# Giredore [![Build Status](https://ci.dev.pztrn.name/api/badges/pztrn/giredore/status.svg)](https://ci.dev.pztrn.name/pztrn/giredore) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/632359730089689128)](https://discord.gg/qHN6KsD) ![Keybase XLM](https://img.shields.io/keybase/xlm/pztrn) **Giredore** is an utility that does go-import redirects right. Main idea of this project is to provide easy-to-use yet powerful tool for Go developers to serve they packages right and help them with getting nice and very static URLs for their packages. ## What it able to do * Be a HTTP server. *If you want HTTPS (and you normally should want it) - put giredore behind proxy or submit merge request that implements this feature)* * Provide simple CLI client for controlling things. ## Documentation Documentation is available [here](https://docs.dev.pztrn.name/s/bmdesotu0rrje1og7s5g/giredore).