Make linters happy.
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

This commit is contained in:
Stanislav Nikitin 2022-06-29 13:16:43 +05:00
parent 24644dba93
commit bff1050eab
Signed by: pztrn
GPG Key ID: 1E944A0F0568B550
14 changed files with 100 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ linters:
- gochecknoglobals
# This linter goes crazy for nothing (almost).
- funlen
# Deprecated things.
- exhaustivestruct
line-length: 128

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (conf Configuration) GetTempValue(key string) (string, error) {
if value[0] == '~' {
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Failed to get current user data")
ctx.Log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Failed to get current user data")
value = strings.Replace(value, "~", usr.HomeDir, 1)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func (conf Configuration) GetTempValue(key string) (string, error) {
func (conf Configuration) Initialize() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing configuration storage...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing configuration storage...")
tempconfig = make(map[string]string)
@ -71,26 +71,26 @@ func (conf Configuration) Initialize() {
DefaultValue: "~/.config/OpenSAPS/config.yaml",
_ = c.Flagger.AddFlag(&flagConfigpath)
_ = ctx.Flagger.AddFlag(&flagConfigpath)
// Initializes configuration root path for later usage.
func (conf Configuration) initializeConfigurationFilePath() {
c.Log.Debug().Msg("Asking flagger about configuration root path supplied by user...")
ctx.Log.Debug().Msg("Asking flagger about configuration root path supplied by user...")
configpath, err := c.Flagger.GetStringValue("config")
configpath, err := ctx.Flagger.GetStringValue("config")
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Msg("Something went wrong - Flagger doesn't know about \"-config\" parameter!")
ctx.Log.Fatal().Msg("Something went wrong - Flagger doesn't know about \"-config\" parameter!")
c.Log.Info().Msg("Will use configuration file: '" + configpath + "'")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Will use configuration file: '" + configpath + "'")
conf.SetTempValue("CONFIGURATION_FILE", configpath)
// Asking Flagger about flags, initialize internal variables.
// Should be called **after** Flagger.Parse().
func (conf Configuration) InitializeLater() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Completing configuration initialization...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Completing configuration initialization...")
@ -99,26 +99,27 @@ func (conf Configuration) InitializeLater() {
func (conf Configuration) LoadConfigurationFromFile() {
configpath, err := conf.GetTempValue("CONFIGURATION_FILE")
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Msg("Failed to get configuration file path from internal temporary configuration storage! OpenSAPS is BROKEN!")
Msg("Failed to get configuration file path from internal temporary configuration storage! OpenSAPS is BROKEN!")
c.Log.Info().Msgf("Loading configuration from '%s'...", configpath)
ctx.Log.Info().Msgf("Loading configuration from '%s'...", configpath)
// Read file into memory.
configBytes, err1 := ioutil.ReadFile(configpath)
if err1 != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Msgf("Error occurred while reading configuration file: %s", err1.Error())
ctx.Log.Fatal().Msgf("Error occurred while reading configuration file: %s", err1.Error())
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
config = &configstruct.ConfigStruct{}
// Parse YAML.
err2 := yaml.Unmarshal(configBytes, config)
if err2 != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to parse configuration file: %s", err2.Error())
ctx.Log.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to parse configuration file: %s", err2.Error())
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Loaded configuration: %+v", config)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Loaded configuration: %+v", config)
// Sets value to key in temporary configuration storage.

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import (
var (
c *context.Context
ctx *context.Context
// Temporary configuration.
tempconfig map[string]string
// Configuration from YAML file.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var (
func New(cc *context.Context) {
c = cc
ctx = cc
conf := Configuration{}

View File

@ -45,32 +45,32 @@ func (c *Context) Initialize() {
c.Parsers = make(map[string]parserinterface.ParserInterface)
c.Pushers = make(map[string]pusherinterface.PusherInterface)
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
output := zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stdout, NoColor: false, TimeFormat: time.RFC3339}
output.FormatLevel = func(lvlRaw interface{}) string {
var v string
var formattedLvl string
if lvl, ok := lvlRaw.(string); ok {
lvl = strings.ToUpper(lvl)
switch lvl {
case "DEBUG":
v = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[30m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
formattedLvl = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[30m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
case "ERROR":
v = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[31m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
formattedLvl = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[31m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
case "FATAL":
v = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[35m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
formattedLvl = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[35m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
case "INFO":
v = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
formattedLvl = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
case "PANIC":
v = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[36m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
formattedLvl = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[36m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
case "WARN":
v = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[33m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
formattedLvl = fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[33m%-5s\x1b[0m", lvl)
v = lvl
formattedLvl = lvl
return fmt.Sprintf("| %s |", v)
return fmt.Sprintf("| %s |", formattedLvl)
c.Log = zerolog.New(output).With().Timestamp().Logger()

View File

@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
package context
func New() *Context {
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
return &Context{}

View File

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ import (
var (
c *context.Context
ctx *context.Context
connections map[string]*MatrixConnection
func New(cc *context.Context) {
c = cc
ctx = cc
connections = make(map[string]*MatrixConnection)
mp := MatrixPusher{}
c.RegisterPusherInterface("matrix", pusherinterface.PusherInterface(mp))
ctx.RegisterPusherInterface("matrix", pusherinterface.PusherInterface(mp))

View File

@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ type MatrixConnection struct {
// nolint
func (mxc *MatrixConnection) doPostRequest(endpoint string, data string) ([]byte, error) {
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Data to send: %+v", data)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Data to send: %+v", data)
apiRoot := mxc.apiRoot + endpoint
if mxc.token != "" {
apiRoot += fmt.Sprintf("?access_token=%s", mxc.token)
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Request URL: %s", apiRoot)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Request URL: %s", apiRoot)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", apiRoot, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(data)))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) doPostRequest(endpoint string, data string) ([]byte
// nolint
func (mxc *MatrixConnection) doPutRequest(endpoint string, data string) ([]byte, error) {
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Data to send: %+v", data)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Data to send: %+v", data)
apiRoot := mxc.apiRoot + endpoint
if mxc.token != "" {
apiRoot += fmt.Sprintf("?access_token=%s", mxc.token)
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Request URL: %s", apiRoot)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Request URL: %s", apiRoot)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", apiRoot, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(data)))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) generateTnxIDSecureBytes(length int) []byte {
randomBytes := make([]byte, length)
if _, err := crand.Read(randomBytes); err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Msg("Unable to generate random bytes for transaction ID!")
ctx.Log.Fatal().Msg("Unable to generate random bytes for transaction ID!")
return randomBytes
@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) Initialize(connName string, apiRoot string, user st
mxc.roomID = roomID
mxc.token = ""
c.Log.Debug().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Str("api_root", apiRoot).Msg("Trying to connect server")
ctx.Log.Debug().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Str("api_root", apiRoot).Msg("Trying to connect server")
loginStr := fmt.Sprintf(`{"type": "m.login.password", "user": "%s", "password": "%s"}`, mxc.username, mxc.password)
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Login string: %s", loginStr)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Login string: %s", loginStr)
reply, err := mxc.doPostRequest("/login", loginStr)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to login to Matrix with user '%s' (conn %s): '%s'", mxc.username, mxc.connName, err.Error())
ctx.Log.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to login to Matrix with user '%s' (conn %s): '%s'", mxc.username, mxc.connName, err.Error())
// Parse received JSON and get access token.
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) Initialize(connName string, apiRoot string, user st
err1 := json.Unmarshal(reply, &data)
if err1 != nil {
Str("username", mxc.username).
Str("conn", mxc.connName).
@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) Initialize(connName string, apiRoot string, user st
mxc.token, _ = data["access_token"].(string)
mxc.deviceID, _ = data["deviceID"].(string)
c.Log.Debug().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Str("access_token", mxc.token).Str("device_id", mxc.deviceID).Msg("Login successful")
ctx.Log.Debug().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Str("access_token", mxc.token).Str("device_id", mxc.deviceID).Msg("Login successful")
// We should check if we're already in room and, if not, join it.
// We will do this by simply trying to join. We don't care about reply
// here.
_, err2 := mxc.doPostRequest("/rooms/"+mxc.roomID+"/join", "{}")
if err2 != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Failed to join room")
ctx.Log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Failed to join room")
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) Initialize(connName string, apiRoot string, user st
// It will prepare a message which will be passed to mxc.SendMessage().
func (mxc *MatrixConnection) ProcessMessage(message slackmessage.SlackMessage) {
// Prepare message body.
messageData := c.SendToParser(message.Username, message)
messageData := ctx.SendToParser(message.Username, message)
messageToSend, _ := messageData["message"].(string)
// We'll use HTML, so reformat links accordingly (if any).
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) ProcessMessage(message slackmessage.SlackMessage) {
// "\n" should be "<br>".
messageToSend = strings.ReplaceAll(messageToSend, "\n", "<br>")
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Crafted message: %s", messageToSend)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Crafted message: %s", messageToSend)
// Send message.
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) ProcessMessage(message slackmessage.SlackMessage) {
// This function sends already prepared message to room.
func (mxc *MatrixConnection) SendMessage(message string) {
c.Log.Debug().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msgf("Sending message: '%s'", message)
ctx.Log.Debug().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msgf("Sending message: '%s'", message)
// We should send notices as it is preferred behavior for bots and
// appservices.
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) SendMessage(message string) {
msgBytes, err := json.Marshal(&msg)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to marshal message into JSON.")
ctx.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to marshal message into JSON.")
@ -260,20 +260,20 @@ func (mxc *MatrixConnection) SendMessage(message string) {
reply, err := mxc.doPutRequest("/rooms/"+mxc.roomID+"/send/"+mxc.generateTnxID(), msgStr)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Fatal().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Str("room", mxc.roomID).Err(err).Msg("Failed to send message to room")
ctx.Log.Fatal().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Str("room", mxc.roomID).Err(err).Msg("Failed to send message to room")
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Message sent, reply: %s", string(reply))
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Message sent, reply: %s", string(reply))
func (mxc *MatrixConnection) Shutdown() {
c.Log.Info().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msg("Shutting down connection...")
ctx.Log.Info().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msg("Shutting down connection...")
_, err := mxc.doPostRequest("/logout", "{}")
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msg("Error occurred while trying to log out from Matrix.")
ctx.Log.Error().Err(err).Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msg("Error occurred while trying to log out from Matrix.")
mxc.token = ""
c.Log.Info().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msg("Connection successfully shutted down")
ctx.Log.Info().Str("conn", mxc.connName).Msg("Connection successfully shutted down")

View File

@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ import slackmessage ""
type MatrixPusher struct{}
func (mp MatrixPusher) Initialize() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing Matrix protocol pusher...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing Matrix protocol pusher...")
// Get configuration for pushers and initialize every connection.
cfg := c.Config.GetConfig()
cfg := ctx.Config.GetConfig()
for name, config := range cfg.Matrix {
c.Log.Info().Str("conn", name).Msg("Initializing connection...")
ctx.Log.Info().Str("conn", name).Msg("Initializing connection...")
// Fields will be filled with conn.Initialize().
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
conn := MatrixConnection{}
connections[name] = &conn
@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ func (mp MatrixPusher) Initialize() {
func (mp MatrixPusher) Push(connection string, data slackmessage.SlackMessage) {
conn, found := connections[connection]
if !found {
c.Log.Error().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Connection not found!")
ctx.Log.Error().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Connection not found!")
c.Log.Debug().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Pushing data to connection")
ctx.Log.Debug().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Pushing data to connection")
func (mp MatrixPusher) Shutdown() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Shutting down Matrix pusher...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Shutting down Matrix pusher...")
for _, conn := range connections {

View File

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ import (
var (
c *context.Context
ctx *context.Context
connections map[string]*TelegramConnection
func New(cc *context.Context) {
c = cc
ctx = cc
connections = make(map[string]*TelegramConnection)
tp := TelegramPusher{}
c.RegisterPusherInterface("telegram", pusherinterface.PusherInterface(tp))
ctx.RegisterPusherInterface("telegram", pusherinterface.PusherInterface(tp))

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func (tc *TelegramConnection) Initialize(connName string, cfg configstruct.Confi
func (tc *TelegramConnection) ProcessMessage(message slackmessage.SlackMessage) {
// Prepare message body.
messageData := c.SendToParser(message.Username, message)
messageData := ctx.SendToParser(message.Username, message)
messageToSend, _ := messageData["message"].(string)
// We'll use HTML, so reformat links accordingly (if any).
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func (tc *TelegramConnection) ProcessMessage(message slackmessage.SlackMessage)
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Crafted message: %s", messageToSend)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Crafted message: %s", messageToSend)
// Send message.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func (tc *TelegramConnection) SendMessage(message string) {
msgdata.Set("parse_mode", "HTML")
// Are we should use proxy?
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
httpTransport := &http.Transport{}
// nolint:nestif
@ -82,30 +82,30 @@ func (tc *TelegramConnection) SendMessage(message string) {
proxyURLParsed, err := url.Parse(proxyURL)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error while constructing/parsing proxy URL")
ctx.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error while constructing/parsing proxy URL")
} else {
httpTransport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxyURLParsed)
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
client := &http.Client{Transport: httpTransport}
botURL := fmt.Sprintf("", tc.config.BotID)
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Bot URL: %s", botURL)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Bot URL: %s", botURL)
// ToDo: fix it.
// nolint
response, err := client.PostForm(botURL, msgdata)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error occurred while sending data to Telegram")
ctx.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error occurred while sending data to Telegram")
} else {
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Status: %s", response.Status)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Status: %s", response.Status)
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
body := []byte{}
_, _ = response.Body.Read(body)

View File

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ import (
type TelegramPusher struct{}
func (tp TelegramPusher) Initialize() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing Telegram protocol pusher...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing Telegram protocol pusher...")
// Get configuration for pushers and initialize every connection.
cfg := c.Config.GetConfig()
cfg := ctx.Config.GetConfig()
for name, config := range cfg.Telegram {
c.Log.Info().Str("conn", name).Msg("Initializing connection...")
ctx.Log.Info().Str("conn", name).Msg("Initializing connection...")
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
conn := TelegramConnection{}
connections[name] = &conn
@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ func (tp TelegramPusher) Initialize() {
func (tp TelegramPusher) Push(connection string, data slackmessage.SlackMessage) {
conn, found := connections[connection]
if !found {
c.Log.Error().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Connection not found")
ctx.Log.Error().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Connection not found")
c.Log.Debug().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Pushing data")
ctx.Log.Debug().Str("conn", connection).Msg("Pushing data")
func (tp TelegramPusher) Shutdown() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Shutting down Telegram pusher...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Shutting down Telegram pusher...")
for _, conn := range connections {

View File

@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ import (
var (
c *context.Context
ctx *context.Context
// HTTP server.
httpsrv *http.Server
func New(cc *context.Context) {
c = cc
ctx = cc
sh := APIServer{}

View File

@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ import (
type APIServer struct{}
func (sh APIServer) Initialize() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing Slack API handler...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Initializing Slack API handler...")
// Start HTTP server.
// As OpenSAPS designed to be behind some proxy (nginx, Caddy, etc.)
// we will listen only to plain HTTP.
// Note to those who wants HTTPS - proxify with nginx, Caddy, etc!
// Don't send pull requests, patches, don't create issues! :)
cfg := c.Config.GetConfig()
cfg := ctx.Config.GetConfig()
// nolint:exhaustivestruct,gomnd
// nolint:exhaustruct,gomnd
httpsrv = &http.Server{
Addr: cfg.SlackHandler.Listener.Address,
// This handler will figure out from where request has come and will
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ func (sh APIServer) Initialize() {
_ = httpsrv.ListenAndServe()
c.Log.Info().Str("address", cfg.SlackHandler.Listener.Address).Msg("Starting Slack Webhooks API server")
ctx.Log.Info().Str("address", cfg.SlackHandler.Listener.Address).Msg("Starting Slack Webhooks API server")
func (sh APIServer) Shutdown() {
c.Log.Info().Msg("Shutting down Slack API handler...")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Shutting down Slack API handler...")
_ = httpsrv.Shutdown(context.TODO())
c.Log.Info().Msg("Slack API HTTP server shutted down")
ctx.Log.Info().Msg("Slack API HTTP server shutted down")

View File

@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ import (
type Handler struct{}
func (sh Handler) ServeHTTP(respwriter http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
c.Log.Debug().Str("method", req.Method).Str("host", req.Host).Str("path", req.URL.Path).Msg("Received HTTP request")
ctx.Log.Debug().Str("method", req.Method).Str("host", req.Host).Str("path", req.URL.Path).Msg("Received HTTP request")
// We should catch only POST requests. Otherwise return HTTP 404.
if req.Method != "POST" {
c.Log.Debug().Msg("Not a POST request, returning HTTP 404")
ctx.Log.Debug().Msg("Not a POST request, returning HTTP 404")
fmt.Fprintf(respwriter, "NOT FOUND")
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ func (sh Handler) ServeHTTP(respwriter http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Received body: %s", string(body))
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Received body: %s", string(body))
// Try to figure out where we should push received data.
cfg := c.Config.GetConfig()
cfg := ctx.Config.GetConfig()
var sentToPusher bool
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (sh Handler) ServeHTTP(respwriter http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if strings.Contains(req.URL.Path, config.Slack.Random1) &&
strings.Contains(req.URL.Path, config.Slack.Random2) &&
strings.Contains(req.URL.Path, config.Slack.LongRandom) {
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Passed data belongs to '%s' and should go to '%s' pusher, protocol '%s'",
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Passed data belongs to '%s' and should go to '%s' pusher, protocol '%s'",
name, config.Remote.PushTo, config.Remote.Pusher)
// Parse message into SlackMessage structure.
if strings.Contains(string(body)[0:7], "payload") {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func (sh Handler) ServeHTTP(respwriter http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Second - unescape data.
tempBody, err := url.QueryUnescape(tempBody)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Msg("Failed to decode body into parseable string!")
ctx.Log.Error().Msg("Failed to decode body into parseable string!")
@ -78,25 +78,25 @@ func (sh Handler) ServeHTTP(respwriter http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
body = []byte(tempBody)
// nolint:exhaustivestruct
// nolint:exhaustruct
slackmsg := slackmessage.SlackMessage{}
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &slackmsg)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to decode JSON into SlackMessage struct")
ctx.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to decode JSON into SlackMessage struct")
c.Log.Debug().Msgf("Received message: %+v", slackmsg)
c.SendToPusher(config.Remote.Pusher, config.Remote.PushTo, slackmsg)
ctx.Log.Debug().Msgf("Received message: %+v", slackmsg)
ctx.SendToPusher(config.Remote.Pusher, config.Remote.PushTo, slackmsg)
sentToPusher = true
if !sentToPusher {
c.Log.Debug().Msg("Don't know where to push data. Ignoring with HTTP 404")
ctx.Log.Debug().Msg("Don't know where to push data. Ignoring with HTTP 404")
fmt.Fprintf(respwriter, "NOT FOUND")