[FR] add the ability to select a nickname in panel "Quick connect" like in UrT Connector. #4

opened 2016-10-07 22:42:47 +05:00 by KronoZed · 4 comments
KronoZed commented 2016-10-07 22:42:47 +05:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Feature request for add the ability to select a nickname in panel "Quick connect" like in UrT Connector.

UrT Connector

Feature request for add the ability to select a nickname in panel "Quick connect" like in UrT Connector. ![UrT Connector](http://i.imgur.com/YW2OT3h.png)

This can be achieved with profiles, so no separate field for this.

This can be achieved with profiles, so no separate field for this.
KronoZed commented 2016-10-08 00:56:55 +05:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Profiles do not solve it for the games with frequent change nickname. This is necessary for cases with frequent connections to the servers for preserve anonymity and do not be detected. For example on urtpickup or pcws. Especially on urtpickup. For quick connection to the servers with a new nicknames, and not wasting time on opening additional menu with profiles and editing this.

Profiles do not solve it for the games with frequent change nickname. This is necessary for cases with frequent connections to the servers for preserve anonymity and do not be detected. For example on urtpickup or pcws. Especially on urtpickup. For quick connection to the servers with a new nicknames, and not wasting time on opening additional menu with profiles and editing this.

Shitty idea, but okay.

Shitty idea, but okay.


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Reference: apps/urtrator#4
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