Investigate possible crash on "unprofiled" launching with nickname overrided in quick launch #13

opened 2016-11-22 06:47:12 +05:00 by pztrn · 2 comments

Steps to repro:

[06:45] pretsell: fresh install
[06:46] pretsell: no profile
[06:46] pretsell: select server
[06:46] pretsell: click launch
[06:46] pretsell: had nickname set
[06:46] pretsell: (still don't get it XD (will wait for @KronoZ explaination))

Steps to repro: [06:45] pretsell: fresh install [06:46] pretsell: no profile [06:46] pretsell: select server [06:46] pretsell: click launch [06:46] pretsell: had nickname set [06:46] pretsell: (still don't get it XD (will wait for @KronoZ explaination))
pretsell commented 2016-11-22 07:01:07 +05:00 (Migrated from

unable to reproduce now with screen recording active :(

unable to reproduce now with screen recording active :(

Heh, looks like isn't an issue in URTrator:

[06:51] pretsell: as i setup shadowplay for desktop now get pop up invalid game profile
[06:51] pretsell: >.<
[06:53] pretsell: close that issue then with 'pretsell's pc is nub'

Heh, looks like isn't an issue in URTrator: [06:51] pretsell: as i setup shadowplay for desktop now get pop up invalid game profile [06:51] pretsell: >.< [06:53] pretsell: close that issue then with 'pretsell's pc is nub'
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1 Participants
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Reference: apps/urtrator#13
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