--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build steps: - name: notify-start image: pztrn/discordrone settings: webhook_id: from_secret: discord_webhook_id webhook_token: from_secret: discord_webhook_secret message: 'Starting building **{{repo.name}}#{{build.number}}@{{commit.sha}}** @ {{datetime build.started "02-Jan-2006 15:04:05 MST" "Asia/Yekaterinburg"}} (See {{build.link}} for logs).' - name: lint image: golangci/golangci-lint:latest environment: CGO_ENABLED: 0 commands: - golangci-lint run depends_on: - notify-start - name: test image: golang:1.13.1-alpine environment: CGO_ENABLED: 0 commands: - go test ./... depends_on: - notify-start - name: docker image: plugins/docker when: branch: master settings: username: from_secret: dockerhub_user password: from_secret: dockerhub_password repo: pztrn/giredore auto_tag: true depends_on: - lint - test - name: notify-end when: status: - success - failure image: pztrn/discordrone settings: webhook_id: from_secret: discord_webhook_id webhook_token: from_secret: discord_webhook_secret message: " {{#success build.status}} **{{repo.name}}#{{build.number}}@{{commit.sha}}** built in {{since build.startedint}} and pushed to hub.docker.com. {{ else }} **{{repo.name}}#{{build.number}}@{{commit.sha}}** failed. See {{build.link}}. {{/success}}" depends_on: - docker