Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Stanislav Nikitin 2020-02-06 15:09:25 +05:00
commit a7bf1f29ba
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 106900B32F8192EE
22 changed files with 1049 additions and 0 deletions

23 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
GLP stands for Go Licensing Processor. It is an utility that parses application's dependencies, gets their licenses and copyright information and writing gathered data into report file.
## Supported report file formats
*None yet.*
## Supported VCSes and sites
*None yet.*
## Installation
It is enough to issue:
go get -u
## Configuration
*None yet.*

cmd/glp/main.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package main
import (
// stdlib
// local
var (
configurationPath string
packagesPaths string
outputFormat string
outputFile string
func main() {
log.Println("Starting glp")
flag.StringVar(&configurationPath, "config", "./.glp.yaml", "Path to configuration file.")
flag.StringVar(&packagesPaths, "pkgs", "", "Packages that should be analyzed. Use comma to delimit packages.")
flag.StringVar(&outputFormat, "outformat", "csv", "Output file format. Only 'csv' for now.")
flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "outfile", "", "File to write licensing information to.")
if packagesPaths == "" {
log.Println("Packages paths that should be analyzed should be defined.")
if outputFile == "" {
log.Println("Output file path should be defined.")
projecter.Initialize(packagesPaths, outputFormat, outputFile)

configuration/exported.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package configuration
import (
// stdlib
var (
configurationPath string
Cfg *config
// Initialize initializes package.
func Initialize(cfgpath string) {
log.Println("Initializing configuration")
configurationPath = cfgpath
Cfg = &config{}
err := Cfg.initialize()
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error appeared when loading configuration:", err.Error())

configuration/struct.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package configuration
import (
// This structure holds whole configuration for glp.
type config struct {
Log struct {
Debug bool `yaml:"debug"`
} `yaml:"log"`
// Tries to parse configuration.
func (c *config) initialize() error {
// Check if file exists.
if _, err := os.Stat(configurationPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
// Validate configuration file path.
// First - replace any "~" that might appear.
if strings.Contains(configurationPath, "~") {
userDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return err
configurationPath = strings.Replace(configurationPath, "~", userDir, -1)
// Then - make relative paths to be absolute.
absPath, err1 := filepath.Abs(configurationPath)
if err1 != nil {
return err1
configurationPath = absPath
log.Println("Trying to load configuration file data from '" + configurationPath + "'")
// Read file into memory.
fileData, err2 := ioutil.ReadFile(configurationPath)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
// Try to parse loaded data.
err3 := yaml.Unmarshal(fileData, c)
if err3 != nil {
return err3
if c.Log.Debug {
log.Printf("Configuration parsed: %+v\n", c)
return nil

glp.example.yaml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
debug: true

httpclient/exported.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package httpclient
import (
// stdlib
// local
const (
defaultTimeoutInSeconds = 20
perDomainRequestsLimit = 5
var (
httpClient = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * defaultTimeoutInSeconds,
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: time.Second * defaultTimeoutInSeconds,
DualStack: true,
ExpectContinueTimeout: time.Second * 5,
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: time.Second * defaultTimeoutInSeconds,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: time.Second * 5,
perDomainRequests map[string]int
perDomainRequestsMutex sync.Mutex
// Initialize initializes package.
func Initialize() {
log.Println("Initializing HTTP client...")
perDomainRequests = make(map[string]int)
// GET executes GET request and returns body.
func GET(request *http.Request) []byte {
for {
currentlyRunning, found := perDomainRequests[request.URL.Host]
if !found {
if currentlyRunning >= perDomainRequestsLimit {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
_, found := perDomainRequests[request.URL.Host]
if !found {
perDomainRequests[request.URL.Host] = 1
} else {
defer func() {
if configuration.Cfg.Log.Debug {
log.Println("Executing request:", request.URL.String())
var (
requestsCount = 0
response *http.Response
for {
if requestsCount == 3 {
log.Printf("Failed to execute request %s: tried 3 times and got errors. Skipping.", request.URL.String())
return nil
var err error
response, err = httpClient.Do(request)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to execute request %s: %s\n", request.URL.String(), err.Error())
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
respBody, err1 := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err1 != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to read response body %s: %s\n", request.URL.String(), err1.Error())
return nil
return respBody

outputters/csv/csv.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package csv
import (
// stdlib
c "encoding/csv"
// local
var (
headers = []string{"Module", "License", "Repository URL", "License URL", "Project", "Copyrights"}
// Responsible for pushing passed data into CSV file.
type outputter struct{}
func (o *outputter) Write(deps []*structs.Dependency, outFile string) {
log.Println("Got", strconv.Itoa(len(deps)), "dependencies to write")
// Check if file exists and remove it if so.
if _, err := os.Stat(outFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) || err == nil {
// Open file and create writer.
f, err := os.Create(outFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to open '"+outFile+"' for writing:", err.Error())
writer := c.NewWriter(f)
writer.Comma = ';'
// Write header first.
_ = writer.Write(headers)
// Write dependencies information.
for _, dep := range deps {
_ = writer.Write([]string{dep.Name, dep.License.Name, dep.VCS.VCSPath, dep.License.URL, dep.Parent, dep.License.Copyrights})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package csv
import (
// stdlib
// local
func Initialize() outputinterface.Interface {
log.Println("Initializing csv outputter...")
c := &outputter{}
return outputinterface.Interface(c)

outputters/exported.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package outputters
import (
// stdlib
// local
var (
outputters map[string]outputinterface.Interface
func Initialize() {
log.Println("Initializing output providers")
outputters = make(map[string]outputinterface.Interface)
csvIface := csv.Initialize()
outputters["csv"] = csvIface
// Write pushes parsed data into outputter for writing.
func Write(outputter string, filePath string, deps []*structs.Dependency) {
outputterIface, found := outputters[outputter]
if !found {
log.Fatalln("Failed to find outputter '" + outputter + "'!")
outputterIface.Write(deps, filePath)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package outputinterface
import (
// local
// Interface is a generic output writer interface.
type Interface interface {
Write(deps []*structs.Dependency, outFile string)

parsers/exported.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package parsers
import (
// stdlib
// local
var (
parsers map[string]parserinterface.Interface
parsersMutex sync.RWMutex
// Initialize initializes package.
func Initialize() {
log.Println("Initializing parsers...")
parsers = make(map[string]parserinterface.Interface)
// Initialize parsers.
golangIface, golangName := golang.Initialize()
parsers[golangName] = golangIface
// Detect tries to launch parsers for project detection. It returns
// parser name that should be used and optional flavor (e.g. dependencies
// manager name) that might be returned by parser's Detect() function.
func Detect(pkgPath string) (string, string) {
defer parsersMutex.RUnlock()
for parserName, parserIface := range parsers {
if configuration.Cfg.Log.Debug {
log.Println("Checking if parser '" + parserName + "' can parse project '" + pkgPath + "'...")
useThisParser, flavor := parserIface.Detect(pkgPath)
if useThisParser {
return parserName, flavor
return "unknown", ""
// GetDependencies asks parser to extract dependencies from project.
func GetDependencies(parserName string, flavor string, pkgPath string) ([]*structs.Dependency, error) {
defer parsersMutex.RUnlock()
parser, found := parsers[parserName]
if !found {
return nil, errors.New("parser with such name isn't registered")
deps := parser.GetDependencies(flavor, pkgPath)
return deps, nil

parsers/golang/dep.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package golang
import (
// stdlib
// local
// other
var goDepFilesToCheck = []string{"Gopkg.toml", "Gopkg.lock"}
type depLockConfig struct {
Projects []struct {
Branch string
Digest string
Name string
Packages []string
PruneOpts string
Revision string
Version string
SolveMeta struct {
AnalyzerName string `toml:"analyzer-name"`
AnalyzerVersion int `toml:"analyzer-version"`
InputImports []string `toml:"input-imports"`
SolverName string `toml:"solver-name"`
SolverVersion int `toml:"solver-version"`
} `toml:"solve-meta"`
// Detects if project is using dep for dependencies management.
func (gp *golangParser) detectDepUsage(pkgPath string) bool {
var goDepFilesFound bool
for _, fileName := range goDepFilesToCheck {
pathToCheck := filepath.Join(pkgPath, fileName)
if _, err := os.Stat(pathToCheck); err == nil {
goDepFilesFound = true
if goDepFilesFound {
log.Println("Project '" + pkgPath + "' is using dep for dependencies management")
return goDepFilesFound
// Gets dependencies data from dep-enabled projects.
func (gp *golangParser) getDependenciesFromDep(pkgPath string) []*structs.Dependency {
deps := make([]*structs.Dependency, 0)
// Try to figure out parent package name for all dependencies.
parent := gp.getParentForDep(pkgPath)
// All dependencies for project will be taken from Gopkg.lock file.
lockFile := &depLockConfig{}
_, err := toml.DecodeFile(filepath.Join(pkgPath, "Gopkg.lock"), lockFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to parse dep lock file:", err.Error())
if configuration.Cfg.Log.Debug {
log.Printf("dep lock file parsed: %+v\n", lockFile)
// Parse dependencies.
for _, dep := range lockFile.Projects {
dependency := &structs.Dependency{
Name: dep.Name,
Parent: parent,
VCS: structs.VCSData{
Branch: dep.Branch,
Revision: dep.Revision,
Version: dep.Version,
// If branch is empty - assume master.
if dependency.VCS.Branch == "" {
dependency.VCS.Branch = "master"
deps = append(deps, dependency)
if configuration.Cfg.Log.Debug {
log.Printf("Initial dependency structure formed: %+v\n", dependency)
return deps
// Tries to get package name for passed package path.
func (gp *golangParser) getParentForDep(pkgPath string) string {
// Dep-managed projects are in 99% of cases are placed in GOPATH.
if strings.Contains(pkgPath, "src") {
return strings.Split(pkgPath, "src/")[1]
return ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package golang
import (
// stdlib
// local
func Initialize() (parserinterface.Interface, string) {
log.Println("Initializing Golang projects parser")
p := &golangParser{}
return parserinterface.Interface(p), "golang"

parsers/golang/godata.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package golang
import (
// stdlib
// local
// Gets go-import and go-source data and fill it in dependency.
func getGoData(dependency *structs.Dependency) {
// Dependencies are imported using URL which can be called with
// "?go-get=1" parameter to obtain required VCS data.
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+dependency.Name, nil)
q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add("go-get", "1")
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
respBody := httpclient.GET(req)
if respBody == nil {
// HTML is hard to parse properly statically, so we will go
// line-by-line for <head> parsing.
resp := bytes.NewBuffer(respBody)
var (
// This flag shows that we're currently parsing <head> from HTML.
headCurrentlyParsing bool
for {
line, err := resp.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
log.Fatalln("Failed to read HTML response line-by-line:", err.Error())
} else if err != nil && err == io.EOF {
if headCurrentlyParsing {
// Check for go-import data.
if strings.Contains(line, `<meta name="go-import"`) {
// Get content.
// Import things are in element #4.
lineSplitted := strings.Split(line, `"`)
// Check line length. This is not so good approach, but
// should work for 99% of dependencies.
if len(lineSplitted) < 5 {
log.Println("Got line: '" + line + "', but it cannot be parsed. Probably badly formed - tag itself appears to be incomplete. Skipping")
if len(lineSplitted) > 5 {
log.Println("Got line: '" + line + "', but it cannot be parsed. Probably badly formed - line where meta tag is located appears to be too long. Skipping")
// Import line contains data like VCS name and VCS URL.
// They're delimited with whitespace.
importDataSplitted := strings.Split(lineSplitted[3], " ")
// Import line should contain at least 3 elements.
if len(importDataSplitted) < 3 {
log.Println("Got line: '" + line + "', but it cannot be parsed. Probably badly formed - import data is too small. Skipping")
// Fill dependency data with this data.
// First element is a module name and we do not actually
// need it, because it is already filled previously.
dependency.VCS.VCS = importDataSplitted[1]
dependency.VCS.VCSPath = importDataSplitted[2]
// Check for go-source data.
if strings.Contains(line, `<meta name="go-source"`) {
// Get content.
// Import things are in element #4.
lineSplitted := strings.Split(line, `"`)
// Check line length. This is not so good approach, but
// should work for 99% of dependencies.
if len(lineSplitted) < 5 {
log.Println("Got line: '" + line + "', but it cannot be parsed. Probably badly formed - tag itself appears to be incomplete. Skipping")
if len(lineSplitted) > 5 {
log.Println("Got line: '" + line + "', but it cannot be parsed. Probably badly formed - line where meta tag is located appears to be too long. Skipping")
// Source line contains data like VCS paths templates.
// They're delimited with whitespace.
sourceDataSplitted := strings.Split(lineSplitted[3], " ")
// Source data line should contain at least 3 elements.
if len(sourceDataSplitted) < 4 {
log.Println("Got line: '" + line + "', but it cannot be parsed. Probably badly formed - source data is too small. Skipping")
// Fill dependency data.
dependency.VCS.SourceURLDirTemplate = sourceDataSplitted[2]
dependency.VCS.SourceURLFileTemplate = sourceDataSplitted[3]
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(line), "<head>") {
headCurrentlyParsing = true
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(line), "</head>") {
headCurrentlyParsing = false
if configuration.Cfg.Log.Debug {
log.Printf("go-import and go-source data parsed: %+v\n", dependency.VCS)

parsers/golang/modules.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package golang
import (
// stdlib
var goModulesFilesToCheck = []string{"go.mod", "go.sum"}
// Detects if project is using go modules for dependencies management.
func (gp *golangParser) detectModulesUsage(pkgPath string) bool {
var goModulesFileFound bool
for _, fileName := range goModulesFilesToCheck {
pathToCheck := filepath.Join(pkgPath, fileName)
if _, err := os.Stat(pathToCheck); err == nil {
goModulesFileFound = true
if goModulesFileFound {
log.Println("Project '" + pkgPath + "' is using Go modules for dependencies management")
return goModulesFileFound

parsers/golang/parser.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package golang
import (
// stdlib
// local
const (
// Package managers names. Used in Detect() for flavor returning.
packageManagerGoMod = "go mod"
packageManagerDep = "dep"
// This structure responsible for parsing projects that written in Go.
type golangParser struct{}
// Detect detects if passed project path can be parsed with this parser
// and additionally detect package manager used.
func (gp *golangParser) Detect(pkgPath string) (bool, string) {
// Go projects usually using go modules or dep for dependencies
// management.
isModules := gp.detectModulesUsage(pkgPath)
if isModules {
return true, packageManagerGoMod
isDep := gp.detectDepUsage(pkgPath)
if isDep {
return true, packageManagerDep
return false, ""
// GetDependencies extracts dependencies from project.
func (gp *golangParser) GetDependencies(flavor string, pkgPath string) []*structs.Dependency {
var deps []*structs.Dependency
switch flavor {
case packageManagerDep:
deps = gp.getDependenciesFromDep(pkgPath)
// Return early if no dependencies was found.
if len(deps) == 0 {
return nil
// For every dependency we should get additional data - go-import
// and go-source. Asynchronously.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, dep := range deps {
go func(dep *structs.Dependency) {
return deps

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package parserinterface
import (
// local
// Interface is a generic parser interface.
type Interface interface {
// Detect should return true if project should be parsed using
// this parser and false otherwise. May optionally return package
// flavor (e.g. dependency management utility name).
Detect(pkgPath string) (bool, string)
// GetDependencies parses project for dependencies.
GetDependencies(flavor string, pkgPath string) []*structs.Dependency

projecter/exported.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package projecter
import (
// stdlib
// local
var (
packages []string
outputFormat string
outputFile string
projects map[string]*Project
projectsMutex sync.RWMutex
// Initialize initializes package.
func Initialize(pkgs string, outFormat string, outFile string) {
log.Println("Initializing projects handler...")
packages = strings.Split(pkgs, ",")
projects = make(map[string]*Project)
outputFormat = outFormat
outputFile = outFile
log.Println("Packages list that was passed:", packages)
// GetProject returns project by it's path.
func GetProject(path string) *Project {
defer projectsMutex.RUnlock()
prj, found := projects[path]
if !found {
return nil
return prj
// Parse starts projects parsing.
func Parse() {
// Create project for every passed package.
// This is done in main goroutine and therefore no mutex is used.
for _, pkgPath := range packages {
prj := NewProject(pkgPath)
projects[pkgPath] = prj
if configuration.Cfg.Log.Debug {
log.Printf("Projects generated: %+v\n", projects)
// We should start asynchronous projects parsing.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, prj := range projects {
go func(prj *Project) {
// Wait until all projects will be parsed.
// Collect dependencies list from all parsed projects.
var deps []*structs.Dependency
for _, prj := range projects {
deps = append(deps, prj.GetDeps()...)
outputters.Write(outputFormat, outputFile, deps)
log.Println("Parsing done")

projecter/project.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package projecter
import (
// stdlib
// local
// Project represents single project (or package) that was passed via
// -pkgs parameter.
type Project struct {
packagePath string
parserName string
flavor string
deps []*structs.Dependency
// NewProject creates new project and returns it.
func NewProject(packagePath string) *Project {
p := &Project{}
return p
// GetDeps returns list of dependencies for project.
func (p *Project) GetDeps() []*structs.Dependency {
return p.deps
// Initializes project.
func (p *Project) initialize(packagePath string) {
p.packagePath = packagePath
// Prepare package path to be used.
// First - replace "~" with actual home directory.
if strings.Contains(p.packagePath, "~") {
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to get user's home directory:", err.Error())
p.packagePath = strings.Replace(p.packagePath, "~", homeDir, -1)
// Get absolute path.
var err error
p.packagePath, err = filepath.Abs(p.packagePath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to get absolute path for package '"+p.packagePath+":", err.Error())
// Starts project parsing.
func (p *Project) process() {
// We should determine project type.
p.parserName, p.flavor = parsers.Detect(p.packagePath)
if p.parserName == "unknown" {
log.Println("Project", p.packagePath, "cannot be parsed with glp")
// Lets try to get dependencies, their versions and URLs.
deps, err := parsers.GetDependencies(p.parserName, p.flavor, p.packagePath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to get dependencies:", err.Error())
p.deps = deps
// ToDo: get licensing information.

structs/dependency.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package structs
// Dependency represents single dependency data.
type Dependency struct {
// License is a license name for dependency.
License License
// Name is a dependency name as it appears in package manager's
// lock file or in sources if no package manager is used.
Name string
// Parent is a path to parent package.
Parent string
// VCS is a VCS data obtained for dependency.
// Version is a dependency version used in project.
Version string
// URL is a web URL for that dependency (Github, Gitlab, etc.).
URL string

structs/license.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package structs
type License struct {
Copyrights string
Name string
URL string

structs/vcsdata.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package structs
// VCSData describes structure of go-import and go-source data.
type VCSData struct {
// Branch is a VCS branch used.
Branch string
// Revision is a VCS revision used.
Revision string
// SourceURLDirTemplate is a template for sources dirs URLs. E.g.:
SourceURLDirTemplate string
// SourceURLFileTemplate is a template for sources files URLs. E.g.:
SourceURLFileTemplate string
// VCS is a VCS name (e.g. "git").
VCS string
// VCSPath is a VCS repository path.
VCSPath string