# OpenSAPS configuration There is no hardcoded place for OpenSAPS configuration. You **should** provide path to configuration file via ``-config`` parameter. # Example configuration Example can be viewed in opensaps.example.yaml, which is stored in root directory of this repository. # Configuration values. Here we will go thru configuration values available. Nesting shows nesting level in configuration file. * ``slackhandler`` - namespace for configuring Slack API HTTP listener. * ``listener`` - namespace for configuring HTTP listener itself. * ``address`` - IP address and port we will listen on. Defaulting to ````. * ``webhooks`` - namespace for webhooks configuration. Here you should define webhook name (**should be unique!**) and some parameters. * ``gitea_to_matrix`` - example webhook name. Should be unique and can be anything you can imagine (in text, of course). **WARNING:** multiline webhook names wasn't tested! Try to keep your text in single line! * ``slack`` - namespace for configuring Slack API parameters. URL for Slack webhook looks like: ``` http(s)://server.tls/services/T12345678/B87654321/24charslongstring ``` Where ``12345678`` is a random 8-char string (all caps) and ``24charslongstring`` is a random 24-char string. Next variables configures these strings. * ``random1`` - first 8-char random string (``T12345678``). * ``random2`` - second 8-char random string (``B87654321``). * ``longrandom`` - 24-char random string. * ``remote`` - configures pusher this webhook should use and connection name for it. * ``pusher`` - what pusher this webhook should use. * ``push_to`` - connection name for this pusher. * ``matrix`` - configures Matrix pusher connections available. * ``matrix_test`` - connection name. Should be unique and can be anything you can imagine (in text, of course). **WARNING:** multiline webhook names wasn't tested! Try to keep your text in single line! * ``api_root`` - API root for Matrix connection. For example, ``https://localhost:8448/_matrix/client/r0``. * ``user`` - Matrix user. * ``password`` - password for Matrix user. * ``room`` - room ID to use. If Matrix user isn't in that room while OpenSAPS logging in - OpenSAPS will try to join this room.