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Raw Normal View History

// OpenSAPS - Open Slack API server for everyone.
// Copyright (c) 2017, Stanislav N. aka pztrn.
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package giteaparser
import (
// stdlib
// local
type GiteaParser struct {}
func (gp GiteaParser) Initialize() {
c.Log.Infoln("Initializing Gitea parser...")
func (gp GiteaParser) cutCommitLink(data string) [][]string {
var links [][]string
c.Log.Debugln("Passed:", data)
r := regexp.MustCompile("(http[?s]://[a-zA-Z1-9./-]+)|([a-zA-Z1-9]+)>")
found := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(data, -1)
var result []string
for i := range found {
if i%2 == 0 {
result = make([]string, 0, 2)
result = append(result, found[i][1])
} else {
result = append(result, found[i][2])
links = append(links, result)
c.Log.Debugln("Links cutted:", links)
return links
func (gp GiteaParser) cutHeaderLinks(data string) [][]string {
var links [][]string
c.Log.Debugln("Passed:", data)
r := regexp.MustCompile("<(http[?s]://[a-zA-Z1-9./-]+)|([a-zA-Z1-9_-]+)>")
found := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(data, -1)
var result []string
for i := range found {
if i%2 == 0 {
result = make([]string, 0, 2)
result = append(result, found[i][1])
} else {
result = append(result, found[i][2])
links = append(links, result)
c.Log.Debugln("Links cutted:", links)
return links
func (gp GiteaParser) parseCommitNew(message slackmessage.SlackMessage) map[string]string {
data := make(map[string]string)
data["message"] = "[Repo: {repo} | Branch: {branch}] {header_message}{newline}{repeatables}"
// Parse header.
// [0] is repo, [1] is branch.
header_data := gp.cutHeaderLinks(message.Text)
data["repo"] = header_data[0][1]
data["repo_url"] = header_data[0][0]
data["branch"] = header_data[1][1]
data["branch_url"] = header_data[1][0]
header_msg := strings.Split(message.Text, "] ")[1]
data["header_message"] = header_msg
// Parse commits.
data["repeatable_message"] = "{commit}: {message}{newline}"
data["repeatables"] = "commit,message"
idx := 0
for i := range message.Attachments {
attachment_link := gp.cutCommitLink(message.Attachments[i].Text)
data["repeatable_item_commit" + strconv.Itoa(idx)] = attachment_link[0][1]
data["repeatable_item_commit" + strconv.Itoa(idx) + "_url"] = attachment_link[0][0]
data["repeatable_item_message" + strconv.Itoa(idx)] = strings.Split(message.Attachments[i].Text, ">: ")[1]
idx += 1
data["repeatables_count"] = strconv.Itoa(idx)
return data
func (gp GiteaParser) ParseMessage(message slackmessage.SlackMessage) map[string]string {
c.Log.Debugln("Parsing Gitea message...")
var data map[string]string
if strings.Contains(message.Text, "new commit pushed by ") {
data = gp.parseCommitNew(message)
} else {
return map[string]string{"message": "Unknown message type:<br />" + fmt.Sprintf("%+v", message)}
c.Log.Debugln("Message:", fmt.Sprintf("%+x", data))
return data