Stanislav N. aka pztrn 48d43ca097 Pagination, readable error messages to user, syntax highlighting started.
Pagination now works. Temporary hardcoded 10 pastes per page, will be put
in configuration later. Maybe.

From now user will receive readable error message if error occured.

Started to work on syntax highlighting, tried to make lexers detection
work but apparently to no avail.
2018-05-01 02:37:51 +05:00

897 lines
19 KiB

package syntax
import (
type Prefix struct {
PrefixStr []rune
PrefixSet CharSet
CaseInsensitive bool
// It takes a RegexTree and computes the set of chars that can start it.
func getFirstCharsPrefix(tree *RegexTree) *Prefix {
s := regexFcd{
fcStack: make([]regexFc, 32),
intStack: make([]int, 32),
fc := s.regexFCFromRegexTree(tree)
if fc == nil || fc.nullable || {
return nil
fcSet := fc.getFirstChars()
return &Prefix{PrefixSet: fcSet, CaseInsensitive: fc.caseInsensitive}
type regexFcd struct {
intStack []int
intDepth int
fcStack []regexFc
fcDepth int
skipAllChildren bool // don't process any more children at the current level
skipchild bool // don't process the current child.
failed bool
* The main FC computation. It does a shortcutted depth-first walk
* through the tree and calls CalculateFC to emits code before
* and after each child of an interior node, and at each leaf.
func (s *regexFcd) regexFCFromRegexTree(tree *RegexTree) *regexFc {
curNode := tree.root
curChild := 0
for {
if len(curNode.children) == 0 {
// This is a leaf node
s.calculateFC(curNode.t, curNode, 0)
} else if curChild < len(curNode.children) && !s.skipAllChildren {
// This is an interior node, and we have more children to analyze
s.calculateFC(curNode.t|beforeChild, curNode, curChild)
if !s.skipchild {
curNode = curNode.children[curChild]
// this stack is how we get a depth first walk of the tree.
curChild = 0
} else {
s.skipchild = false
// This is an interior node where we've finished analyzing all the children, or
// the end of a leaf node.
s.skipAllChildren = false
if s.intIsEmpty() {
curChild = s.popInt()
curNode =
s.calculateFC(curNode.t|afterChild, curNode, curChild)
if s.failed {
return nil
if s.fcIsEmpty() {
return nil
return s.popFC()
// To avoid recursion, we use a simple integer stack.
// This is the push.
func (s *regexFcd) pushInt(I int) {
if s.intDepth >= len(s.intStack) {
expanded := make([]int, s.intDepth*2)
copy(expanded, s.intStack)
s.intStack = expanded
s.intStack[s.intDepth] = I
// True if the stack is empty.
func (s *regexFcd) intIsEmpty() bool {
return s.intDepth == 0
// This is the pop.
func (s *regexFcd) popInt() int {
return s.intStack[s.intDepth]
// We also use a stack of RegexFC objects.
// This is the push.
func (s *regexFcd) pushFC(fc regexFc) {
if s.fcDepth >= len(s.fcStack) {
expanded := make([]regexFc, s.fcDepth*2)
copy(expanded, s.fcStack)
s.fcStack = expanded
s.fcStack[s.fcDepth] = fc
// True if the stack is empty.
func (s *regexFcd) fcIsEmpty() bool {
return s.fcDepth == 0
// This is the pop.
func (s *regexFcd) popFC() *regexFc {
return &s.fcStack[s.fcDepth]
// This is the top.
func (s *regexFcd) topFC() *regexFc {
return &s.fcStack[s.fcDepth-1]
// Called in Beforechild to prevent further processing of the current child
func (s *regexFcd) skipChild() {
s.skipchild = true
// FC computation and shortcut cases for each node type
func (s *regexFcd) calculateFC(nt nodeType, node *regexNode, CurIndex int) {
//fmt.Printf("NodeType: %v, CurIndex: %v, Desc: %v\n", nt, CurIndex, node.description())
ci := false
rtl := false
if nt <= ntRef {
if (node.options & IgnoreCase) != 0 {
ci = true
if (node.options & RightToLeft) != 0 {
rtl = true
switch nt {
case ntConcatenate | beforeChild, ntAlternate | beforeChild, ntTestref | beforeChild, ntLoop | beforeChild, ntLazyloop | beforeChild:
case ntTestgroup | beforeChild:
if CurIndex == 0 {
case ntEmpty:
s.pushFC(regexFc{nullable: true})
case ntConcatenate | afterChild:
if CurIndex != 0 {
child := s.popFC()
cumul := s.topFC()
s.failed = !cumul.addFC(*child, true)
fc := s.topFC()
if !fc.nullable {
s.skipAllChildren = true
case ntTestgroup | afterChild:
if CurIndex > 1 {
child := s.popFC()
cumul := s.topFC()
s.failed = !cumul.addFC(*child, false)
case ntAlternate | afterChild, ntTestref | afterChild:
if CurIndex != 0 {
child := s.popFC()
cumul := s.topFC()
s.failed = !cumul.addFC(*child, false)
case ntLoop | afterChild, ntLazyloop | afterChild:
if node.m == 0 {
fc := s.topFC()
fc.nullable = true
case ntGroup | beforeChild, ntGroup | afterChild, ntCapture | beforeChild, ntCapture | afterChild, ntGreedy | beforeChild, ntGreedy | afterChild:
case ntRequire | beforeChild, ntPrevent | beforeChild:
s.pushFC(regexFc{nullable: true})
case ntRequire | afterChild, ntPrevent | afterChild:
case ntOne, ntNotone:
s.pushFC(newRegexFc(, nt == ntNotone, false, ci))
case ntOneloop, ntOnelazy:
s.pushFC(newRegexFc(, false, node.m == 0, ci))
case ntNotoneloop, ntNotonelazy:
s.pushFC(newRegexFc(, true, node.m == 0, ci))
case ntMulti:
if len(node.str) == 0 {
s.pushFC(regexFc{nullable: true})
} else if !rtl {
s.pushFC(newRegexFc(node.str[0], false, false, ci))
} else {
s.pushFC(newRegexFc(node.str[len(node.str)-1], false, false, ci))
case ntSet:
s.pushFC(regexFc{cc: node.set.Copy(), nullable: false, caseInsensitive: ci})
case ntSetloop, ntSetlazy:
s.pushFC(regexFc{cc: node.set.Copy(), nullable: node.m == 0, caseInsensitive: ci})
case ntRef:
s.pushFC(regexFc{cc: *AnyClass(), nullable: true, caseInsensitive: false})
case ntNothing, ntBol, ntEol, ntBoundary, ntNonboundary, ntECMABoundary, ntNonECMABoundary, ntBeginning, ntStart, ntEndZ, ntEnd:
s.pushFC(regexFc{nullable: true})
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected op code: %v", nt))
type regexFc struct {
cc CharSet
nullable bool
caseInsensitive bool
func newRegexFc(ch rune, not, nullable, caseInsensitive bool) regexFc {
r := regexFc{
caseInsensitive: caseInsensitive,
nullable: nullable,
if not {
if ch > 0 {'\x00', ch-1)
if ch < 0xFFFF {, utf8.MaxRune)
} else {, ch)
return r
func (r *regexFc) getFirstChars() CharSet {
if r.caseInsensitive {
func (r *regexFc) addFC(fc regexFc, concatenate bool) bool {
if ! || ! {
return false
if concatenate {
if !r.nullable {
return true
if !fc.nullable {
r.nullable = false
} else {
if fc.nullable {
r.nullable = true
r.caseInsensitive = r.caseInsensitive || fc.caseInsensitive
return true
// This is a related computation: it takes a RegexTree and computes the
// leading substring if it sees one. It's quite trivial and gives up easily.
func getPrefix(tree *RegexTree) *Prefix {
var concatNode *regexNode
nextChild := 0
curNode := tree.root
for {
switch curNode.t {
case ntConcatenate:
if len(curNode.children) > 0 {
concatNode = curNode
nextChild = 0
case ntGreedy, ntCapture:
curNode = curNode.children[0]
concatNode = nil
case ntOneloop, ntOnelazy:
if curNode.m > 0 {
return &Prefix{
PrefixStr: repeat(, curNode.m),
CaseInsensitive: (curNode.options & IgnoreCase) != 0,
return nil
case ntOne:
return &Prefix{
PrefixStr: []rune{},
CaseInsensitive: (curNode.options & IgnoreCase) != 0,
case ntMulti:
return &Prefix{
PrefixStr: curNode.str,
CaseInsensitive: (curNode.options & IgnoreCase) != 0,
case ntBol, ntEol, ntBoundary, ntECMABoundary, ntBeginning, ntStart,
ntEndZ, ntEnd, ntEmpty, ntRequire, ntPrevent:
return nil
if concatNode == nil || nextChild >= len(concatNode.children) {
return nil
curNode = concatNode.children[nextChild]
// repeat the rune r, c times... up to the max of MaxPrefixSize
func repeat(r rune, c int) []rune {
if c > MaxPrefixSize {
c = MaxPrefixSize
ret := make([]rune, c)
// binary growth using copy for speed
ret[0] = r
bp := 1
for bp < len(ret) {
copy(ret[bp:], ret[:bp])
bp *= 2
return ret
// BmPrefix precomputes the Boyer-Moore
// tables for fast string scanning. These tables allow
// you to scan for the first occurrence of a string within
// a large body of text without examining every character.
// The performance of the heuristic depends on the actual
// string and the text being searched, but usually, the longer
// the string that is being searched for, the fewer characters
// need to be examined.
type BmPrefix struct {
positive []int
negativeASCII []int
negativeUnicode [][]int
pattern []rune
lowASCII rune
highASCII rune
rightToLeft bool
caseInsensitive bool
func newBmPrefix(pattern []rune, caseInsensitive, rightToLeft bool) *BmPrefix {
b := &BmPrefix{
rightToLeft: rightToLeft,
caseInsensitive: caseInsensitive,
pattern: pattern,
if caseInsensitive {
for i := 0; i < len(b.pattern); i++ {
// We do the ToLower character by character for consistency. With surrogate chars, doing
// a ToLower on the entire string could actually change the surrogate pair. This is more correct
// linguistically, but since Regex doesn't support surrogates, it's more important to be
// consistent.
b.pattern[i] = unicode.ToLower(b.pattern[i])
var beforefirst, last, bump int
var scan, match int
if !rightToLeft {
beforefirst = -1
last = len(b.pattern) - 1
bump = 1
} else {
beforefirst = len(b.pattern)
last = 0
bump = -1
// PART I - the good-suffix shift table
// compute the positive requirement:
// if char "i" is the first one from the right that doesn't match,
// then we know the matcher can advance by _positive[i].
// This algorithm is a simplified variant of the standard
// Boyer-Moore good suffix calculation.
b.positive = make([]int, len(b.pattern))
examine := last
ch := b.pattern[examine]
b.positive[examine] = bump
examine -= bump
for {
// find an internal char (examine) that matches the tail
for {
if examine == beforefirst {
break Outerloop
if b.pattern[examine] == ch {
examine -= bump
match = last
scan = examine
// find the length of the match
for {
if scan == beforefirst || b.pattern[match] != b.pattern[scan] {
// at the end of the match, note the difference in _positive
// this is not the length of the match, but the distance from the internal match
// to the tail suffix.
if b.positive[match] == 0 {
b.positive[match] = match - scan
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Set positive[" + match + "] to " + (match - scan));
scan -= bump
match -= bump
examine -= bump
match = last - bump
// scan for the chars for which there are no shifts that yield a different candidate
// The inside of the if statement used to say
// "_positive[match] = last - beforefirst;"
// This is slightly less aggressive in how much we skip, but at worst it
// should mean a little more work rather than skipping a potential match.
for match != beforefirst {
if b.positive[match] == 0 {
b.positive[match] = bump
match -= bump
// PART II - the bad-character shift table
// compute the negative requirement:
// if char "ch" is the reject character when testing position "i",
// we can slide up by _negative[ch];
// (_negative[ch] = str.Length - 1 - str.LastIndexOf(ch))
// the lookup table is divided into ASCII and Unicode portions;
// only those parts of the Unicode 16-bit code set that actually
// appear in the string are in the table. (Maximum size with
// Unicode is 65K; ASCII only case is 512 bytes.)
b.negativeASCII = make([]int, 128)
for i := 0; i < len(b.negativeASCII); i++ {
b.negativeASCII[i] = last - beforefirst
b.lowASCII = 127
b.highASCII = 0
for examine = last; examine != beforefirst; examine -= bump {
ch = b.pattern[examine]
switch {
case ch < 128:
if b.lowASCII > ch {
b.lowASCII = ch
if b.highASCII < ch {
b.highASCII = ch
if b.negativeASCII[ch] == last-beforefirst {
b.negativeASCII[ch] = last - examine
case ch <= 0xffff:
i, j := ch>>8, ch&0xFF
if b.negativeUnicode == nil {
b.negativeUnicode = make([][]int, 256)
if b.negativeUnicode[i] == nil {
newarray := make([]int, 256)
for k := 0; k < len(newarray); k++ {
newarray[k] = last - beforefirst
if i == 0 {
copy(newarray, b.negativeASCII)
//TODO: this line needed?
b.negativeASCII = newarray
b.negativeUnicode[i] = newarray
if b.negativeUnicode[i][j] == last-beforefirst {
b.negativeUnicode[i][j] = last - examine
// we can't do the filter because this algo doesn't support
// unicode chars >0xffff
return nil
return b
func (b *BmPrefix) String() string {
return string(b.pattern)
// Dump returns the contents of the filter as a human readable string
func (b *BmPrefix) Dump(indent string) string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%sBM Pattern: %s\n%sPositive: ", indent, string(b.pattern), indent)
for i := 0; i < len(b.positive); i++ {
buf.WriteRune(' ')
if b.negativeASCII != nil {
buf.WriteString("Negative table\n")
for i := 0; i < len(b.negativeASCII); i++ {
if b.negativeASCII[i] != len(b.pattern) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s %s %s\n", indent, Escape(string(rune(i))), strconv.Itoa(b.negativeASCII[i]))
return buf.String()
// Scan uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm to find the first occurrence
// of the specified string within text, beginning at index, and
// constrained within beglimit and endlimit.
// The direction and case-sensitivity of the match is determined
// by the arguments to the RegexBoyerMoore constructor.
func (b *BmPrefix) Scan(text []rune, index, beglimit, endlimit int) int {
var (
defadv, test, test2 int
match, startmatch, endmatch int
bump, advance int
chTest rune
unicodeLookup []int
if !b.rightToLeft {
defadv = len(b.pattern)
startmatch = len(b.pattern) - 1
endmatch = 0
test = index + defadv - 1
bump = 1
} else {
defadv = -len(b.pattern)
startmatch = 0
endmatch = -defadv - 1
test = index + defadv
bump = -1
chMatch := b.pattern[startmatch]
for {
if test >= endlimit || test < beglimit {
return -1
chTest = text[test]
if b.caseInsensitive {
chTest = unicode.ToLower(chTest)
if chTest != chMatch {
if chTest < 128 {
advance = b.negativeASCII[chTest]
} else if chTest < 0xffff && len(b.negativeUnicode) > 0 {
unicodeLookup = b.negativeUnicode[chTest>>8]
if len(unicodeLookup) > 0 {
advance = unicodeLookup[chTest&0xFF]
} else {
advance = defadv
} else {
advance = defadv
test += advance
} else { // if (chTest == chMatch)
test2 = test
match = startmatch
for {
if match == endmatch {
if b.rightToLeft {
return test2 + 1
} else {
return test2
match -= bump
test2 -= bump
chTest = text[test2]
if b.caseInsensitive {
chTest = unicode.ToLower(chTest)
if chTest != b.pattern[match] {
advance = b.positive[match]
if (chTest & 0xFF80) == 0 {
test2 = (match - startmatch) + b.negativeASCII[chTest]
} else if chTest < 0xffff && len(b.negativeUnicode) > 0 {
unicodeLookup = b.negativeUnicode[chTest>>8]
if len(unicodeLookup) > 0 {
test2 = (match - startmatch) + unicodeLookup[chTest&0xFF]
} else {
test += advance
} else {
test += advance
if b.rightToLeft {
if test2 < advance {
advance = test2
} else if test2 > advance {
advance = test2
test += advance
// When a regex is anchored, we can do a quick IsMatch test instead of a Scan
func (b *BmPrefix) IsMatch(text []rune, index, beglimit, endlimit int) bool {
if !b.rightToLeft {
if index < beglimit || endlimit-index < len(b.pattern) {
return false
return b.matchPattern(text, index)
} else {
if index > endlimit || index-beglimit < len(b.pattern) {
return false
return b.matchPattern(text, index-len(b.pattern))
func (b *BmPrefix) matchPattern(text []rune, index int) bool {
if len(text)-index < len(b.pattern) {
return false
if b.caseInsensitive {
for i := 0; i < len(b.pattern); i++ {
//Debug.Assert(textinfo.ToLower(_pattern[i]) == _pattern[i], "pattern should be converted to lower case in constructor!");
if unicode.ToLower(text[index+i]) != b.pattern[i] {
return false
return true
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(b.pattern); i++ {
if text[index+i] != b.pattern[i] {
return false
return true
type AnchorLoc int16
// where the regex can be pegged
const (
AnchorBeginning AnchorLoc = 0x0001
AnchorBol = 0x0002
AnchorStart = 0x0004
AnchorEol = 0x0008
AnchorEndZ = 0x0010
AnchorEnd = 0x0020
AnchorBoundary = 0x0040
AnchorECMABoundary = 0x0080
func getAnchors(tree *RegexTree) AnchorLoc {
var concatNode *regexNode
nextChild, result := 0, AnchorLoc(0)
curNode := tree.root
for {
switch curNode.t {
case ntConcatenate:
if len(curNode.children) > 0 {
concatNode = curNode
nextChild = 0
case ntGreedy, ntCapture:
curNode = curNode.children[0]
concatNode = nil
case ntBol, ntEol, ntBoundary, ntECMABoundary, ntBeginning,
ntStart, ntEndZ, ntEnd:
return result | anchorFromType(curNode.t)
case ntEmpty, ntRequire, ntPrevent:
return result
if concatNode == nil || nextChild >= len(concatNode.children) {
return result
curNode = concatNode.children[nextChild]
func anchorFromType(t nodeType) AnchorLoc {
switch t {
case ntBol:
return AnchorBol
case ntEol:
return AnchorEol
case ntBoundary:
return AnchorBoundary
case ntECMABoundary:
return AnchorECMABoundary
case ntBeginning:
return AnchorBeginning
case ntStart:
return AnchorStart
case ntEndZ:
return AnchorEndZ
case ntEnd:
return AnchorEnd
return 0
// anchorDescription returns a human-readable description of the anchors
func (anchors AnchorLoc) String() string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorBeginning) {
buf.WriteString(", Beginning")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorStart) {
buf.WriteString(", Start")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorBol) {
buf.WriteString(", Bol")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorBoundary) {
buf.WriteString(", Boundary")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorECMABoundary) {
buf.WriteString(", ECMABoundary")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorEol) {
buf.WriteString(", Eol")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorEnd) {
buf.WriteString(", End")
if 0 != (anchors & AnchorEndZ) {
buf.WriteString(", EndZ")
// trim off comma
if buf.Len() >= 2 {
return buf.String()[2:]
return "None"