# OpenSAPS OpenSAPS stands for "Open Slack APi Server". This is an open-source implementation of Slack API server that can be used to integrate applications into each other using Slack API. Initially this project was created for integrating Gitlab and Gitea into Matrix, because there was no good incoming webhooks support. # Installation ``` go get -u -v -d lab.pztrn.name/pztrn/opensaps go install -v lab.pztrn.name/pztrn/opensaps ``` # Configuration Take a look at ``opensaps.example.yaml`` for configuration example. Right now there is no documentation about configuration file, but it will appear in future. # Usage The only parameter OpenSAPS binary accepts is a configuration file path. Do it like: ``` opensaps -config /path/to/opensaps.yaml ``` # About hooks and parsers While configuring a webhook in your application, please, set username exactly same as one of parsers in ``parsers`` directory! Otherwise parser "default" will be used, which will just concatenate text and attachments into one message! Also note - that nickname will be ignored while sending message to pushers. ---- # IMPORTANT NOTICE This project isn't affiliated nor developed by Slack itself.