Stanislav N. aka pztrn f8f0302564
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Make linter happy and update dependencies.
2022-06-26 22:26:39 +05:00

163 lines
4.9 KiB

package pastes
import (
const KeepPastesForever = "forever"
// POST for "/paste/" which will create new paste and redirect to
// "/pastes/CREATED_PASTE_ID". This handler will do all the job for
// requests comes from browsers via web interface.
func pastePOSTWebInterface(ectx echo.Context) error {
// We should check if database connection available.
dbConn := ctx.Database.GetDatabaseConnection()
if ctx.Config.Database.Type != flatfiles.FlatFileDialect && dbConn == nil {
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/database_not_available")
params, err := ectx.FormParams()
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Msg("Passed paste form is empty")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Cannot create empty paste")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msgf("Received parameters: %+v", params)
// Do nothing if paste contents is empty.
if len(params["paste-contents"][0]) == 0 {
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msg("Empty paste submitted, ignoring")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Empty pastes aren't allowed.")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
if !strings.ContainsAny(params["paste-keep-for"][0], "Mmhd") && params["paste-keep-for"][0] != KeepPastesForever {
ctx.Logger.Debug().Str("field value", params["paste-keep-for"][0]).Msg("'Keep paste for' field have invalid value")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Invalid 'Paste should be available for' parameter passed. Please do not try to hack us ;).")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
// Verify captcha.
if !captcha.Verify(params["paste-captcha-id"][0], params["paste-captcha-solution"][0]) {
ctx.Logger.Debug().Str("captcha ID", params["paste-captcha-id"][0]).Str("captcha solution", params["paste-captcha-solution"][0]).Msg("Invalid captcha solution")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Invalid captcha solution.")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
// nolint:exhaustruct
paste := &structs.Paste{
Title: params["paste-title"][0],
Data: params["paste-contents"][0],
Language: params["paste-language"][0],
// Paste creation time in UTC.
createdAt := time.Now().UTC()
paste.CreatedAt = &createdAt
// Parse "keep for" field.
// Defaulting to "forever".
keepFor := 0
keepForUnit := 0
if params["paste-keep-for"][0] != KeepPastesForever {
keepForUnitRegex := regexp.MustCompile("[Mmhd]")
keepForRaw := regexInts.FindAllString(params["paste-keep-for"][0], 1)[0]
var err error
keepFor, err = strconv.Atoi(keepForRaw)
if err != nil {
if params["paste-keep-for"][0] == KeepPastesForever {
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msg("Keeping paste forever!")
keepFor = 0
} else {
ctx.Logger.Debug().Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse 'Keep for' integer")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Invalid 'Paste should be available for' parameter passed. Please do not try to hack us ;).")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
keepForUnitRaw := keepForUnitRegex.FindAllString(params["paste-keep-for"][0], 1)[0]
keepForUnit = structs.PasteKeepsCorrelation[keepForUnitRaw]
paste.KeepFor = keepFor
paste.KeepForUnitType = keepForUnit
// Try to autodetect if it was selected.
if params["paste-language"][0] == "autodetect" {
lexer := lexers.Analyse(params["paste-language"][0])
if lexer != nil {
paste.Language = lexer.Config().Name
} else {
paste.Language = "text"
// Private paste?
paste.Private = false
privateCheckbox, privateCheckboxFound := params["paste-private"]
pastePassword, pastePasswordFound := params["paste-password"]
if privateCheckboxFound && privateCheckbox[0] == "on" || pastePasswordFound && pastePassword[0] != "" {
paste.Private = true
if pastePassword[0] != "" {
_ = paste.CreatePassword(pastePassword[0])
pasteID, err2 := ctx.Database.SavePaste(paste)
if err2 != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error().Err(err2).Msg("Failed to save paste")
errtpl := templater.GetErrorTemplate(ectx, "Failed to save paste. Please, try again later.")
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, errtpl)
newPasteIDAsString := strconv.FormatInt(pasteID, 10)
ctx.Logger.Debug().Msg("Paste saved, URL: /paste/" + newPasteIDAsString)
// Private pastes have it's timestamp in URL.
if paste.Private {
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/paste/"+newPasteIDAsString+"/"+strconv.FormatInt(paste.CreatedAt.Unix(), 10))
// nolint:wrapcheck
return ectx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/paste/"+newPasteIDAsString)