#!/bin/bash # Do some checks. # Do we have brew installed? brew config | grep HOMEBREW_VERSION &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please, install brew (http://brew.sh)" exit 1 fi # Do we have Go installed? # ToDo: more proper check. if [ -z ${GOPATH} ]; then echo "Please, install Go >= 1.7 for continue and configure your shell. See Go installation docs for more information." exit 1 fi # Do we have GTK+ installed? GTK_STATUS=$(brew info gtk+ | grep Cellar) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please, install GTK+ (brew install gtk+ gtksourceview)" exit 1 fi # Okay, let's compile. echo "Getting URTrator (and dependencies) sources" go get -u -v -d github.com/pztrn/urtrator if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to get URTrator sources" exit 1 fi echo "Building URTrator..." go install -v github.com/pztrn/urtrator if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to build URTrator! Please, create a new bug report at https://github.com/pztrn/urtrator and attach FULL console output!" exit 1 fi echo "Creating app bundle..." mkdir -p URTrator.app/Contents/{MacOS,Framework,Resources} cp $GOPATH/bin/urtrator URTrator.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/pztrn/urtrator/artwork/urtrator.icns URTrator.app/Contents/Resources/ ##################################################################### # APP BUNDLE INFO.PLIST ##################################################################### INFOPLIST=' CFBundleGetInfoString URTrator CFBundleExecutable urtrator.sh CFBundleIdentifier name.pztrn.urtrator CFBundleName URTrator CFBundleIconFile urtrator.icns CFBundleShortVersionString 0.1.0 CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundlePackageType APPL IFMajorVersion 0 IFMinorVersion 1 ' echo ${INFOPLIST} > URTrator.app/Contents/Info.plist echo -e '#!/bin/bash\ncd "${0%/*}"\n./urtrator' > ./URTrator.app/Contents/MacOS/urtrator.sh chmod +x ./URTrator.app/Contents/MacOS/urtrator.sh ##################################################################### # Libraries works. # First iteration - main libraries. echo "Copying libraries..." dylibbundler -of -b -x ./URTrator.app/Contents/MacOS/urtrator -d ./URTrator.app/Contents/Framework/ -p @executable_path/../Framework/ # Fix shit for dylibbundler. By this moment we should have everything # we needed in Framework directory. for lib in $(ls ./URTrator.app/Contents/Framework); do libname=$(echo ${lib} | awk -F"/" {' print $NF '}) DEPS=$(otool -L ./URTrator.app/Contents/Framework/${lib} | grep "/usr/local") for dep in ${DEPS[@]}; do dep_name=$(echo ${dep} | awk -F"/" {' print $NF '}) install_name_tool -change ${dep} @executable_path/../Framework/${dep_name} ./URTrator.app/Contents/Framework/${libname} done done echo "Finishing..." echo "URTrator is ready! Copy URTrator.app bundle to Applications and launch it!"