Stanislav N. aka pztrn 59dafc373f
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Update chroma to 2.2.0, line number links appeared.
2022-08-14 14:57:54 +05:00

357 lines
12 KiB

package pastes
import (
htmlfmt ""
const (
pasteCookieInvalid = "PASTE_COOKIE_INVALID"
pasteExpired = "PASTE_EXPIRED"
pasteNotFound = "PASTE_NOT_FOUND"
pasteTimestampInvalid = "PASTE_TIMESTAMP_INVALID"
// Actual getting paste data and returns it's content without formatting.
// This function will return paste's structure and optional error string
// that defined in constants above.
// Actually required only paste ID, all other parameters are optional
// for some cases, e.g. public paste won't check for timestamp and cookie
// value (they both will be ignored), but private will.
func pasteGetData(pasteID int, timestamp int64, cookieValue string) (*structs.Paste, string) {
// Get paste.
paste, err1 := ctx.Database.GetPaste(pasteID)
if err1 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err1).Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Failed to get paste")
return nil, pasteNotFound
// Check if paste is expired.
if paste.IsExpired() {
ctx.Logger.Error().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Paste is expired")
return nil, pasteExpired
// Check if we have a private paste and it's parameters are correct.
if paste.Private {
pasteTS := paste.CreatedAt.Unix()
if timestamp != pasteTS {
ctx.Logger.Error().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Int64("paste timestamp", pasteTS).Int64("provided timestamp", timestamp).Msg("Incorrect timestamp provided for private paste")
return nil, pasteTimestampInvalid
// If we have a private paste requested and password for that paste
// was defined - check additional things that required to view this
// paste.
if paste.Private && paste.Password != "" {
// Generate cookie value to check.
pasteCookieValue := paste.GenerateCryptedCookieValue()
if cookieValue != pasteCookieValue {
return nil, pasteCookieInvalid
return paste, ""
// GET for "/paste/PASTE_ID" and "/paste/PASTE_ID/TIMESTAMP" (private pastes).
// Web interface version.
func pasteGETWebInterface(ectx echo.Context) error {
pasteIDRaw := ectx.Param("id")
// We already get numbers from string, so we will not check strconv.Atoi()
// error.
pasteID, _ := strconv.Atoi(regexInts.FindAllString(pasteIDRaw, 1)[0])
pasteIDStr := strconv.Itoa(pasteID)
ctx.Logger.Debug().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Trying to get paste data")
// Check if we have timestamp passed.
// If passed timestamp is invalid (isn't a real UNIX timestamp) we
// will show 404 Not Found error and spam about that in logs.
var timestamp int64
tsProvidedStr := ectx.Param("timestamp")
if tsProvidedStr != "" {
tsProvided, err := strconv.ParseInt(tsProvidedStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err).Int("paste ID", pasteID).Int64("provided timestamp", tsProvided).Msg("Invalid timestamp provided for getting private paste")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Paste #"+pasteIDStr+" not found")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
timestamp = tsProvided
// Check if we have "PASTE-PASTEID" cookie defined. It is required
// for private pastes.
var cookieValue string
cookie, err1 := ectx.Cookie("PASTE-" + pasteIDStr)
if err1 == nil {
cookieValue = cookie.Value
paste, err := pasteGetData(pasteID, timestamp, cookieValue)
// For these cases we should return 404 Not Found page.
if err == pasteExpired || err == pasteNotFound || err == pasteTimestampInvalid {
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" not found")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusNotFound, errtpl)
// If passed cookie value was invalid - go to paste authorization
// page.
if err == pasteCookieInvalid {
ctx.Logger.Info().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Invalid cookie, redirecting to auth page")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/paste/"+pasteIDStr+"/"+ectx.Param("timestamp")+"/verify")
// Format paste data map.
pasteData := make(map[string]string)
pasteData["pasteTitle"] = paste.Title
pasteData["pasteID"] = strconv.Itoa(paste.ID)
pasteData["pasteDate"] = paste.CreatedAt.Format("2006-01-02 @ 15:04:05") + " UTC"
pasteData["pasteLanguage"] = paste.Language
pasteExpirationString := "Never"
if paste.KeepFor != 0 && paste.KeepForUnitType != 0 {
pasteExpirationString = paste.GetExpirationTime().Format("2006-01-02 @ 15:04:05") + " UTC"
pasteData["pasteExpiration"] = pasteExpirationString
if paste.Private {
pasteData["pasteType"] = "<span class='has-text-danger'>Private</span>"
pasteData["pasteTs"] = strconv.FormatInt(paste.CreatedAt.Unix(), 10) + "/"
} else {
pasteData["pasteType"] = "<span class='has-text-success'>Public</span>"
pasteData["pasteTs"] = ""
// Highlight.
// Get lexer.
lexer := lexers.Get(paste.Language)
if lexer == nil {
lexer = lexers.Fallback
// Tokenize paste data.
lexered, err3 := lexer.Tokenise(nil, paste.Data)
if err3 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err3).Msg("Failed to tokenize paste data")
// Get style for HTML output.
style := styles.Get("monokai")
if style == nil {
style = styles.Fallback
// Get HTML formatter.
formatter := htmlfmt.New(htmlfmt.WithLineNumbers(true), htmlfmt.LineNumbersInTable(true), htmlfmt.LinkableLineNumbers(true, "L"))
// Create buffer and format into it.
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err4 := formatter.Format(buf, style, lexered)
if err4 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err4).Msg("Failed to format paste data")
pasteData["pastedata"] = buf.String()
// Get template and format it.
pasteHTML := templater.GetTemplate(ectx, "paste.html", pasteData)
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusOK, pasteHTML)
// GET for "/paste/PASTE_ID/TIMESTAMP/verify" - a password verify page.
func pastePasswordedVerifyGet(ectx echo.Context) error {
pasteIDRaw := ectx.Param("id")
timestampRaw := ectx.Param("timestamp")
// We already get numbers from string, so we will not check strconv.Atoi()
// error.
pasteID, _ := strconv.Atoi(regexInts.FindAllString(pasteIDRaw, 1)[0])
// Get paste.
paste, err1 := ctx.Database.GetPaste(pasteID)
if err1 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err1).Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Failed to get paste data")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" not found")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
// Check for auth cookie. If present - redirect to paste.
cookie, err := ectx.Cookie("PASTE-" + strconv.Itoa(pasteID))
if err == nil {
// No cookie, redirect to auth page.
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msg("Paste cookie found, checking it...")
// Generate cookie value to check.
cookieValue := paste.GenerateCryptedCookieValue()
if cookieValue == cookie.Value {
ctx.Logger.Info().Msg("Valid cookie, redirecting to paste page...")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/paste/"+pasteIDRaw+"/"+ectx.Param("timestamp"))
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msg("Invalid cookie, showing auth page")
// HTML data.
htmlData := make(map[string]string)
htmlData["pasteID"] = strconv.Itoa(pasteID)
htmlData["pasteTimestamp"] = timestampRaw
verifyHTML := templater.GetTemplate(ectx, "passworded_paste_verify.html", htmlData)
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusOK, verifyHTML)
// POST for "/paste/PASTE_ID/TIMESTAMP/verify" - a password verify page.
func pastePasswordedVerifyPost(ectx echo.Context) error {
// We should check if database connection available.
dbConn := ctx.Database.GetDatabaseConnection()
if ctx.Config.Database.Type != flatfiles.FlatFileDialect && dbConn == nil {
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/database_not_available")
pasteIDRaw := ectx.Param("id")
timestampRaw := ectx.Param("timestamp")
// We already get numbers from string, so we will not check strconv.Atoi()
// error.
pasteID, _ := strconv.Atoi(regexInts.FindAllString(pasteIDRaw, 1)[0])
ctx.Logger.Debug().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Requesting paste")
// Get paste.
paste, err1 := ctx.Database.GetPaste(pasteID)
if err1 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err1).Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Failed to get paste")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Paste #"+strconv.Itoa(pasteID)+" not found")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
params, err2 := ectx.FormParams()
if err2 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msg("No form parameters passed")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Paste #"+strconv.Itoa(pasteID)+" not found")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
if paste.VerifyPassword(params["paste-password"][0]) {
// Set cookie that this paste's password is verified and paste
// can be viewed.
cookie := new(http.Cookie)
cookie.Name = "PASTE-" + strconv.Itoa(pasteID)
cookie.Value = paste.GenerateCryptedCookieValue()
cookie.Expires = time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour)
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/paste/"+strconv.Itoa(pasteID)+"/"+timestampRaw)
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Invalid password. Please, try again.")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
// GET for "/pastes/:id/raw", raw paste output.
// Web interface version.
func pasteRawGETWebInterface(ectx echo.Context) error {
// We should check if database connection available.
dbConn := ctx.Database.GetDatabaseConnection()
if ctx.Config.Database.Type != flatfiles.FlatFileDialect && dbConn == nil {
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/database_not_available/raw")
pasteIDRaw := ectx.Param("id")
// We already get numbers from string, so we will not check strconv.Atoi()
// error.
pasteID, _ := strconv.Atoi(regexInts.FindAllString(pasteIDRaw, 1)[0])
ctx.Logger.Debug().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Requesting paste data")
// Get paste.
paste, err1 := ctx.Database.GetPaste(pasteID)
if err1 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err1).Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Failed to get paste from database")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" does not exist.")
if paste.IsExpired() {
ctx.Logger.Error().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Paste is expired")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" does not exist.")
// Check if we have a private paste and it's parameters are correct.
if paste.Private {
tsProvidedStr := ectx.Param("timestamp")
tsProvided, err2 := strconv.ParseInt(tsProvidedStr, 10, 64)
if err2 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err2).Int("paste ID", pasteID).Str("provided timestamp", tsProvidedStr).Msg("Invalid timestamp provided for getting private paste")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" not found")
pasteTS := paste.CreatedAt.Unix()
if tsProvided != pasteTS {
ctx.Logger.Error().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Int64("provided timestamp", tsProvided).Int64("paste timestamp", pasteTS).Msg("Incorrect timestamp provided for private paste")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" not found")
// nolint
// ToDo: figure out how to handle passworded pastes here.
// Return error for now.
if paste.Password != "" {
ctx.Logger.Error().Int("paste ID", pasteID).Msg("Cannot render paste as raw: passworded paste. Patches welcome!")
return ectx.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "Paste #"+pasteIDRaw+" not found")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.String(http.StatusOK, paste.Data)