipboard = gtk.NewClipboardGetForDisplay(gdk.DisplayGetDefault(), gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) cw.clipboard.Connect("owner-change", cw.checkInput) cw.prim_clipboard = gtk.NewClipboardGetForDisplay(gdk.DisplayGetDefault(), gdk.SELECTION_PRIMARY) cw.prim_clipboard.Connect("owner-change", cw.checkPrimaryInput) } func (cw *ClipboardWatcher) parseData(data string) { // We should check only first string. data = strings.Split(data, "\n")[0] // Checking if we have connection string here. if strings.Contains(data, "ct ") { fmt.Println("Connection string detected!") var server string = "" var password string = "" conn_string := strings.Split(data, ";") if len(conn_string) > 0 { srv_string := strings.Split(data, ";")[0] srv_splitted := strings.Split(srv_string, "ct ") if len(srv_splitted) > 1 { server_raw := strings.Split(srv_splitted[1], " ")[0] // Get rid of spaces. server = strings.TrimSpace(server_raw) } } if len(conn_string) > 1 && strings.Contains(data, "password") { pw_string := strings.Split(data, ";")[1] pw_splitted := strings.Split(pw_string, "password ") if len(pw_splitted) > 1 { password_raw := strings.Split(pw_splitted[1], " ")[0] // Get rid of spaces. password = strings.TrimSpace(password_raw) } } Eventer.LaunchEvent("setQuickConnectDetails", map[string]string{"server": server, "password": password}) } }