# Metricator's API This page describes Metricator's API. ## URL forming API URLs are formed like: `/api/vX/TYPE/OTHER_DATA`, where: * `vX` is a version (e.g. `v1`). * `TYPE` - request type (see below). * `OTHER_DATA` - other data that is needed to properly process request of `TYPE`. ## Versions Metricator's API currently supports API version 1. ## Handlers ### Get Metricator's build info **URL**: `/api/vX/info` Returns a JSON with build info with following items: * `Branch` for git branch. * `Build` for commit **number**. * `CommitHash` for git commit hash. * `Version` for tagged (or not tagged) build. Caveats: 1. `Version` contains string formed with [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) in mind, so there is either "X.Y.Z" for tagged release or "X.Y.Z-dev` for development (built not from tag) release. Example: ```json {"Branch":"master","Build":"24","CommitHash":"095e24a2b0b908d790153a4ed0bee51d9dba7685","Version":"0.1.0-dev"} ``` ### Get registered applications list **URL**: `/api/vX/apps_list` Returns a JSON with all known applications. Example: ```json ["app1", "app2", "gw1", "gw2"] ``` ### Get all known metrics for application **URL**: `/api/vX/metrics/APP_NAME` Where: * `APP_NAME` is a name of registered application. Example: ```json [ { "Name":"dnsdist_frontend_tcpgaveup/frontend:", "Description":"Amount of TCP connections terminated after too many attempts to get a connection to the backend", "Type":"counter", "Value":"0", "Params":null }, { "Name":"dnsdist_frontend_queries/frontend:", "Description":"Amount of queries received by this frontend", "Type":"counter", "Value":"0", "Params":null }, { "Name":"dnsdist_frontend_queries/frontend:", "Description":"Amount of queries received by this frontend", "Type":"counter", "Value":"53842", "Params":null, } ] ``` ### Get single metric data **URL**: `/api/vX/metrics/APP_NAME/METRIC_NAME` Where: * `APP_NAME` is a name of registered application. * `METRIC_NAME` is a name of metric exposed by this application.